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@@ -14,9 +14,3 @@ 'use strict';

exports.convertResponse = convertResponse;
exports.default = CbioPortal;
var _bluebird = require('bluebird');
var _bluebird2 = _interopRequireDefault(_bluebird);
var _requestPromise = require('request-promise');

@@ -26,3 +20,3 @@

var _csvtojson = require('csvtojson');
var _utils = require('./utils');

@@ -32,33 +26,8 @@ function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }

* @module cbioportal-api-client
* Converts tab delimited responses to JSON format
* @param {string} response TSV string
* @return {Promise} Resolves with the response JSON
function convertResponse(response) {
var responseConverter = new _csvtojson.Converter({
delimiter: '\t',
flatKeys: true
return new _bluebird2.default(function (resolve) {
responseConverter.fromString(response, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
throw new Error(err);
return resolve(result);
* cbioPortal API Object Prototype. Used as the object prototype
* when creating an API client object via the module factory method.
* @see Use {@link module:cbioportal-api-client~CbioPortal|CbioPortal()} for object creation.
* @memberOf module:cbioportal-api-client
* @alias module:cbioportal-api-client~cbioPortal
* @see Use {@link module:cbioportal-api-client|CbioPortal()} for object creation.
* @type {Object}

@@ -98,3 +67,3 @@ */

return (0, _requestPromise2.default)(requestOpts).then(function (response) {
return convertResponse(response);
return (0, _utils.convertResponse)(response);

@@ -107,3 +76,4 @@ },

* @instance
* @return {Promise} resolves with JSON data
* @return {Promise} See fullfills/rejects
* @fulfills {Array} response data converted from TSV to JSON

@@ -118,3 +88,4 @@ getTypesOfCancer: function getTypesOfCancer() {

* @instance
* @return {Promise} resolves with JSON data
* @return {Promise} See fullfills/rejects
* @fulfills {Array} response data converted from TSV to JSON

@@ -132,3 +103,4 @@ getCancerStudies: function getCancerStudies() {

* @param {string} query.cancer_study_id Cancer study ID
* @return {Promise(data)} resolves with JSON data
* @return {Promise} See fullfills/rejects
* @fulfills {Array} response data converted from TSV to JSON

@@ -151,4 +123,4 @@ getGeneticProfiles: function getGeneticProfiles(_ref) {

* @param {string} query.cancer_study_id Cancer study ID
* @return {Promise(data)}
* @return {Promise}
* @fulfill JSON formatted response */
getCaseLists: function getCaseLists(_ref2) {

@@ -164,7 +136,8 @@ var cancer_study_id = _ref2.cancer_study_id;

* @instance
* @param {Object} query
* @param {string} options.case_set_id A unique ID used to identify the case list ID in subsequent interface calls. This is a human readable ID. For example, "gbm_all" identifies all cases profiles in the TCGA GBM study.
* @param {Array.<string>|string} options.genetic_profile_id One or more genetic profile IDs
* @param {Array.<string>|string} options.gene_list One or more genes, specified as HUGO Gene Symbols or Entrez Gene IDs
* @return {Promise(data)}
* @return {Promise}
* @fulfill JSON formatted response */
getProfileData: function getProfileData(_ref3) {

@@ -197,2 +170,4 @@ var case_set_id = _ref3.case_set_id;

* @module cbioportal-api-client
* @see {@link module:cbioportal-api-client~cbioPortal|cbioPortal}
* @param {Object} config Configuration options object.

@@ -211,2 +186,4 @@ * @param {Boolean} config.includeRaw Include the raw TSV response

exports.default = CbioPortal;

