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build-control - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0 to 1.0.1


exports.printMsg = function () {
console.log("This is a message from the demo package");
* grunt-build-control
* Copyright (c) 2013 Rob Wierzbowski
* Licensed under the MIT license.
'use strict';
exports.buildDeploy = function () {
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var shelljs = require('shelljs');
var url = require('url');
var semver = require('semver');
var done = this.async();
var gruntDir = shelljs.pwd();
var remoteName = null;
var options = this.options({
branch: 'dist',
dir: 'dist',
remote: '../',
remoteBranch: '',
login: '',
token: '',
commit: false,
tag: false,
push: false,
force: false,
message: 'Built %sourceName% from commit %sourceCommit% on branch %sourceBranch%',
connectCommits: true,
fetchProgress: true,
shallowFetch: false,
config: {},
// elastic beanstalk
ebDeploy: false,
ebEnvironmentName: '',
ebOptions: {}
var tokens = {
branch: '(unavailable)',
commit: '(unavailable)',
name: '(unavailable)'
var depth = options.shallowFetch ? '--depth=1 ' : '';
var progress = options.fetchProgress ? '--progress --verbose ' : '';
var localBranchExists;
var remoteBranchExists;
// Build remote if sensitive information is passed in
if (options.login && options.token) {
var remote = url.parse(options.remote);
options.remote = url.format({
protocol: remote.protocol,
auth: options.login + ':' + options.token,
pathname: remote.pathname
function maskSensitive(str) {
if (!options.token) return str;
return str
.replace(options.login + ':' + options.token, '<CREDENTIALS>', 'gm')
.replace(options.token, '<TOKEN>', 'gmi');
var log = {}; = {};
log.subhead = function(msg) {grunt.log.subhead(maskSensitive(msg));};
log.write = function(msg) {grunt.log.write(maskSensitive(msg));}; = function(msg) {;};
// Wraps shellJs calls that act on the file structure to give better Grunt
// output and error handling
// Args:
// - command: the shell command
// - verbose: show output on the cli after execution, defaults to true
// - stream: stream the command, defaults to false
function execWrap(command, verbose, stream) {
verbose = typeof verbose === 'undefined' ? true : verbose;
stream = typeof stream === 'undefined' ? false: stream;
if (stream) {
verbose = false;
if (options.login && options.token) {
stream = false;
var shellResult = shelljs.exec(command, {silent: (!stream)});
if (shellResult.code === 0) {
if (verbose) {
else {
throw maskSensitive(shellResult.output);
// Check requirements
function checkRequirements () {
// Check if git version meets requirements
var gitVersion = (shelljs.exec('git --version', {silent: true}).output.match(/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) || []).shift();
if (!gitVersion ||, '1.8.0')) {
throw('Current Git version is ' + gitVersion + '. This plugin requires Git >= 1.8.0.');
// Check that build directory exists
if (!fs.existsSync(options.dir)) {
throw('Build directory "' + options.dir + '" doesn\'t exist. Nothing to version.');
// Check that build directory conteins files
if (fs.readdirSync(options.dir).length === 0) {
throw('Build directory "' + options.dir + '" is empty. Nothing to version.');
// If connectCommits is true check that the main project's working
// directory is clean
if (options.connectCommits) {
var gitDiffOutput = shelljs.exec('git diff').output;
if (gitDiffOutput !== '') {
throw ('There are uncommitted changes in your working directory. \n' +
'Please commit changes to the main project before you commit to \n' +
'the built code.\n');
if (options.shallowFetch &&, '1.9.0')) {
throw('Current Git version is ' + gitVersion + '. Option "shallowFetch" is supported on Git >= 1.9.0.');
// Assign %token% values if available
function assignTokens () {
var sourceBranch = shelljs.exec('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', {silent: true});
var sourceCommit = shelljs.exec('git rev-parse --short HEAD', {silent: true});
if (sourceBranch.code === 0) {
tokens.branch = sourceBranch.output.replace(/\n/g, '');
if (sourceCommit.code === 0) {
tokens.commit = sourceCommit.output.replace(/\n/g, '');
if (shelljs.test('-f', 'package.json', {silent: true})) { = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('package.json', 'utf8')).name;
else { = process.cwd().split('/').pop();
function verifyRepoBranchIsTracked() {
// attempt to track a branch from origin
// it may fail on times that the branch is already tracking another
// remote. There is no problem when that happens, nor does it have any affect
shelljs.exec('git branch --track ' + options.branch + ' origin/' + options.branch, {silent: true});
// Initialize git repo if one doesn't exist
function initGit () {
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(gruntDir, options.dir, '.git'))) {
log.subhead('Creating git repository in "' + options.dir + '".');
execWrap('git init');
// Initialize the git config
function initConfig() {
for (var key in options.config) {
execWrap('git config "' + key + '" "' + options.config[key] + '"');
// Create a named remote if one doesn't exist
function initRemote () {
remoteName = "remote-" + crypto.createHash('md5').update(options.remote).digest('hex').substring(0, 6);
if (shelljs.exec('git remote', {silent: true}).output.indexOf(remoteName) === -1) {
log.subhead('Creating remote.');
execWrap('git remote add ' + remoteName + ' ' + options.remote);
// Check if local branch can safely merge upstream (requires fetched refs)
function shouldUpdate() {
// Make sure you understand what this does.
