Common utilities for CanJS projects
dom {Object}
A collection of modules that operate on DOM.
can-util/dom/ajax/ajax function
- settings
Configuration options for the AJAX request.
The list of configuration options is the same as for jQuery.ajax.
- returns
A Promise that resolves to the data.
can-util/dom/child-nodes/child-nodes function
Get all of the childNodes of a given node.
var stache = require("can-stache");
var childNodes = require("can-util/child-nodes/child-nodes");
var html = "<div><h1><span></span></h1></div>";
var frag = stache(html)();
- node
The Node that you want child nodes for.
className {Object}
Allows querying and manipulation of classes on HTML elements
var className = require("can-util/dom/class-name/class-name");
var fooDiv = document.createElement("div");
className.add(fooDiv, "foo");
Object, cls)
Add a class name to a DOM node if it is not already there., "container");
- className
A string representing a single class name token, cls)
Determine wheter a DOM node has a given class name.
var isContainer =, "container");
- className
A string representing a single class name token
- returns
true if the element's class attribute contains the token, false otherwise., cls)
Remove a class name from a DOM node if it exists on the node, "container");
- className
A string representing a single class name token
data {Object}
Allows associating data as a key/value pair for a particular DOM Node.
var domData = require("can-util/dom/data/data");
returns {Number}
The value of the element's unique CID
Set a unique identifier for the dom node, using the
undefined property., key)
Remove data from an element previously added by set, "metadata");, key)
Get data that was stored in a DOM Node using the specified key
var metadata =, "metadata");
- key
A string used as a unique key for storing data associated with this DOM Node., key, value)
- name
the key to store the value under - value
the value to store under the key
Set data to be associated with a DOM Node using the specified key
. If data already exists for this key, it will be overwritten., "metadata", {
foo: "bar"
can-util/dom/dispatch/dispatch function, event, args, bubbles)
Dispatch an event on an element.
- event
An object specifies options applied to this event. - args
Arguments passed into this event. - bubbles
Specifies whether this event should bubble (by default it will).
can-util/dom/document/document function
- document
An optional document-like object
to set as the context's document
Optionally sets, and returns, the document object for the context.
var documentShim = { getElementById() {...} };
var domDocument = require("can-util/dom/data/data");
events {Object}
Allows you to listen to a domEvent and special domEvents.
var domEvents = require("can-util/dom/events/events");
attributes {events}
Adds a listenable "attributes" event to DOM nodes, which fires when
the node's attributes change.
delegateEvents {events}
Add delegate listeners to DOM events. Delegated listeners use a selector on an
ancestor element to determine when to fire the event for an item. This can help
cases where large numbers of similar DOM nodes are added into a DOM subtree, since
event handlers do not have to be attached to each new node.
inserted {events}
This event fires when nodes are added as descendants of the attached element
can-util/dom/events/make-mutation-event/make-mutation-event function
makeMutationEvent(specialEventNae, mutationNodesProperty)
- specialEventName
the event to handle as a mutation observer-based event - mutationNodesProperty
the property of interest in a DOM mutation
This function provides a simple interface to bind the DOM events interface to the mutation
observer interface, by firing an event when a matching mutation is generated by the client
removed {events}
This event fires when descendant elements of the bound element are detached
or destroyed.
can-util/dom/frag/frag function
Convert a String, HTMLElement, documentFragment, or contentArray into a documentFragment.
frag: function(item, doc)
item {String|HTMLElement|documentFragment|contentArray}
doc {Document}
an optional DOM document in which to build the fragment
mutate {Object}
Mutate an element by appending, inserting, and removing DOM nodes. Use this so that on the server "inserted" will be fired.
var mutate = require("can-util/dom/mutate/mutate");
var el = document.createElement("div");
el.addEventListener("inserted", function(){
console.log("Inserted was fired!");
});, el);
Object, child)
Used to append a node to an element and trigger the "inserted" event on all of the newly inserted children. Since mutated
takes an array we convert the child to an array, or in the case of a DocumentFragment we first convert the childNodes to an array and call inserted on those., ref, child)
Like mutate.appendChild, used to insert a node to an element before a reference node and then trigger the "inserted" event., child)
Like mutate.appendChild, used to insert a node to an element before a reference node and then trigger the "removed" event., child)
Like mutate.appendChild and mutate.removeChild, used to replace a node with another node and trigger "removed" on the removed element and "inserted" on the inserted elements.
js {Object}
Utilities for manipulating JavaScript data structures.
can-util/js/assign/assign function
assign(target, source)
A simplified version of Object.assign, which only accepts a single source argument.
var assign = require("can-util/js/assign/assign");
var obj = {};
assign(obj, {
foo: "bar"
- target
The destination object. This object's properties will be mutated based on the object provided as source
. - source
The source object whose own properties will be applied to target
- returns
Returns the target
can-util/js/base-url/base-url function
Get and/or set the "base" (containing path) of the document.
var baseUrl = require("can-util/js/base-url/base-url");
console.log(baseUrl(baseUrl() + "/foo/bar"));
- setUrl
An optional base url to override reading the base URL from the known path.