@@ -8,38 +8,12 @@ /**

import Promise from 'bluebird';
import Request from 'request-promise';
import { Converter } from 'csvtojson';
import { convertResponse } from './utils';
* @module cbioportal-api-client
* Converts tab delimited responses to JSON format
* @param {string} response TSV string
* @return {Promise} Resolves with the response JSON
export function convertResponse (response) {
const responseConverter = new Converter({
delimiter: '\t',
flatKeys: true
return new Promise(resolve => {
responseConverter.fromString(response, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
throw new Error(err);
return resolve(result);
* cbioPortal API Object Prototype. Used as the object prototype
* when creating an API client object via the module factory method.
* @see Use {@link module:cbioportal-api-client~CbioPortal|CbioPortal()} for object creation.
* @memberOf module:cbioportal-api-client
* @alias module:cbioportal-api-client~cbioPortal
* @see Use {@link module:cbioportal-api-client|CbioPortal()} for object creation.
* @type {Object}

@@ -76,3 +50,4 @@ */

* @instance
* @return {Promise} resolves with JSON data
* @return {Promise} See fullfills/rejects
* @fulfills {Array} response data converted from TSV to JSON

@@ -87,3 +62,4 @@ getTypesOfCancer () {

* @instance
* @return {Promise} resolves with JSON data
* @return {Promise} See fullfills/rejects
* @fulfills {Array} response data converted from TSV to JSON

@@ -101,3 +77,4 @@ getCancerStudies () {

* @param {string} query.cancer_study_id Cancer study ID
* @return {Promise(data)} resolves with JSON data
* @return {Promise} See fullfills/rejects
* @fulfills {Array} response data converted from TSV to JSON

@@ -118,4 +95,5 @@ getGeneticProfiles ({ cancer_study_id }) {

* @param {string} query.cancer_study_id Cancer study ID
* @return {Promise(data)}
* @return {Promise}
* @fulfill JSON formatted response */
getCaseLists ({ cancer_study_id }) {

@@ -129,7 +107,9 @@ return this.get('CaseLists', { cancer_study_id });

* @instance
* @param {Object} query
* @param {string} options.case_set_id A unique ID used to identify the case list ID in subsequent interface calls. This is a human readable ID. For example, "gbm_all" identifies all cases profiles in the TCGA GBM study.
* @param {Array.<string>|string} options.genetic_profile_id One or more genetic profile IDs
* @param {Array.<string>|string} options.gene_list One or more genes, specified as HUGO Gene Symbols or Entrez Gene IDs
* @return {Promise(data)}
* @return {Promise}
* @fulfill JSON formatted response */
getProfileData ({ case_set_id, genetic_profile_id, gene_list }) {

@@ -159,2 +139,4 @@ return this.get('ProfileData', { case_set_id, genetic_profile_id, gene_list });

* @module cbioportal-api-client
* @see {@link module:cbioportal-api-client~cbioPortal|cbioPortal}
* @param {Object} config Configuration options object.

@@ -164,3 +146,3 @@ * @param {Boolean} config.includeRaw Include the raw TSV response

export default function CbioPortal ({ includeRaw = false } = {}) {
function CbioPortal ({ includeRaw = false } = {}) {
return Object.assign(Object.create(cbioPortal), {

@@ -170,1 +152,3 @@ includeRaw

export default CbioPortal;
"name": "cbioportal-api-client",
"version": "0.1.1",
"version": "0.2.0",
"description": "cBio Portal API client with promises and response parsing",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"bin": {
"cbioportal-api-client": "./bin/cbioportal-api-client.js"
"scripts": {
"build": "npm run clean:dist && babel lib -d dist",
"build": "npm run docs && npm run clean:dist && babel lib -d dist",
"build:dev": "nodemon -w lib --exec \"npm run docs && npm run clean:dist && babel lib -d dist\"",
"clean": "npm run clean:dist && npm run clean:coverage",

@@ -14,3 +18,3 @@ "clean:dist": "rimraf dist",

"dev": "nodemon -w lib -w test --exec \"npm run -s lint && npm run -s test:dev\"",
"docs": "jsdoc2md --src lib/**/*.js -t docs/ -l JavaScript >",
"docs": "jsdoc2md --src \"lib/**/*.js\" -t docs/ -d 2 --partial \"./docs/partials/**/*.hbs\" --separators -l JavaScript >",
"lint": "eslint lib",

@@ -37,2 +41,3 @@ "precommit": "npm run docs",

"babel-eslint": "^5.0.0-beta6",
"babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs": "^6.4.5",
"blue-tape": "^0.1.11",

