Campaign Monitor only provides API to manage webhook, so I made this simple CLI to make it easier to do this.
Install CLI first
npm i campaignmonitor-webook-cli -g
You will ask to input apikey at the first time, and can use campaignmonitor-webook-cli --type auth
to update token.
Support Behavior
Getting your clients
campaignmonitor-webook-cli -t get-client
Getting subscriber lists
campaignmonitor-webook-cli -t get-list clientID
List details
campaignmonitor-webook-cli -t show-list-info listID
List webhooks
campaignmonitor-webook-cli -t get-list-webhook listID
Create a webhook
campaignmonitor-webook-cli -t create-list-webhook listID Events(separate with ,) Url
Delete a webhook
campaignmonitor-webook-cli -t delete-list-webhook listID webhookID
Test a webhook
campaignmonitor-webook-cli -t delete-list-webhook listID webhookID