Advanced tools
Comparing version 0.11.5 to 0.11.6
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Java Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.contains(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `floor(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add codes of classes that don't need new.\n // Currently: Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong, Double, Int32, Number, regex, Date\n noNew = [112, 106, 104, 105, 2, 8, 200];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n // Double escape characters except for slashes\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `Pattern.compile(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${literal}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${literal})`;\n }\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # TODO\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if ((literal.charAt(0) === '0' && literal.charAt(1) === '0') ||\n (literal.charAt(0) === '0' && (literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O'))) {\n return `0${literal.substr(2, literal.length - 1)}`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n // TODO: figure out how to best do depth in an array and where to\n // insert and indent\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n // have an indent on every ', new Document' in an array not\n // entirely perfect, but at least makes this more readable/also\n // compiles\n const arr = literal.split(', new').join(`, ${indent}new`)\n\n return `Arrays.asList(${arr})`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonNull()';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonUndefined()';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n\n if (literal === '') {\n return `new Document()`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return 'new Document()';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n const start = `new Document(${doubleStringify(args[0][0])}, ${args[0][1]})`;\n\n args = args.slice(1);\n const result = args.reduce((str, pair) => {\n return `${str}${indent}.append(${doubleStringify(pair[0])}, ${pair[1]})`;\n }, start);\n\n return `${result}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeTemplate: &DoubleTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeArgsTemplate: &DoubleTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeTemplate: &LongTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Object Method templates\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toHexString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getData`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getDatabaseName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCollectionName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getId()`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(int) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(double) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateLeft';\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateRight';\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new Date(${lhs}.getTime())`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) != 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) > 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) >= 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) < 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) <= 0`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `(${code})` : `WithScope(${code}, ${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n return `(${type}, ${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_LEGACY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_STANDARD';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const dbstr = db === undefined ? '' : `${db}, `;\n return `(${dbstr}${coll}, ${id})`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_double' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Integer.parseInt(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1);\n }\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.parseLong(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('d') || arg.includes('L')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}L`;\n }\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MAX_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MIN_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0L';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1L';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1L';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Long.parseLong`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONTimestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Symbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonRegularExpression';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n return `(${doubleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + doubleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, str) => { // just stringify\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `.parse(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.parse`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(new java.util.Date(${arg}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId.isValid';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'java.util.Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = (d) => d;\n if (isString) {\n toStr = (d) => `new SimpleDateFormat(\"EEE MMMMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss\").format(${d})`;\n }\n if (date === null) {\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}()`);\n }\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}L)`);\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new java.util.Date().getTime()';\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Pattern';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate null\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.regex.Pattern;';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.Arrays;';\n }\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.Document;';\n }\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonNull;';\n }\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonUndefined;';\n }\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Code;';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.CodeWithScope;';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.ObjectId;';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Binary;';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import com.mongodb.DBRef;';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MinKey;';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MaxKey;';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonRegularExpression;';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp;';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Symbol;';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Decimal128;';\n }\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonBinarySubType;';\n }\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;';\n }\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i && f !== 'options'))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; | ||
module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Java Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.contains(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `floor(${s})`;\n case '**':\n return `pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add codes of classes that don't need new.\n // Currently: Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong, Double, Int32, Number, regex, Date\n noNew = [112, 106, 104, 105, 2, 8, 200];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n // Double escape characters except for slashes\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `Pattern.compile(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${literal}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${literal})`;\n }\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # TODO\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if ((literal.charAt(0) === '0' && literal.charAt(1) === '0') ||\n (literal.charAt(0) === '0' && (literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O'))) {\n return `0${literal.substr(2, literal.length - 1)}`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n // TODO: figure out how to best do depth in an array and where to\n // insert and indent\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n // have an indent on every ', new Document' in an array not\n // entirely perfect, but at least makes this more readable/also\n // compiles\n const arr = literal.split(', new').join(`, ${indent}new`)\n\n return `Arrays.asList(${arr})`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonNull()';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonUndefined()';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n\n if (literal === '') {\n return `new Document()`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return 'new