- returns
Returns the set or computed base URL
can-util/js/cid/cid function
cid(object, optionalObjectType)
Get a unique identifier for the object, optionally prefixed by a type name.
Once set, the unique identifier does not change, even if the type name
changes on subsequent calls.
var cid = require("can-util/js/cid/cid");
var x = {};
var y = {};
console.log(cid(x, "demo"));
console.log(cid(x, "prod"));
- object
The object to uniquely identify. - name
An optional type name with which to prefix the identifier
- returns
Returns the unique identifier
can-util/js/deep-assign/deep-assign function
deepAssign(target, [ ... sources ])
Assign properties from a source object to a target object, deeply copying properties that are objects or arrays.
var deepAssign = require("can-util/js/deep-assign/deep-assign");
var dest = deepAssign({}, {
obj: {
foo: "bar"
}, {
arr: [{ hello: "world" }]
- target
The target object who's properties will be assigned from the source objects. - source
Source objects from which properties will be assigned to the target
object. Sources will be copied deeply; meaning any object or array properties will be traversed and copied (like a clone).
can-util/js/deparam/deparam function
- params
a form-urlencoded string of key-value pairs
returns {Object}
The params formatted into an object
Takes a string of name value pairs and returns a Object literal that represents those params.
var deparam = require("can-util/js/deparam/deparam");
can-util/js/diff/diff function
diff(oldList, newList)
- oldList
the array to diff from - newList
the array to diff to
returns {Array}
a list of Patch objects representing the differences
Returns the difference between two ArrayLike objects (that have nonnegative
integer keys and the length
property) as an array of patch objects.
A patch object returned by this function has the following properties:
- index: the index of newList where the patch begins
- deleteCount: the number of items deleted from that index in newList
- insert: an Array of items newly inserted at that index in newList
var diff = require("can-util/js/diff/diff");
console.log(diff([1], [1, 2]));
console.log(diff([1, 2], [1]));
can-util/js/diff-object/diff-object function
diffObject(oldObject, newObject)
- oldObject
the object to diff from - newObject
the object to diff to
returns {Array}
an array of object-patch objects
Find the differences between two objects, based on properties and values
The object-patch object format has the following keys:
- property: the property key on the new object
- type: the type of operation on this property: add, remove, or set
- value: the new value (if type is "add" or "set")
var diffObject = require("can-util/js/diff-object/diff-object");
console.log(diffObject({a: 1, b: 2}, {b: 3, c: 4}));
[{property: "a", type: "remove"},
{property: "b", type: "set": value: 3},
{property: "c", type: "add", "value": 4}]
can-util/js/each/each function
each(elements, callback, context)
Loop over each element in an Array-Like data structure.
elements {Object|ArrayLike}
callback {function(element, key, elements)}
context {Object}
the context object
returns {ArrayLike}
the orignal array of elements
var each = require("can-util/js/each/each");
each([2,1,0], function(i) { console.log(this[i]); }, [4,5,6]);
can-util/js/global/global function
Returns the global that this environment provides. It will be one of:
- Browser:
- Web Worker:
- Node.js:
var GLOBAL = require("can-util/js/global/global");
var g = GLOBAL();
console.log(g === window);
- returns
The global object for this JavaScript environment.
can-util/js/import/import function
importModule(moduleName, parentName)
var importModule = require("can-util/js/import/import");
- moduleName
The module to be imported. - parentName
A parent module that will be used as a reference for resolving relative module imports.
- returns
A Promise that will resolve when the module has been imported.
can-util/js/is-array-like/is-array-like function
Determines if an object is "array like", meaning it can be looped over. Any object with a .length
property is array like.
var isArrayLike = require("can-util/js/is-array-like/is-array-like");
console.log(isArrayLike([{ foo: "bar" }]));
console.log(isArrayLike("some string"));
console.log(isArrayLike({ length: 11 }));
- obj
Any object type.
- returns
True, if the object is similar to an array.
can-util/js/is-browser-window/is-browser-window function
Returns true
if the code is running within a Browser window. Use this function if you need special code paths for when running in a Browser window, a Web Worker, or another environment (such as Node.js).
var isBrowserWindow = require("can-util/js/is-browser-window/is-browser-window");
var GLOBAL = require("can-util/js/global/global");
if(isBrowserWindow()) {
console.log(GLOBAL() === window);
- returns
True if the environment is a Browser window.
can-util/js/is-empty-object/is-empty-object function
Used to determine if an object is an empty object (an object with no enumerable properties) such as {}
var isEmptyObject = require("can-util/js/is-empty-object/is-empty-object");
console.log(isEmptyObject({ a: 1 }));
var obj = {};
Object.defineProperty(obj, "foo", {
enumerable: false,
value: "bar"
- obj
Any object.
- returns
True if the object is an object with no enumerable properties.
can-util/js/is-node/is-node function
Determines if your code is running in Node.js.
var isNode = require("can-util/js/is-node/is-node");
var GLOBAL = require("can-util/js/global/global");
if(isNode()) {
console.log(GLOBAL() === global);
- returns
True if running in Node.js
can-util/js/is-plain-object/is-plain-object function
Attempts to determine if an object is a plain object like those you would create using the curly braces syntax: {}
. The following are not plain objects:
- Objects with prototypes (created using the
keyword). - Booleans.
