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capacitor-branch-deep-links - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.0.0 to 3.0.1

Branch Capacitor SDK change log
- 3.0.1
- Update Android SDK 5.0.7 and iOS SDK 1.39.2
- 3.0.0
- Update Branch Android SDK to 5.0.3

@@ -6,0 +8,0 @@ - Update and improve

@@ -42,4 +42,2 @@ var capacitorPlugin = (function (exports, core) {

Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
return exports;

@@ -46,0 +44,0 @@

"name": "capacitor-branch-deep-links",
"version": "3.0.0",
"version": "3.0.1",
"description": "Capacitor plugin for deep links",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/plugin.js",

@@ -1,326 +0,1 @@

# capacitor-branch-deep-links
Capacitor plugin for []( deep links.
[![Bound State Software](](
npm install capacitor-branch-deep-links
## Usage
+ import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/core';
+ import { BranchInitEvent } from 'capacitor-branch-deep-links';
+ const { BranchDeepLinks } = Plugins;
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: 'app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
private platform: Platform,
private splashScreen: SplashScreen,
private statusBar: StatusBar
) {
initializeApp() {
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
+ BranchDeepLinks.addListener('init', (event: BranchInitEvent) => {
+ // Retrieve deeplink keys from 'referringParams' and evaluate the values to determine where to route the user
+ // Check '+clicked_branch_link' before deciding whether to use your Branch routing logic
+ console.log(event.referringParams);
+ });
+ BranchDeepLinks.addListener('initError', (error: any) => {
+ console.error(error);
+ });
## Android setup
### Configure Branch Dashboard
Follow the first few steps in the [Branch Documentation]( the configure your dashboard,
_Stop_ when the docs ask you to install stuff in the native code. At the moment of writing that is "Install Branch". Get along with the steps below.
### Update dependencies
Within `build.grade` change the following:
apply plugin: ''
android {
defaultConfig {
// ...
+ multiDexEnabled true
// ...
dependencies {
+ implementation ''
+ // Branch: required for all Android apps
+ implementation ''
+ // Branch: required if your app is in the Google Play Store (tip: avoid using bundled play services libs)
+ implementation '' // App indexing
+ implementation '' // GAID matching
+ // Branch: optional
+ implementation 'androidx.browser:browser:1.2.0' // Chrome Tab matching (enables 100% guaranteed matching based on cookies)
+ // Replace above with the line below if you do not support androidx
+ // implementation ''
### Add variables
Update `src/main/res/values/strings.xml`:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!-- ... ->
+ <string name="applink_host"></string>
+ <string name="applink_host_alternate"></string>
+ <string name="deeplink_scheme">example</string>
+ <string name="branch_key">key_live_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</string>
+ <string name="branch_test_key">key_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</string>
+ <string name="branch_test_mode">false</string>
+ <!-- set above to "true" to use test key -->
Optionally you can _probably_ safely delete the following:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!-- ... _>
- <string name="custom_url_scheme">com.example</string>
### Register the plugin in your Activity
package com.example;
+ import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
+ import co.boundstate.BranchDeepLinks;
import com.getcapacitor.BridgeActivity;
import com.getcapacitor.Plugin;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class MainActivity extends BridgeActivity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Initializes the Bridge
new ArrayList<Class<? extends Plugin>>() {
// Additional plugins you've installed go here
// Ex: add(TotallyAwesomePlugin.class);
+ add(BranchDeepLinks.class);
+ @Override
+ protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
+ this.setIntent(intent);
+ super.onNewIntent(intent);
+ }
### Add CustomApplicationClass
Add a `` to your project with the following content:
+ package com.example;
+ import android.content.Context;
+ import androidx.multidex.MultiDex;
+ import androidx.multidex.MultiDexApplication;
+ import io.branch.referral.Branch;
+ public class CustomApplicationClass extends MultiDexApplication {
+ @Override
+ public void onCreate() {
+ super.onCreate();
+ // Branch logging for debugging
+ Branch.enableLogging();
+ // Branch object initialization
+ Branch.getAutoInstance(this);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {
+ super.attachBaseContext(base);
+ MultiDex.install(this);
+ }
+ }
### Update your AndroidManifest.xml
Update your `AndroidManifest.xml` as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
+ android:name=".CustomApplicationClass"
<!-- ... -->
+ <meta-data
+ android:name=""
+ android:value="true"/>
+ <intent-filter>
+ <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
+ <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
+ </intent-filter>
+ <!-- BEGIN BRANCH -->
+ <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
+ <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
+ <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
+ <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
+ <data
+ android:scheme="http"
+ android:host="@string/applink_host" />
+ <data
+ android:scheme="https"
+ android:host="@string/applink_host" />
+ <data
+ android:scheme="http"
+ android:host="@string/applink_host_alternate" />
+ <data
+ android:scheme="https"
+ android:host="@string/applink_host_alternate" />
+ </intent-filter>
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
- <data android:scheme="@string/custom_url_scheme"/>
+ <data android:scheme="@string/deeplink_scheme"/>
+ <!-- END BRANCH -->
+ <!-- BEGIN BRANCH -->
+ <!-- Branch init -->
+ <meta-data android:name="io.branch.sdk.BranchKey" android:value="@string/branch_key" />
+ <meta-data android:name="io.branch.sdk.BranchKey.test" android:value="@string/branch_test_key" />
+ <meta-data android:name="io.branch.sdk.TestMode" android:value="@string/branch_test_mode" />
+ <!-- END BRANCH -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
[Test that it works!](
## iOS setup
Follow the Branch docs to:
1. [Configure Branch](
2. [Configure bundle identifier](
3. [Configure associated domains](
4. [Configure entitlements](
5. [Configure Info.plist](
> You can use the [Branch wizard]( to walk you through the process
> (skip the _Get the SDK files_ and _Start a Branch session_ steps)
Update the project:
npx cap update ios
Make the following changes to your `AppDelegate.swift` file:
+ import Branch
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
+ Branch.setUseTestBranchKey(true) // if you are using the TEST key
+ Branch.getInstance().initSession(launchOptions: launchOptions)
return true
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
// Called when the app was launched with a url. Feel free to add additional processing here,
// but if you want the App API to support tracking app url opens, make sure to keep this call
+ Branch.getInstance().application(app, open: url, options: options)
return CAPBridge.handleOpenUrl(url, options)
func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
// Called when the app was launched with an activity, including Universal Links.
// Feel free to add additional processing here, but if you want the App API to support
// tracking app url opens, make sure to keep this call
+ Branch.getInstance().continue(userActivity)
return CAPBridge.handleContinueActivity(userActivity, restorationHandler)
+ func application(_ application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any], fetchCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) {
+ Branch.getInstance().handlePushNotification(userInfo)
+ }
[Test that it works!](
Please refer to [Branch's SDK Documentation for Capacitor](

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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