Document()';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n const start = `new Document(${doubleStringify(args[0][0])}, ${args[0][1]})`;\n\n args = args.slice(1);\n const result = args.reduce((str, pair) => {\n return `${str}${indent}.append(${doubleStringify(pair[0])}, ${pair[1]})`;\n }, start);\n\n return `${result}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeTemplate: &DoubleTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeArgsTemplate: &DoubleTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeTemplate: &LongTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Object Method templates\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toHexString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getData`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getDatabaseName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCollectionName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getId()`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(int) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(double) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateLeft';\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateRight';\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new java.util.Date(${lhs}.getTime())`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) != 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) > 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) >= 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) < 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) <= 0`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `(${code})` : `WithScope(${code}, ${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n return `(${type}, ${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_LEGACY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_STANDARD';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const dbstr = db === undefined ? '' : `${db}, `;\n return `(${dbstr}${coll}, ${id})`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_double' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Integer.parseInt(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1);\n }\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.parseLong(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('d') || arg.includes('L')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}L`;\n }\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MAX_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MIN_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0L';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1L';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1L';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Long.parseLong`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONTimestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Symbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonRegularExpression';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n return `(${doubleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + doubleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, str) => { // just stringify\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `.parse(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.parse`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(new java.util.Date(${arg}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId.isValid';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'java.util.Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = (d) => d;\n if (isString) {\n toStr = (d) => `new SimpleDateFormat(\"EEE MMMMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss\").format(${d})`;\n }\n if (date === null) {\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}()`);\n }\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}L)`);\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new java.util.Date().getTime()';\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Pattern';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate null\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.regex.Pattern;';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.Arrays;';\n }\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.Document;';\n }\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonNull;';\n }\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonUndefined;';\n }\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Code;';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.CodeWithScope;';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.ObjectId;';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Binary;';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import com.mongodb.DBRef;';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MinKey;';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MaxKey;';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonRegularExpression;';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp;';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Symbol;';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Decimal128;';\n }\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonBinarySubType;';\n }\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;';\n }\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i && f !== 'options'))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Javascript Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '===';\n }\n return `${rhs}.indexOf(${lhs}) ${str} -1`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `Math.floor(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `Math.pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add classes that don't use \"new\" to array.\n // So far: [, Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong]\n noNew = [200.1, 112, 106];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `RegExp(${pattern}${flags ? ', ' + '\\'' + flags + '\\'': ''})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'undefined';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const pairs = => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.sub_type`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.db`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.namespace`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.oid`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate null\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate null\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toInt`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate null\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate null\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate null\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate null\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate null\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate null\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate null\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate null\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate null\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate null\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate null\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate null\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate null\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate null\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate null\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate null\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate null\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate null\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate null\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate null\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate null\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate null\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate null\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate null\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate null\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate null\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate null\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate null\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toNumber()`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new Date(${lhs}.getHighBits() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate null\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate null\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate null\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate null\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n code = code === undefined ? '\\'\\'' : code;\n scope = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n return `(${code}${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, buffer, subtype) => {\n return `(${buffer.toString('base64')}, '${subtype}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate null\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `Long.fromNumber(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate null\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n if (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') {\n return `.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `.fromString('${arg}')`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.createFromTime`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(${arg}.getTime() / 1000)`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.isValid`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Number';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const bson = [];\n const other = [];\n Object.keys(args).map(\n (m) => {\n if (m > 99 && m < 200) {\n bson.push(args[m]);\n } else {\n other.push(args[m]);\n }\n }\n );\n if (bson.length) {\n other.push(`const {\\n ${bson.join(',\\n ')}\\n} = require('mongo');`);\n }\n return other.join('\\n');\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'DBRef';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long';\n }\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MinKey';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MaxKey';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; | ||
