Advanced tools
npm link
for bsb templatesbsc -warn-help
option (where @unboxed attribute may not be needed)#4211 #4210 optimize int64 performance, Int64.to_string (10x faster), Int64.neg etc
#4209 add a space after "acquire lock" in bsb error handling
#4208 #4206 let%private support
let %private x = 3
will not be exported
module N = struct
let %private x = 3
will not be exported by N
#4196 fix printing indexed operators
#4177 #4180 support [@@@bs.config {flags = [| ".." |] }]
per file level to allow file level special flags
#4158 #4157 #4166 #4168 loading stdlib from memory, no postinstall needed
#4152 support copyright style comments preserved in JS
[%%raw "//copyright ]
copyright will be preserved in output js
#4191 #4189 add a flag -bs-unsafe-empty-array for easy transition (regain polymorphism for empty array), this is a temporary flag which will be removed eventually
#4190 (internal) remove bsdep which is not used
#4188 better encoding around internals for performance and size
#4155 fix React PPX regressions from 7.1.0 which caused a type error when writing recursive components.
#4185 remove stale tasks.json in bsb themes for vscode, leave it for users to keep it up to date
#4159 #4161 #4182 improve the startup time, reducing both the size of cmi and cmj
#4179 (internal) remove bsppx, use "bsc.exe -as-ppx" for editor tooling
#4171 add a warning for using fun%raw
, use [%raw]
#4169 An escape hatch for function level comments
#4164 #4162 #4165 make code generation platform agnostic (not depending on printf either)
#4164 add Node.Buffer.toStringWithEncoding
#4150 Grab the hostname from window.location when conntecting to websocket for react-hooks theme
#4143 better compilation of optional arguments
#4142 fix yarn start command
#4140 docs: update README in basic reason template