What is cache-manager-redis-store?
The cache-manager-redis-store npm package is a Redis store for the cache-manager module. It allows you to use Redis as a caching backend for your Node.js applications, providing a simple and efficient way to cache data and improve performance.
What are cache-manager-redis-store's main functionalities?
Basic Setup
This code demonstrates how to set up a basic cache using cache-manager-redis-store. It initializes a cache with Redis as the backend, specifying the host, port, and time-to-live (TTL) for cached items.
const cacheManager = require('cache-manager');
const redisStore = require('cache-manager-redis-store');
const cache = cacheManager.caching({
store: redisStore,
host: 'localhost', // default value
port: 6379, // default value
ttl: 600 // time to live in seconds
Set and Get Cache
This code demonstrates how to set a value in the cache and then retrieve it. The value 'bar' is stored with the key 'foo' and a TTL of 10 seconds. The value is then retrieved and logged to the console.
cache.set('foo', 'bar', { ttl: 10 }, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
cache.get('foo', (err, result) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(result); // 'bar'
Wrap Function
This code demonstrates how to use the wrap function to cache the result of a long-running operation. The wrap function checks if the value is already in the cache; if not, it executes the provided function, caches the result, and returns it.
cache.wrap('foo', (cb) => {
// Simulate a long-running operation
setTimeout(() => {
cb(null, 'bar');
}, 2000);
}, { ttl: 10 }, (err, result) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(result); // 'bar'
Del Cache
This code demonstrates how to delete a value from the cache. The value associated with the key 'foo' is removed from the cache.
cache.del('foo', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Cache for key foo deleted');
Other packages similar to cache-manager-redis-store
The 'redis' package is a low-level Redis client for Node.js. It provides a comprehensive set of features for interacting with a Redis server, but it does not include caching functionalities out of the box. It is more flexible and can be used for a wider range of Redis operations compared to cache-manager-redis-store.
The 'ioredis' package is another popular Redis client for Node.js. It supports advanced Redis features like clustering and sentinel. Similar to the 'redis' package, it does not provide built-in caching functionalities but offers a robust and feature-rich interface for interacting with Redis.
The 'node-cache' package is an in-memory caching solution for Node.js. It provides a simple API for caching data in memory, but it does not support Redis or other external storage backends. It is suitable for applications that require a lightweight, in-memory cache without the need for a distributed cache like Redis.
Redis store for node cache manager
Redis cache store for node-cache-manager.
How is this package different from node-cache-manager-redis
This is a completely different version than the earlier node-cache-manager-redis. This package does not use redis-pool
which is unnecessary and not actively maintained.
This package aims to provide the most simple wrapper possible by just passing the configuration to the underlying node_redis
npm install cache-manager-redis-store --save
yarn add cache-manager-redis-store
Usage Examples
See examples below on how to implement the Redis cache store.
Single store
var cacheManager = require('cache-manager');
var redisStore = require('cache-manager-redis-store');
var redisCache = cacheManager.caching({
store: redisStore,
host: 'localhost',
port: 6379,
auth_pass: 'XXXXX',
db: 0,
ttl: 600
var redisClient = redisCache.store.getClient();
redisClient.on('error', (error) => {
var ttl = 5;
redisCache.set('foo', 'bar', { ttl: ttl }, (err) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
redisCache.get('foo', (err, result) => {
redisCache.del('foo', (err) => {
function getUser(id, cb) {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Returning user from slow database.");
cb(null, { id: id, name: 'Bob' });
}, 100);
var userId = 123;
var key = `user_${userId}`;
redisCache.wrap(key, (cb) => {
getUser(userId, cb);
}, { ttl: ttl }, (err, user) => {
.wrap(key, () => getUser(userId))
.catch(err => {
var cacheManager = require('cache-manager');
var redisStore = require('cache-manager-redis-store');
var redisCache = cacheManager.caching({ store: redisStore, db: 0, ttl: 600 });
var memoryCache = cacheManager.caching({ store: 'memory', max: 100, ttl: 60 });
var multiCache = cacheManager.multiCaching([memoryCache, redisCache]);
var userId2 = 456;
var key2 = `user_${userId2}`;
multiCache.set('foo2', 'bar2', { ttl: ttl }, (err) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
multiCache.get('foo2', (err, result) => {
multiCache.wrap(key2, (cb) => {
getUser(userId2, cb);
}, (err, user) => {
multiCache.wrap(key2, (cb) => {
getUser(userId2, cb);
}, (err, user) => {
Want to help improve this package? We take pull requests.
The node-cache-manager-redis-store
is licensed under the MIT license.