module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Javascript Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '===';\n }\n return `${rhs}.indexOf(${lhs}) ${str} -1`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `Math.floor(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `Math.pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add classes that don't use \"new\" to array.\n // So far: [, Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong]\n noNew = [200.1, 112, 106];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `RegExp(${pattern}${flags ? ', ' + '\\'' + flags + '\\'': ''})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'undefined';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const pairs = => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.sub_type`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.db`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.namespace`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.oid`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate null\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate null\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toInt`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate null\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate null\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate null\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate null\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate null\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate null\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate null\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate null\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate null\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate null\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate null\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate null\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate null\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate null\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate null\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate null\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate null\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate null\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate null\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate null\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate null\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate null\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate null\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate null\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate null\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate null\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate null\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate null\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toNumber()`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new Date(${lhs}.getHighBits() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate null\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate null\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate null\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate null\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n code = code === undefined ? '\\'\\'' : code;\n scope = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n return `(${code}${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, buffer, subtype) => {\n return `(${buffer.toString('base64')}, '${subtype}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate null\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `Long.fromNumber(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate null\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n if (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') {\n return `.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `.fromString('${arg}')`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.createFromTime`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(${arg}.getTime() / 1000)`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.isValid`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Number';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const bson = [];\n const other = [];\n Object.keys(args).map(\n (m) => {\n if (m > 99 && m < 200) {\n bson.push(args[m]);\n } else {\n other.push(args[m]);\n }\n }\n );\n if (bson.length) {\n other.push(`const {\\n ${bson.join(',\\n ')}\\n} = require('bson');`);\n }\n return other.join('\\n');\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'DBRef';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long';\n }\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MinKey';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MaxKey';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Java Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.contains(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `floor(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add codes of classes that don't need new.\n // Currently: Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong, Double, Int32, Number, regex, Date\n noNew = [112, 106, 104, 105, 2, 8, 200];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n // Double escape characters except for slashes\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `Pattern.compile(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${literal}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${literal})`;\n }\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # TODO\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if ((literal.charAt(0) === '0' && literal.charAt(1) === '0') ||\n (literal.charAt(0) === '0' && (literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O'))) {\n return `0${literal.substr(2, literal.length - 1)}`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n // TODO: figure out how to best do depth in an array and where to\n // insert and indent\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n // have an indent on every ', new Document' in an array not\n // entirely perfect, but at least makes this more readable/also\n // compiles\n const arr = literal.split(', new').join(`, ${indent}new`)\n\n return `Arrays.asList(${arr})`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonNull()';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonUndefined()';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n\n if (literal === '') {\n return `new Document()`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return 'new Document()';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n const start = `new Document(${doubleStringify(args[0][0])}, ${args[0][1]})`;\n\n args = args.slice(1);\n const result = args.reduce((str, pair) => {\n return `${str}${indent}.append(${doubleStringify(pair[0])}, ${pair[1]})`;\n }, start);\n\n return `${result}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeTemplate: &DoubleTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeArgsTemplate: &DoubleTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeTemplate: &LongTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Object Method templates\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toHexString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getData`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getDatabaseName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCollectionName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getId()`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(int) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(double) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateLeft';\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateRight';\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new