Advanced tools
0.23.1 - 2020-09-16
This release merits bumping the minor version, as it contains not only a couple fixes,
but some new behavior: editing a cell is starting by typing, instead of hitting Enter
first, bringing the behavior more in line with Excel and Google Sheets. It also allows
for filtering on blank/empty values in a column.
0.22.16 - 2020-07-25
This release is (also) of no substance, it was merely to get the CI system to publish to NPM.
0.22.15 - 2020-07-25
This release is of no substance, it was merely to get the CI system to publish to NPM.
0.22.14 - 2020-07-25
This release includes a bunch of changes and bugfixes collected of the span of a year, since version 0.22.12.