To install:
npm install -g burn-it
usage: bin/burn <command> <image_name> [command-args] [options]
it <name>[@<version>] [components..] create a new image
ls <name>[@<version>] list all images by the name
ls list all images available
rm <name>[@<version>] delete image(s)
run <name>[@<version>] launch instances using the image
config ls list all user options
config <key> get user option
config <key> <value> set the user option
config rm <key> delete user option
-r, --region AWS region name
-s, --subnet-id Subnet ID
-p, --vpc-id VPC ID
-e, --env-vars Environment variable key-value pairs separated by
command (example: "key1=val1,key2=val2")
-b, --base-image Base image name and optional version (e.g.
"my_base_image", "my_base_image@1.2.3")
-B, --base-image-id Base image AMI ID
-d, --debug Debug mode
-k, --key-pair Key pair name
-g, --security-groups List of security group IDs separated by comma
-t, --instance-type Instance type
-u, --user-data User data (BASE64 encoded)
-U, --user-data-file User data file (contents must NOT be BASE64 encoded)
-i, --iam-role IAM profile name
-x, --exclude-instances Whether to exclude the instances or not
-c, --instance-count The number of instances
-a, --access-key AWS access key
-A, --secret-key AWS secret key
-T, --tags Tag key-value pairs separated by command (example:
-D, --disk-size EBS volume size in GiB
--version Show version number
burn it my_app_image Create an image with name of "my_app_image"
and version of "1.0.0".
burn it my_app_image@2.3.4 Create an image with name of "my_app_image"
and version of "2.3.4".
burn run my_app_image 4 Create 4 instances using the image with name
of "my_app_image".
burn ls my_app_image List all images with name of "my_app_image"
and their instances.
burn ls my_app_image@1.x List all images with name of "my_app_image"
and version of "1.x" and their instances.
burn rm my_app_image@1.x Delete all images with name of "my_app_image"
and version of "1.x" and their instances.
burn config key-pair my-key Set default value of "key-pair" to "my-key"