Date(${lhs}.getTime())`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) != 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) > 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) >= 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) < 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) <= 0`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `(${code})` : `WithScope(${code}, ${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n return `(${type}, ${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_LEGACY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_STANDARD';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const dbstr = db === undefined ? '' : `${db}, `;\n return `(${dbstr}${coll}, ${id})`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_double' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Integer.parseInt(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1);\n }\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.parseLong(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('d') || arg.includes('L')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}L`;\n }\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MAX_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MIN_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0L';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1L';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1L';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Long.parseLong`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONTimestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Symbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonRegularExpression';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n return `(${doubleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + doubleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, str) => { // just stringify\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `.parse(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.parse`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(new java.util.Date(${arg}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId.isValid';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'java.util.Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = (d) => d;\n if (isString) {\n toStr = (d) => `new SimpleDateFormat(\"EEE MMMMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss\").format(${d})`;\n }\n if (date === null) {\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}()`);\n }\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}L)`);\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new java.util.Date().getTime()';\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Pattern';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate null\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.regex.Pattern;';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.Arrays;';\n }\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.Document;';\n }\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonNull;';\n }\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonUndefined;';\n }\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Code;';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.CodeWithScope;';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.ObjectId;';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Binary;';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import com.mongodb.DBRef;';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MinKey;';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MaxKey;';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonRegularExpression;';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp;';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Symbol;';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Decimal128;';\n }\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonBinarySubType;';\n }\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;';\n }\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i && f !== 'options'))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; | ||
module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Java Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.contains(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `floor(${s})`;\n case '**':\n return `pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add codes of classes that don't need new.\n // Currently: Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong, Double, Int32, Number, regex, Date\n noNew = [112, 106, 104, 105, 2, 8, 200];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n // Double escape characters except for slashes\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `Pattern.compile(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${literal}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${literal})`;\n }\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # TODO\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if ((literal.charAt(0) === '0' && literal.charAt(1) === '0') ||\n (literal.charAt(0) === '0' && (literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O'))) {\n return `0${literal.substr(2, literal.length - 1)}`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n // TODO: figure out how to best do depth in an array and where to\n // insert and indent\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n // have an indent on every ', new Document' in an array not\n // entirely perfect, but at least makes this more readable/also\n // compiles\n const arr = literal.split(', new').join(`, ${indent}new`)\n\n return `Arrays.asList(${arr})`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonNull()';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonUndefined()';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n\n if (literal === '') {\n return `new Document()`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return 'new Document()';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n const start = `new Document(${doubleStringify(args[0][0])}, ${args[0][1]})`;\n\n args = args.slice(1);\n const result = args.reduce((str, pair) => {\n return `${str}${indent}.append(${doubleStringify(pair[0])}, ${pair[1]})`;\n }, start);\n\n return `${result}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeTemplate: &DoubleTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeArgsTemplate: &DoubleTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeTemplate: &LongTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Object Method templates\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toHexString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getData`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getDatabaseName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCollectionName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getId()`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(int) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(double) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateLeft';\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateRight';\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new java.util.Date(${lhs}.getTime())`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) != 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) > 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) >= 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) < 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) <= 0`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `(${code})` : `WithScope(${code}, ${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n return `(${type}, ${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_LEGACY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_STANDARD';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const dbstr = db === undefined ? '' : `${db}, `;\n return `(${dbstr}${coll}, ${id})`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_double' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Integer.parseInt(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1);\n }\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.parseLong(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('d') || arg.includes('L')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}L`;\n }\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MAX_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MIN_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0L';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1L';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1L';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Long.parseLong`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONTimestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Symbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonRegularExpression';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n return `(${doubleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + doubleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, str) => { // just stringify\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `.parse(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.parse`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(new java.util.Date(${arg}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId.isValid';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'java.util.Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = (d) => d;\n if (isString) {\n toStr = (d) => `new SimpleDateFormat(\"EEE MMMMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss\").format(${d})`;\n }\n if (date === null) {\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}()`);\n }\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}L)`);\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new java.util.Date().getTime()';\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Pattern';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate null\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.regex.Pattern;';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.Arrays;';\n }\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.Document;';\n }\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonNull;';\n }\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonUndefined;';\n }\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Code;';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.CodeWithScope;';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.ObjectId;';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Binary;';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import com.mongodb.DBRef;';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MinKey;';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MaxKey;';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonRegularExpression;';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp;';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Symbol;';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Decimal128;';\n }\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonBinarySubType;';\n }\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;';\n }\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i && f !== 'options'))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Javascript Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '===';\n }\n return `${rhs}.indexOf(${lhs}) ${str} -1`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `Math.floor(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `Math.pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add classes that don't use \"new\" to array.\n // So far: [, Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong]\n noNew = [200.1, 112, 106];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `RegExp(${pattern}${flags ? ', ' + '\\'' + flags + '\\'': ''})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'undefined';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const pairs = => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.sub_type`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.db`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.namespace`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.oid`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate null\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate null\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toInt`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate null\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate null\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate null\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate null\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate null\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate null\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate null\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate null\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate null\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate null\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate null\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate null\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate null\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate null\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate null\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate null\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate null\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate null\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate null\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate null\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate null\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate null\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate null\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate null\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate null\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate null\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate null\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate null\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toNumber()`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new Date(${lhs}.getHighBits() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate null\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate null\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate null\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate null\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n code = code === undefined ? '\\'\\'' : code;\n scope = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n return `(${code}${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, buffer, subtype) => {\n return `(${buffer.toString('base64')}, '${subtype}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate null\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `Long.fromNumber(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate null\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n if (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') {\n return `.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `.fromString('${arg}')`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.createFromTime`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(${arg}.getTime() / 1000)`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.isValid`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Number';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const bson = [];\n const other = [];\n Object.keys(args).map(\n (m) => {\n if (m > 99 && m < 200) {\n bson.push(args[m]);\n } else {\n other.push(args[m]);\n }\n }\n );\n if (bson.length) {\n other.push(`const {\\n ${bson.join(',\\n ')}\\n} = require('mongo');`);\n }\n return other.join('\\n');\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'DBRef';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long';\n }\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MinKey';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MaxKey';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; | ||
module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Javascript Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '===';\n }\n return `${rhs}.indexOf(${lhs}) ${str} -1`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `Math.floor(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `Math.pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add classes that don't use \"new\" to array.\n // So far: [, Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong]\n noNew = [200.1, 112, 106];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `RegExp(${pattern}${flags ? ', ' + '\\'' + flags + '\\'': ''})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'undefined';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const pairs = => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.sub_type`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.db`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.namespace`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.oid`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate null\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate null\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toInt`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate null\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate null\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate null\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate null\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate null\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate null\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate null\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate null\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate null\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate null\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate null\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate null\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate null\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate null\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate null\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate null\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate null\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate null\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate null\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate null\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate null\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate null\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate null\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate null\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate null\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate null\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate null\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate null\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toNumber()`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new Date(${lhs}.getHighBits() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate null\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate null\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate null\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate null\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n code = code === undefined ? '\\'\\'' : code;\n scope = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n return `(${code}${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, buffer, subtype) => {\n return `(${buffer.toString('base64')}, '${subtype}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate null\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `Long.fromNumber(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate null\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n if (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') {\n return `.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `.fromString('${arg}')`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.createFromTime`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(${arg}.getTime() / 1000)`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.isValid`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Number';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const bson = [];\n const other = [];\n Object.keys(args).map(\n (m) => {\n if (m > 99 && m < 200) {\n bson.push(args[m]);\n } else {\n other.push(args[m]);\n }\n }\n );\n if (bson.length) {\n other.push(`const {\\n ${bson.join(',\\n ')}\\n} = require('bson');`);\n }\n return other.join('\\n');\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'DBRef';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long';\n }\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MinKey';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MaxKey';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Python Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'a'\n y: ''\n g: 's'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = 'in';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = 'not in';\n }\n return `${lhs} ${str} ${rhs}`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' and ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' or ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `not ${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} // ${rhs}`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\(?!\\/)/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `re.compile(r\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n return `${str.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${str.slice(1)}`;\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0o${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'None';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'None';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n const pairs = => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.generation_time`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `len(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.subtype`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.database`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.collection`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.id`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `int(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `float(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `float(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.time`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.time`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inc`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate null\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.as_datetime()';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs}.as_datetime() - `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}.as_datetime()).total_seconds()`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Single quote stringify\n const scopestr = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `(${code}${scopestr})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(b${bytes})`;\n }\n return `(b${bytes}, ${type})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.BINARY_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.FUNCTION_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.BINARY_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.UUID_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.MD5_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.USER_DEFINED_SUBTYPE';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'float';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate null\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'int';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `('${newStr}')`;\n } else {\n return `(${newStr})`;\n }\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'sys.maxsize';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-sys.maxsize -1';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(0)';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(1)';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(-1)';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int(${arg}))`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Regex';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.from_datetime`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(datetime.fromtimestamp(${arg}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.is_valid`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `float('${newStr}')`;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'datetime';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n const toStr = isString ? '.strftime(\\'%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z\\')' : '';\n\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}.utcnow()${toStr}`;\n }\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds()\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}(${dateStr}, tzinfo=timezone.utc)${toStr}`;\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'datetime.utcnow';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 're';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const bson = [];\n const other = [];\n Object.keys(args).map(\n (m) => {\n if (m > 99 && m < 200) {\n bson.push(args[m]);\n } else {\n other.push(args[m]);\n }\n }\n );\n if (bson.length) {\n other.push(`from bson import ${bson.join(', ')}`);\n }\n return other.join('\\n');\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import re';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'DBRef';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MinKey';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MaxKey';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Regex';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'from datetime import datetime, tzinfo';\n }\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; | ||