@@ -43,3 +48,3 @@ "coveralls": "^2.11.6",

"isparta": "^4.0.0",
"jsdoc": "git+",
"jsdoc": "^3.4.0",
"jsdoc-to-markdown": "^1.3.3",

@@ -58,6 +63,8 @@ "nock": "^5.2.1",

"bluebird": "^3.1.1",
"commander": "^2.9.0",
"csvtojson": "^0.5.1",
"in-publish": "^2.0.0",
"lodash": "^4.0.0",
"request-promise": "^2.0.0"
# cBio Portal API Client
[![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](](
[cBio Portal API]( client. Parses tab separated responses into JSON format and works in node and also in the browser via a module loader such as Webpack.
[cBio Portal API]( client. Parses tab separated responses into JSON format. Works in node and in the browser via a module loader such as [Webpack](
This library can be used programatically or via the command line.
#### Installation
$ npm install cbioportal-api-client --save
#### Programmatic Usage
[API Reference](#api-reference)
import CbioPortal from 'cbioportal-api-client';
const cbioPortal = CbioPortal();
.then(response => {
console.log(response); // Prints array of cancer studies returned from API
cbioPortal.getGeneticProfiles({ cancer_study_id: 'gbm_tcga' })
.then(response => {
console.log(response); // Prints array of genetic profiles returned from the 'gbm_tcga' study
#### Command Line Usage
**Note:** Requires node.
# global install to use anywhere
$ npm install -g cbioportal-api-client
# print usage info using --help
$ cbioportal-api-client --help
Usage: cbioportal-api-client [options] [command]
getCancerStudies get cancer study meta-data
getTypesOfCancer get clinical cancer types
getGeneticProfiles [options] get genetic profile data for a cancer study.
getCaseLists [options] get case lists stored for a specific cancer study.
getProfileData [options] get genomic profile data for one or more genes.
You can get usage info for specific commands using [command] --help
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-f, --format <format> response format
# example API call, sends JSON formatted response to stdout
$ cbioportal-api-client getProfileData -s gbm_tcga_cnaseq -p gbm_tcga_mutations -g TP53
## API Reference
* [cbioportal-api-client](#module_cbioportal-api-client)
* [module.exports(config)](#exp_module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports) ⇒ <code>cbioPortal</code> ⏏
* _static_
* [.convertResponse(response)](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports.convertResponse) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
* _inner_
* [~cbioPortal](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal) : <code>Object</code>
* [.getTypesOfCancer()](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal+getTypesOfCancer) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
* [.getCancerStudies()](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal+getCancerStudies) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
* [.getGeneticProfiles(query)](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal+getGeneticProfiles) ⇒ <code>Promise(data)</code>
* [.getCaseLists(query)](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal+getCaseLists) ⇒ <code>Promise(data)</code>
* [.getProfileData()](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal+getProfileData) ⇒ <code>Promise(data)</code>
<a name="exp_module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports"></a>
### module.exports(config) ⇒ <code>cbioPortal</code> ⏏
## Modules
<dt><a href="#module_cbioportal-api-client">cbioportal-api-client</a> ⇒ <code>cbioPortal</code></dt>
<dd><p>Creates a new cBio Portal API client</p>
<dt><a href="#module_cbioportal-api-client/utils/convertResponse">cbioportal-api-client/utils/convertResponse</a> ⇒ <code>Promise</code></dt>
<dd><p>Converts tab delimited responses to JSON format</p>
<dt><a href="#module_cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations">cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations</a></dt>
<dd><p>Exports utility functions for summarizing gene alterations</p>
<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client"></a>
## cbioportal-api-client ⇒ <code>cbioPortal</code>
Creates a new cBio Portal API client
**Kind**: Exported function
**See**: [cbioPortal](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal)

