Originally a port of debug to BuckleScript, but has since expanded a bit.
- Browser back-end has been implemented, Node.js back-end has not
- Formatting isn't properly supported yet
- Colors are always on
- Isn't quite as customizable (yet)
/* Reason */
/* creates a logger with the given namespace */
let debug = Debug.make("my:namespace");
/* debug.log* logs the message only if the namespace of the logger is enabled */
debug.log1("The red cow jumps over the lazy giraffe");
/* debug.error* will log the message regardless of whether the namespace is
enabled, format it as an error and include a stack trace */
try (...) {
| error => a.error2("Error occurred while doing stuff: ", error)
/* debug.fn* groups any log output during its execution, and logs the arguments
passed to and the value returned from the function */
let loggedParse = debug.fn1("JSON.parse", Js.Json.parseExn);
See examples for more.
npm install --save bs-rebug
Then add bs-rebug
to bs-dependencies
in your bsconfig.json
"bs-dependencies": ["bs-rebug"]