// With force, we're not even going to attempt to check out
// We're just going to push the repo and override EVERYTHING in the remote
if (options.force === true) return false;
var status = shelljs.exec('git status -sb --porcelain', {silent: true});
var ahead = false;
var behind = false;
if (status.code === 0) {
ahead = status.output.indexOf('ahead') === -1 ? false : true;
behind = status.output.indexOf('behind') === -1 ? false : true;
if (ahead && behind) {
throw('The remote and local branches have diverged; please\n' +
'resolve manually. Deleting the local **built code**\n' +
'.git directory will usually fix things up.');
else if (ahead) {
return false;
else if (behind) {
return true;
// Fetch remote refs to a specific branch, equivalent to a pull without
// checkout
function gitFetch (dest) {
var branch = (options.remoteBranch || options.branch) + (dest ? ':' + options.branch : '');
log.subhead('Fetching "' + options.branch + '" ' + (options.shallowFetch ? 'files' : 'history') + ' from ' + options.remote + '.');
// `--update-head-ok` allows fetch on a branch with uncommited changes
execWrap('git fetch --update-head-ok ' + progress + depth + remoteName + ' ' + branch, false, true);
// Make the current working tree the branch HEAD without checking out files
function safeCheckout () {
execWrap('git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/' + options.branch);
// Make sure the stage is clean
function gitReset () {
execWrap('git reset', false);
// Set branch to track remote
function gitTrack () {
var remoteBranch = options.remoteBranch || options.branch;
if (shelljs.exec('git config branch.' + options.branch + '.remote', {silent: true}).output.replace(/\n/g, '') !== remoteName) {
execWrap('git branch --set-upstream-to=' + remoteName + '/' + remoteBranch + ' ' + options.branch);
// Stage and commit to a branch
function gitCommit () {
var message = options.message
.replace(/%sourceCommit%/g, tokens.commit)
.replace(/%sourceBranch%/g, tokens.branch);
// If there are no changes, skip commit
if (shelljs.exec('git status --porcelain', {silent: true}).output === '') {
log.subhead('No changes to your branch. Skipping commit.');
log.subhead('Committing changes to "' + options.branch + '".');
execWrap('git add -A .');
// generate commit message
var commitFile = 'commitFile-' + crypto.createHash('md5').update(message).digest('hex').substring(0, 6);
fs.writeFileSync(commitFile, message);
execWrap('git commit --file=' + commitFile);
// Tag local branch
function gitTag () {
// If the tag exists, skip tagging
if (shelljs.exec('git ls-remote --tags --exit-code ' + remoteName + ' ' + options.tag, {silent: true}).code === 0) {
log.subhead('The tag "' + options.tag + '" already exists on remote. Skipping tagging.');
log.subhead('Tagging the local repository with ' + options.tag);
execWrap('git tag ' + options.tag);
// Push branch to remote
function gitPush () {
var branch = options.branch;
var withForce = options.force ? ' --force ' : '';
if (options.remoteBranch) branch += ':' + options.remoteBranch;
log.subhead('Pushing ' + options.branch + ' to ' + options.remote + withForce);
execWrap('git push ' + withForce + remoteName + ' ' + branch, false, true);
if (options.tag) {
execWrap('git push ' + remoteName + ' ' + options.tag);
function ebExists() {
log.subhead('Checking for an existing Elastic Beanstalk configs');
var ebConfigFilePath = '.elasticbeanstalk/config.yml';
var ebConfigExists = fs.existsSync(ebConfigFilePath);
if (ebConfigExists) {
log.subhead('Elastic Beanstalk config found');
else {
throw('Elastic Beanstalk config not found at "' + ebConfigFilePath + '", running `eb config` might be required.');
return ebConfigExists;
function ebDeploy() {
log.subhead('Deploying to Elastic Beanstalk');
var ebOptionsString = '';
for (var key in options.ebOptions) {
ebOptionsString += ' ' + key + ' ' + options.ebOptions[key];
execWrap('eb deploy ' + config.ebEnvironmentName + ' ' + ebOptionsString);
// Run task
try {
// Prepare
if (options.remote === '../') verifyRepoBranchIsTracked();
// Change working directory;
// Set up repository
remoteName = options.remote;
// Regex to test for remote url
var remoteUrlRegex = new RegExp('[\/\\:]');
if(remoteUrlRegex.test(remoteName)) {
// Set up local branch
localBranchExists = shelljs.exec('git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/' + options.branch, {silent: true}).code === 0;
remoteBranchExists = shelljs.exec('git ls-remote --exit-code ' + remoteName + ' ' + (options.remoteBranch || options.branch), {silent: true}).code === 0;
if (remoteBranchExists) {
if (remoteBranchExists && localBranchExists) {
// Make sure local is tracking remote
// Update local branch history if necessary
if (shouldUpdate()) {
else if (remoteBranchExists && !localBranchExists) { //// TEST THIS ONE
// Create local branch that tracks remote
execWrap('git branch --track ' + options.branch + ' ' + remoteName + '/' + (options.remoteBranch || options.branch));
else if (!remoteBranchExists && !localBranchExists) {
// Create local branch
log.subhead('Creating branch "' + options.branch + '".');
execWrap('git checkout --orphan ' + options.branch);
// Perform actions
if (options.commit) {
if (options.tag) {
if (options.push) {
if (options.ebDeploy && ebExists()) {
catch (e) {;
finally {
// Revert working directory;


"name": "build-control",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.0.1",
"description": "For deploying built projects to github ",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

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