- Numbers.
- NaN.
var isPlainObject = require("can-util/js/is-plain-object/is-plain-object");
console.log(isPlainObject(new Object()));
var Ctr = function(){};
var obj = new Ctr();
- obj
can-util/js/is-promise/is-promise function
Determines if an object is a Promise.
var isPromise = require("can-util/js/is-promise/is-promise");
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve){
console.log(isPromise("foo bar"));
- obj
An object to be tested.
- returns
True if the object is a Promise.
can-util/js/is-string/is-string function
Determines if the provided argument is a string.
var isString = require("can-util/js/is-string/is-string");
- obj
An object to test if is a string.
- returns
True if the object is a string.
can-util/js/is-web-worker/is-web-worker function
Determines if the code is running with a Web Worker.
var isWebWorker = require("can-util/js/is-web-worker/is-web-worker");
var GLOBAL = require("can-util/js/global/global");
if(isWebWorker()) {
console.log(GLOBAL() === self);
- returns
True if running in a Web Worker.
can-util/js/join-uris/join-uris function
Join together a URI path to a base.
joinURIs(base, href)
Provides a convenient way to join together URIs handling relative paths.
var joinURIs = require("can-util/js/join-uris");
var base = "";
var href = "../../images/foo.png";
var res = joinURIs(base, href);
base {String}
href {String}
- returns
The result of joining the two parts.
can-util/js/make-array/make-array function
- arr
any array-like object
returns {Array}
a JavaScript array object with the same elements as the passed-in ArrayLike
makeArray takes any array-like object (can-list, NodeList, etc.) and converts it to a JavaScript array
can-util/js/param/param function
Serialize an object into a query string.
Serializes an object or array into a query string useful for making Ajax requests or the
browser. param
handles nested objects and arrays. It uses encodeURIComponent
escape values and keys.
param({a: "b", c: "d"})
param({a: ["X","Y"]})
- params
- returns
can-util/js/set-immediate/set-immediate module
cb {function}
Polyfill for setImmediate() if it doesn't exist in the global context
string {Object}
String utilities used by CanJS libraries
- content
a string
- returns
the string safely HTML-escaped
string.getObject(name, roots, add)
- name
a String of dot-separated keys, representing a path of properties - roots
the object to use as the root for property based navigation - add
if true, add the parts at each step as new objects
returns {*}
the value at the property path descending from roots
Return the result of descending the path name
through the properties of the object or objects
If roots
is an Array, each element of the array is evaluated, in order, until
the path is found in an element's properties (and properties-of-properties, etc.). Otherwise
is evaluated as the root object, returning either the object at the property path
descended from roots
or undefined
if any subpath is not found.
A path is a dot-delimited sequence of zero or more property names, such that "" means "the property
'bar' of the object at the property 'foo' of the root." An empty path returns the first object in roots
if it's an array, roots
itself otherwise.
If add
is true
and path
is not found in any roots, a matching path that resolves to an empty object
is added to the first object in roots
if roots
is an array, roots
itself otherwise.
var string = require("can-util/js/string/string");
console.log(string.getObject("a.b.c", {a: {b: {c: "foo"}}}));
console.log(string.getObject("a.b.c", {a: {}}));
console.log(string.getObject("a.b", [{a: {}}, {a: {b: "bar"}}]));
- s
the string to capitalize
returns {String}
the supplied string with the first character uppercased if it is a letter
var string = require("can-util/js/string/string");
- str
the string to camelCase
returns {String}
the supplied string with hyphens removed and following letters capitalized.
var string = require("can-util/js/string/string");
- str
a string in camelCase
returns {String}
the supplied string with camelCase converted to hyphen-lowercase digraphs
var string = require("can-util/js/string/string");
- str
a string in camelCase
returns {String}
the supplied string with camelCase converted to underscore-lowercase digraphs
var string = require("can-util/js/string/string");
string.sub(str, data, remove)
- str
a string with {curly brace} delimited property names - data
an object from which to read properties
returns {String|null}
the supplied string with delimited properties replaced with their values
if all properties exist on the object, null otherwise
If remove
is true, the properties found in delimiters in str
are removed from data
var string = require("can-util/js/string/string");
console.log(string.sub("foo_{bar}", {bar: "baz"}}));
console.log(string.sub("foo_{bar}", {}));
can-util/js/string-to-any/string-to-any function
Turns a string representation of a primitive type back into the associated primitive.
Examines the provided string to see if it can be converted to a primitive type. Supported arguments are:
- "true"
- "false"
- "null"
- "undefined"
- "NaN"
- "Infinity"
- Any Number
- Any String
- string
A string to convert back to its primitive type.
- returns
The primitive representation of the provided string.
Making a Build
To make a build of the distributables into dist/
in the cloned repository run
npm install
node build
Running the tests
Tests can run in the browser by opening a webserver and visiting the test.html
Automated tests that run the tests from the command line in Firefox can be run with
npm test