zero config bundler for JavaScript/TypeScript/JSX library
Bunchee can help you to bundle your library into one file with zero configuration. It's built on top of rollup and babel.
Let you focus on writing code and can generate multiple types of module (commonjs, esmodule) at the same time.
npm install --save-dev bunchee
Declare your main field and module field in package.json, then call bunchee cli in build scripts. If you're using typescript, types will be generated automatically based on your package.json field typings
or types
"main": "dist/pkg.cjs.js",
"module": "dist/pkg.esm.js",
"scripts": {
"build": "bunchee ./src/index.js"
"types": "dist/types/index.d.ts"
Usage: bunchee [options]
-v, --version output the version number
-w, --watch watch src files changes
-m, --minify compress output. false by default
-o, --output <file> specify output filename
-f, --format <format> specify bundle type. esm, cjs, umd. "esm" by default
-h, --help output usage information
--no-sourcemap disable sourcemap generation, sourcemap generation is enabled by default
--cwd <cwd> specify current working directory
$ bunchee ./src/index.js # if you set main fields in package.json
$ bunchee ./src/index.ts -o ./dist/bundle.js # specify the dist file path
Example Scripts
cd <project-root-dir>
bunchee ./src/index.js -f cjs -o ./dist/bundle.js
bunchee ./src/index.js -f esm -o ./dist/bundle.esm.js
Using Typescript
This library requires at least TypeScript 3.7.