module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Python Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'a'\n y: ''\n g: 's'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = 'in';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = 'not in';\n }\n return `${lhs} ${str} ${rhs}`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' and ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' or ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `not ${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} // ${rhs}`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\(?!\\/)/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `re.compile(r\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n return `${str.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${str.slice(1)}`;\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0o${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'None';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'None';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n const pairs = => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.generation_time`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `len(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.subtype`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.database`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.collection`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.id`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `int(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `float(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `float(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.time`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.time`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inc`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate null\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.as_datetime()';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs}.as_datetime() - `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}.as_datetime()).total_seconds()`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Single quote stringify\n const scopestr = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `(${code}${scopestr})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(b${bytes})`;\n }\n return `(b${bytes}, ${type})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.BINARY_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.FUNCTION_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.BINARY_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.UUID_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.MD5_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.USER_DEFINED_SUBTYPE';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'float';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate null\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'int';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `('${newStr}')`;\n } else {\n return `(${newStr})`;\n }\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'sys.maxsize';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-sys.maxsize -1';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(0)';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(1)';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(-1)';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int(${arg}))`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Regex';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.from_datetime`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(datetime.fromtimestamp(${arg}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.is_valid`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `float('${newStr}')`;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'datetime';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n const toStr = isString ? '.strftime(\\'%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z\\')' : '';\n\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}.utcnow()${toStr}`;\n }\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds()\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}(${dateStr}, tzinfo=timezone.utc)${toStr}`;\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'datetime.utcnow';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 're';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const bson = [];\n const other = [];\n Object.keys(args).map(\n (m) => {\n if (m > 99 && m < 200) {\n bson.push(args[m]);\n } else {\n other.push(args[m]);\n }\n }\n );\n if (bson.length) {\n other.push(`from bson import ${bson.join(', ')}`);\n }\n return other.join('\\n');\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import re';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'DBRef';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MinKey';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MaxKey';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Regex';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'from datetime import datetime, tzinfo, timezone';\n }\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; |
#!/usr/bin/env node | ||
const fs = require('fs'); | ||
const parse = require('fast-json-parse'); | ||
const yaml = require('js-yaml'); | ||
const path = require('path'); | ||
const pSuccess = path.join(__dirname, 'test', 'json', 'success'); | ||
const testpath = path.join(__dirname, 'test', 'yaml'); | ||
const { singleQuoteStringify, doubleQuoteStringify } = require('./helper/format'); | ||
const imports = {python: '', java: '', csharp: '', javascript: ''}; // TODO | ||
if (process.argv.length !== 3) { | ||
console.log('Usage: <outputLanguage>'); | ||
console.log('Usage: <outputLanguage> | pbcopy (or > testfile)'); | ||
process.exit(); | ||
@@ -20,4 +19,22 @@ } | ||
const readYAML = (filename) => { | ||
let parseResult; | ||
try { | ||
parseResult = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(filename)); | ||
} catch (err) { | ||
err.message = `${filename}: ${err.message}`; | ||
throw err; | ||
} | ||
return parseResult; | ||
}; | ||
const getAllImports = () => { | ||
const importtests = readYAML(path.join(testpath, 'imports.yaml')); | ||
return importtests.tests.every[0].output[output]; | ||
}; | ||
const imports = getAllImports(); | ||
const javaFileTemplate = (code) => { | ||
return `${} | ||
return `${imports} | ||
@@ -51,3 +68,3 @@ public class Test { | ||
const pythonFileTemplate = (code) => { | ||
return `${imports.python} | ||
return `${imports} | ||
x = { | ||
@@ -69,3 +86,3 @@ ${code} | ||
const csharpFileTemplate = (code) => { | ||
return `${imports.csharp} | ||
return `${imports} | ||
namespace csharp_test | ||
@@ -94,3 +111,3 @@ { | ||
const jsFileTemplate = (code) => { | ||
return `${imports.javascript} | ||
return `${imports} | ||
x = { | ||
@@ -133,37 +150,46 @@ ${code} | ||
const readJSON = (filename) => { | ||
const parseResult = parse(fs.readFileSync(filename)); | ||
if (parseResult.err) { | ||
throw new Error(parseResult.err.message); | ||
} | ||
return parseResult.value; | ||
}; | ||
const makeFile = (input) => { | ||
return templates[output].file(fs.readdirSync(path.join(pSuccess, input)).reduce( | ||
const makeFile = (side) => { | ||
return templates[output].file(fs.readdirSync(testpath).reduce( | ||
(str0, file) => { | ||
const tests = readJSON(path.join(pSuccess, input, file)).tests; | ||
return str0 + Object.keys(tests).reduce( | ||
(str, key) => { | ||
return str + templates[output].doc(file.replace(/-/g, '').slice(0, -5) + key, tests[key].reduce( | ||
(str2, test) => { | ||
return str2 + templates[output].line(test.description, test[output]); | ||
}, '')); | ||
}, ''); | ||
if (!file.startsWith('error') && !file.startsWith('edge') && !file.startsWith('imports') && !file.startsWith('partial') && !file.startsWith('builders')) { | ||
const tests = readYAML(path.join(testpath, file)).tests; | ||
return str0 + Object.keys(tests).reduce( | ||
(str, key) => { | ||
let name = file.slice(0, -5) + key; | ||
name = name.replace(/\/|-|\s/g, ''); | ||
return str + templates[output].doc(name, tests[key].reduce( | ||
(str2, test) => { | ||
if (output in test[side] && test[side][output] !== '') { | ||
const desc = 'description' in test ? test.description : 'x'; | ||
const line = templates[output].line(desc, test[side][output]); | ||
return str2 + line; | ||
} | ||
return str2; | ||
}, '')); | ||
}, ''); | ||
} | ||
return str0; | ||
}, '')); | ||
}; | ||
const makeList = (input) => { | ||
return fs.readdirSync(path.join(pSuccess, input)).reduce( | ||
const makeList = (side) => { | ||
return fs.readdirSync(testpath).reduce( | ||
(str0, file) => { | ||
const tests = readJSON(path.join(pSuccess, input, file)).tests; | ||
return str0 + Object.keys(tests).reduce( | ||
(str, key) => { | ||
return str + tests[key].reduce( | ||
(str2, test) => { | ||
return str2 + test[output] + '\n'; | ||
}, ''); | ||
}, ''); | ||
if (!file.startsWith('error') && !file.startsWith('edge')) { | ||
const tests = readYAML(path.join(testpath, file)).tests; | ||
return str0 + Object.keys(tests).reduce( | ||
(str, key) => { | ||
return str + tests[key].reduce( | ||
(str2, test) => { | ||
if (output in test[side]) { | ||
const line = test[side][output]; | ||
return str2 + line + '\n'; | ||
} | ||
return str2; | ||
}, ''); | ||
}, ''); | ||
} | ||
return str0; | ||
}, ''); | ||
}; | ||
console.log(makeList('python')); | ||
console.log(makeFile('output')); |
{ | ||
"name": "bson-transpilers", | ||
"version": "0.11.5", | ||
"version": "0.11.6", | ||
"apiVersion": "0.0.1", | ||
@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "productName": "BSON Transpilers", |
Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display
Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display
License Policy Violation
LicenseThis package is not allowed per your license policy. Review the package's license to ensure compliance.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
License Policy Violation
LicenseThis package is not allowed per your license policy. Review the package's license to ensure compliance.
Found 1 instance in 1 package