@@ -46,47 +110,60 @@ | Param | Type | Description |

<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports.convertResponse"></a>
#### module.exports.convertResponse(response) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
Converts tab delimited responses to JSON format
**Kind**: static method of <code>[module.exports](#exp_module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports)</code>
**Returns**: <code>Promise</code> - Resolves with the response JSON
* [cbioportal-api-client](#module_cbioportal-api-client) ⇒ <code>cbioPortal</code>
* [~cbioPortal](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal) : <code>Object</code>
* [.getTypesOfCancer()](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal+getTypesOfCancer) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
* [.getCancerStudies()](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal+getCancerStudies) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
* [.getGeneticProfiles(query)](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal+getGeneticProfiles) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
* [.getCaseLists(query)](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal+getCaseLists) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
* [.getProfileData(query)](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal+getProfileData) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| response | <code>string</code> | TSV string |
<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal"></a>
#### module.exports~cbioPortal : <code>Object</code>
<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal"></a>
### cbioportal-api-client~cbioPortal : <code>Object</code>
cbioPortal API Object Prototype. Used as the object prototype
when creating an API client object via the module factory method.
**Kind**: inner constant of <code>[module.exports](#exp_module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports)</code>
**See**: Use [CbioPortal()](module:cbioportal-api-client~CbioPortal) for object creation.
**Kind**: inner constant of <code>[cbioportal-api-client](#module_cbioportal-api-client)</code>
**See**: Use [CbioPortal()](#module_cbioportal-api-client) for object creation.
* [~cbioPortal](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal) : <code>Object</code>
* [.getTypesOfCancer()](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal+getTypesOfCancer) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
* [.getCancerStudies()](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal+getCancerStudies) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
* [.getGeneticProfiles(query)](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal+getGeneticProfiles) ⇒ <code>Promise(data)</code>
* [.getCaseLists(query)](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal+getCaseLists) ⇒ <code>Promise(data)</code>
* [.getProfileData()](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal+getProfileData) ⇒ <code>Promise(data)</code>
* [~cbioPortal](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal) : <code>Object</code>
* [.getTypesOfCancer()](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal+getTypesOfCancer) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
* [.getCancerStudies()](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal+getCancerStudies) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
* [.getGeneticProfiles(query)](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal+getGeneticProfiles) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
* [.getCaseLists(query)](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal+getCaseLists) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
* [.getProfileData(query)](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal+getProfileData) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal+getTypesOfCancer"></a>
##### cbioPortal.getTypesOfCancer() ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal+getTypesOfCancer"></a>
#### cbioPortal.getTypesOfCancer() ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
Retrieves a list of all the clinical types of cancer stored on the server.
**Kind**: instance method of <code>[cbioPortal](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal)</code>
**Returns**: <code>Promise</code> - resolves with JSON data
<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal+getCancerStudies"></a>
##### cbioPortal.getCancerStudies() ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
**Kind**: instance method of <code>[cbioPortal](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal)</code>
**Returns**: <code>Promise</code> - See fullfills/rejects
**Fulfills**: <code>Array</code> response data converted from TSV to JSON
<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal+getCancerStudies"></a>
#### cbioPortal.getCancerStudies() ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
Retrieves meta-data regarding cancer studies stored on the server.
**Kind**: instance method of <code>[cbioPortal](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal)</code>
**Returns**: <code>Promise</code> - resolves with JSON data
<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal+getGeneticProfiles"></a>
##### cbioPortal.getGeneticProfiles(query) ⇒ <code>Promise(data)</code>
**Kind**: instance method of <code>[cbioPortal](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal)</code>
**Returns**: <code>Promise</code> - See fullfills/rejects
**Fulfills**: <code>Array</code> response data converted from TSV to JSON
<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal+getGeneticProfiles"></a>
#### cbioPortal.getGeneticProfiles(query) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
Retrieves meta-data regarding all genetic profiles, e.g.
mutation or copy number profiles, stored about a specific cancer study.
**Kind**: instance method of <code>[cbioPortal](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal)</code>
**Returns**: <code>Promise(data)</code> - resolves with JSON data
**Kind**: instance method of <code>[cbioPortal](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal)</code>
**Returns**: <code>Promise</code> - See fullfills/rejects
**Fulfills**: <code>Array</code> response data converted from TSV to JSON

@@ -98,4 +175,7 @@ | Param | Type | Description |

<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal+getCaseLists"></a>
##### cbioPortal.getCaseLists(query) ⇒ <code>Promise(data)</code>
<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal+getCaseLists"></a>
#### cbioPortal.getCaseLists(query) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
Retrieves meta-data regarding all case lists stored about a specific cancer study.

