_ Hey am shaw from Alpha02. Today i'll be teaching how to integrate calcu on and javascript work frame like:react.js,vue.js.e.t.c.
Firstly, let start with javascript.Most times coder finds it complex to get random numbers for a specific use like : id, number, alphabets.e.t.c. The reason for calcu is to solve the above problem.i.e. make your coding smooth,ability to access random numbers in different ways. _
In your javascript folder open your code editor/terminal and run this command
```npm init ```and leave the rest as default.After run this command to install calcu
```<isostream> npm i calcu```.
To use calcu in any javascript file,you need to require it.Here is an example:
var random = {id:calcu(5),ide:calcu2(5),calcu3(5),calcuD()}
.The following code import the following functions from calcu.Each function.e.g calcu - Gives random number in from of whole number,calcu2 - gives random numbers in form of strings, calcu3 - gives random numbers in form of alphabet and number as string and calcuD - gives a random numbers as date.This are all in string.
To use calcu in any React.js file,you need to import it.Here is an example:
import {calcu,calcu2,calcu3,calcuD} from "calcu";
const random = {id:calcu(5),ide:calcu2(5),calcu3(5),calcuD()};
.The following code import the following functions from calcu.Each function.e.g calcu - Gives random number in from of whole number,calcu2 - gives random numbers in form of strings , calcu3 - gives random numbers in form of alphabet and number as string and calcuD - gives a random numbers as date.This are all in string.Note that the 5 in all function is used to estimate the quantity of number needed - it is better to use the default settings.
For more information call:08165728539,,we are at your service.
Am shaw from alpha02