What is capnp-ts?
The capnp-ts package is a TypeScript implementation of the Cap'n Proto serialization protocol. It allows for efficient serialization and deserialization of data, making it useful for applications that require high-performance data interchange.
What are capnp-ts's main functionalities?
This feature allows you to serialize data into a Cap'n Proto message. The code sample demonstrates how to create a new message, initialize a structure, set a field, and serialize the message into an ArrayBuffer.
const capnp = require('capnp-ts');
const MyStruct = capnp.import('path/to/my-struct.capnp');
const message = new capnp.Message();
const myStruct = message.initRoot(MyStruct);
const serializedData = message.toArrayBuffer();
This feature allows you to deserialize data from a Cap'n Proto message. The code sample demonstrates how to create a message from an ArrayBuffer, get the root structure, and retrieve a field value.
const capnp = require('capnp-ts');
const MyStruct = capnp.import('path/to/my-struct.capnp');
const serializedData = /* some ArrayBuffer */;
const message = new capnp.Message(serializedData);
const myStruct = message.getRoot(MyStruct);
const value = myStruct.getField();
Schema Definition
This feature allows you to define schemas using Cap'n Proto's schema language. The code sample shows how to import a schema defined in a .capnp file.
const capnp = require('capnp-ts');
const MyStruct = capnp.import('path/to/my-struct.capnp');
// Define a schema in a .capnp file
// struct MyStruct {
// field @0 :Text;
// }
Other packages similar to capnp-ts
protobufjs is a JavaScript implementation of Protocol Buffers, another efficient serialization protocol. It offers similar functionality to capnp-ts but uses Protocol Buffers' schema language and wire format.
flatbuffers is a serialization library that allows for efficient reading and writing of data without parsing/unpacking. It is similar to capnp-ts in terms of performance and use cases but uses a different schema language and format.
avsc is a JavaScript library for working with Avro data serialization. It provides similar functionality to capnp-ts but uses Avro's schema language and binary format.
A strongly typed Cap'n Proto implementation for the browser and Node.js using TypeScript.
Here's a quick usage example:
import * as capnp from 'capnp-ts';
import {MyStruct} from './myschema.capnp';
export function loadMessage(buffer: ArrayBuffer): MyStruct {
const message = capnp.Message.fromArrayBuffer(buffer);
return message.getRoot(MyStruct);
An extended readme is available on the project site: https://github.com/jdiaz5513/capnp-ts.