@@ -107,3 +187,4 @@

**Kind**: instance method of <code>[cbioPortal](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal)</code>
**Kind**: instance method of <code>[cbioPortal](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal)</code>
**Fulfill**: JSON formatted response

@@ -115,10 +196,15 @@ | Param | Type | Description |

<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal+getProfileData"></a>
##### cbioPortal.getProfileData() ⇒ <code>Promise(data)</code>
<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal+getProfileData"></a>
#### cbioPortal.getProfileData(query) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
Retrieves genomic profile data for one or more genes.
**Kind**: instance method of <code>[cbioPortal](#module_cbioportal-api-client--module.exports..cbioPortal)</code>
**Kind**: instance method of <code>[cbioPortal](#module_cbioportal-api-client..cbioPortal)</code>
**Fulfill**: JSON formatted response
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| query | <code>Object</code> | |
| options.case_set_id | <code>string</code> | A unique ID used to identify the case list ID in subsequent interface calls. This is a human readable ID. For example, "gbm_all" identifies all cases profiles in the TCGA GBM study. |

@@ -128,1 +214,72 @@ | options.genetic_profile_id | <code>Array.&lt;string&gt;</code> &#124; <code>string</code> | One or more genetic profile IDs |

<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client/utils/convertResponse"></a>
## cbioportal-api-client/utils/convertResponse ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
Converts tab delimited responses to JSON format
**Returns**: <code>Promise</code> - Resolves with the response JSON
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| response | <code>string</code> | TSV string |
<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations"></a>
## cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations
Exports utility functions for summarizing gene alterations
* [cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations](#module_cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations)
* [.summarizeMutations(mutations)](#module_cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations.summarizeMutations) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
* [.summarizeCopyNumberAlterations(copyNumberAlterations)](#module_cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations.summarizeCopyNumberAlterations) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
* [.summarizeAlterations(response)](#module_cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations.summarizeAlterations) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations.summarizeMutations"></a>
### cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations.summarizeMutations(mutations) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
Summarize mutations
**Kind**: static method of <code>[cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations](#module_cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations)</code>
**Returns**: <code>Array</code> - Array of summaries
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| mutations | <code>Array</code> | Array of mutation rows as parsed by this library |
<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations.summarizeCopyNumberAlterations"></a>
### cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations.summarizeCopyNumberAlterations(copyNumberAlterations) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
Summarize copy number alterations
**Kind**: static method of <code>[cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations](#module_cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations)</code>
**Returns**: <code>Array</code> - Array of summaries
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| copyNumberAlterations | <code>Array</code> | Array of copy number alteration rows as parsed by this library |
<a name="module_cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations.summarizeAlterations"></a>
### cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations.summarizeAlterations(response) ⇒ <code>Promise</code>
Converts tab delimited responses to JSON format
**Kind**: static method of <code>[cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations](#module_cbioportal-api-client/utils/summarizeAlterations)</code>
**Returns**: <code>Promise</code> - Resolves with the response JSON
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| response | <code>string</code> | TSV string |
require('app-module-path').addPath(__dirname + './../');

@@ -63,1 +63,15 @@ import Test from 'blue-tape';

Test('cbioPortal.getProfileData()', t => {
.query({ cmd: 'getProfileData', case_set_id: 'gbm_tcga_cnaseq' })
.replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/responses/getProfileData.tsv');
return cbioPortal.getProfileData({ case_set_id: 'gbm_tcga_cnaseq' })
.then(response => {
t.ok(Array.isArray(response), 'should return an array');
t.ok(response[0].GENE_ID, 'should return profile data');
t.equals(response.length, 1, 'should have a single row');

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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