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cfonts - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.1 to 2.1.0



@@ -17,64 +17,6 @@ #!/usr/bin/env node

// Dependencies
var _stringify = require('babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify');
var CFonts = require('..');
var _stringify2 = _interopRequireDefault(_stringify);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
var CFonts = require('../lib/index.js');
var Program = require('commander');
var Chalk = require('chalk');
var Path = require('path');
var Fs = require('fs');
var Package = JSON.parse(Fs.readFileSync(Path.normalize(__dirname + '/../package.json'), 'utf8'));
var Version = Package.version;
// Setting up command line tool
Program.usage('"<value>" [option1] <input1> [option2] <input1>,<input2> [option3]\n' + (' Example: $ ' + Chalk.bold('cfonts "sexy font" -f chrome -a center -c red,green,gray'))).description('This is a tool for sexy fonts in the console. Give your cli some love.').version('v' + Version).option('-f, --font <keyword>', 'define "font face"', 'block').option('-a, --align <keyword>', 'define "alignment" for the text', 'left').option('-c, --colors <keyword>,<keyword>...', 'provide colors for text; comma separated (no space)', 'system').option('-b, --background <keyword>', 'provide background color', 'transparent').option('-l, --letter-spacing <n>', 'define letter spacing {integer}').option('-z, --line-height <n>', 'define line height {integer}', 1).option('-s, --spaceless', 'surpress space on top and on the bottom').option('-m, --max-length <keyword>', 'define how many character can be on one line').action(function (text) {
Program.text = text; //add flagless option for text
}).on('--help', function () {
//adding options for each keyword section
console.log(Chalk.bold(' Font face options:'));
console.log(' [ ' + CFonts.FONTFACES.join(', ') + ' ]\n');
console.log(Chalk.bold(' Alignment options:'));
console.log(' [ ' + CFonts.ALIGNMENT.join(', ') + ' ]\n');
console.log(Chalk.bold(' Color options:'));
console.log(' [ ' + CFonts.COLORS.join(', ') + ' ]\n');
console.log(Chalk.bold(' background color options:'));
console.log(' [ ' + CFonts.BGCOLORS.join(', ') + ' ]\n');
// Execute program
if (Program.text !== undefined) {
//log OPTIONS for debugging
if (CFonts.DEBUG) {'OPTIONS:\n' + (' CFonts.say("' + Program.text + '", {\n') + ('\t\'font\': "' + Program.font + '",\n') + ('\t\'align\': "' + Program.align + '",\n') + ('\t\'colors\': ' + (Program.colors ? (0, _stringify2.default)(Program.colors.split(',')) : []) + ',\n') + ('\t\'background\': "' + Program.background + '",\n') + ('\t\'letterSpacing\': ' + Program.letterSpacing + ',\n') + ('\t\'lineHeight\': ' + Program.lineHeight + ',\n') + ('\t\'space\': ' + (Program.spaceless ? false : true) + ',\n') + ('\t\'maxLength\': ' + Program.maxLength + '\n') + ' });', 3);
//execute cfonts
CFonts.say(Program.text, {
'font': Program.font,
'align': Program.align,
'colors': Program.colors ? Program.colors.split(',') : [],
'background': Program.background,
'letterSpacing': Program.letterSpacing,
'lineHeight': Program.lineHeight,
'space': Program.spaceless ? false : true,
'maxLength': Program.maxLength
} else {
//we do need text to convert
CFonts.Log.error('Please provide text to convert with ' +'cfonts "Text"') + '\n' + ('Run ' +'cfonts --help') + ' for more infos'));



@@ -17,2 +17,6 @@ /***************************************************************************************************************************************************************

var _stringify = require('babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify');
var _stringify2 = _interopRequireDefault(_stringify);
var _repeat = require('babel-runtime/core-js/string/repeat');

@@ -26,2 +30,6 @@

var _keys = require('babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys');
var _keys2 = _interopRequireDefault(_keys);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }

@@ -36,10 +44,142 @@

// settings
// global defaults
var DEBUG = false;
var CHARS = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "|", "!", "?", ".", "+", "-", "_", "=", "@", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "/", ":", ";", ",", " "];
var COLORS = ['system', 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white', 'gray', 'redBright', 'greenBright', 'yellowBright', 'blueBright', 'magentaBright', 'cyanBright', 'whiteBright'];
var BGCOLORS = ['transparent', 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white', 'blackBright', 'redBright', 'greenBright', 'yellowBright', 'blueBright', 'magentaBright', 'cyanBright', 'whiteBright'];
var COLORS = {
system: 'system',
black: 'black',
red: 'red',
green: 'green',
yellow: 'yellow',
blue: 'blue',
magenta: 'magenta',
cyan: 'cyan',
white: 'white',
gray: 'gray',
redbright: 'redBright',
greenbright: 'greenBright',
yellowbright: 'yellowBright',
bluebright: 'blueBright',
magentabright: 'magentaBright',
cyanbright: 'cyanBright',
whitebright: 'whiteBright'
var BGCOLORS = {
transparent: 'transparent',
black: 'black',
red: 'red',
green: 'green',
yellow: 'yellow',
blue: 'blue',
magenta: 'magenta',
cyan: 'cyan',
white: 'white',
blackbright: 'blackBright',
redbright: 'redBright',
greenbright: 'greenBright',
yellowbright: 'yellowBright',
bluebright: 'blueBright',
magentabright: 'magentaBright',
cyanbright: 'cyanBright',
whitebright: 'whiteBright'
var ALIGNMENT = ['left', 'center', 'right'];
var FONTFACES = ['console', 'block', 'simpleBlock', 'simple', '3d', 'simple3d', 'chrome', 'huge'];
console: 'console',
block: 'block',
simpleblock: 'simpleBlock',
simple: 'simple',
'3d': '3d',
simple3d: 'simple3d',
chrome: 'chrome',
huge: 'huge'
'--version': {
description: 'Use to display the version of cfonts',
example: '--version',
short: '-v',
default: false
'--help': {
description: 'Use to display this help',
example: '--help',
short: '-h',
default: false
'--font': {
description: 'Use to define the font face',
example: '--font block',
short: '-f',
options: (0, _keys2.default)(FONTFACES).map(function (color) {
return FONTFACES[color];
default: 'block'
'--colors': {
description: 'Use to define the font color',
example: '--colors block',
short: '-c',
options: true, // Object.keys( COLORS ).map( color => COLORS[ color ] ),
default: 'system'
'--background': {
description: 'Use to define background color',
example: '--background block',
short: '-b',
options: (0, _keys2.default)(BGCOLORS).map(function (color) {
return BGCOLORS[color];
default: 'transparent'
'--align': {
description: 'Use to align your text output',
example: '--align block',
short: '-a',
options: ALIGNMENT,
default: 'left'
'--letter-spacing': {
description: 'Use to define your letter spacing',
example: '--letter-spacing 2',
short: '-l',
options: true,
default: 1
'--line-height': {
description: 'Use to define your line height',
example: '--line-height 5',
short: '-z',
options: true,
default: 1
'--spaceless': {
description: 'Use to disable the padding around your output',
example: '--spaceless',
short: '-s',
default: 1
'--max-length': {
description: 'Use to define the amount of maximum characters per line',
example: '--max-length 10',
short: '-m',
options: true,
default: 1
'--debug': {
description: 'Use to enable debug mode',
example: '--debug',
short: '-d',
default: false
'--debug-level': {
description: 'Use to define the debug level. The higher, the less debug infos',
example: '--debug-level 2',
short: '-m',
options: true,
default: 1
var PACKAGE = JSON.parse(Fs.readFileSync(Path.normalize(__dirname + '/../package.json'), 'utf8'));

@@ -312,14 +452,17 @@ /**

* @param {string} INPUT - The string you want to write out
* @param {object} FONTFACES - All allowed fontfaces
* @param {string} font - The font the user chose
* @param {array} colors - The color the user chose
* @param {string} background - The background the user chose
* @param {string} align - The alignment the user chose
* @param {string} INPUT - The string you want to write out
* @param {string} userFont - The user specified font
* @param {array} userColors - The user specified colors
* @param {string} userBackground - The user specified background color
* @param {string} userAlign - The user specified alignment option
* @param {object} fontfaces - All allowed fontfaces
* @param {object} colors - All allowed font colors
* @param {object} bgcolors - All allowed background colors
* @param {array} alignment - All allowed alignments
* @typedef {object} ReturnObject
* @property {boolean} pass - Whether the input is valid
* @property {string} message - Possible error messages
* @property {boolean} pass - Whether the input is valid
* @property {string} message - Possible error messages
* @return {ReturnObject} - An object with error messages and a pass key
* @return {ReturnObject} - An object with error messages and a pass key

@@ -341,5 +484,7 @@ var CheckInput = function CheckInput(INPUT, userFont, userColors, userBackground, userAlign) {

// checking font
if (fontfaces.indexOf(userFont) === -1) {
if ((0, _keys2.default)(fontfaces).indexOf(userFont.toLowerCase()) === -1) {
return {
message: '"' + + '" is not a valid font option.\n' + ('Please use a font from the supported stack:\n' +'[ ' + FONTFACES.join(' | ') + ' ]')),
message: '"' + + '" is not a valid font option.\n' + ('Please use a font from the supported stack:\n' +, _keys2.default)(fontfaces).map(function (font) {
return fontfaces[font];
}).join(', '))),
pass: false

@@ -352,5 +497,7 @@ };

// check color usage
if (colors.indexOf(userColors[color]) === -1 && userColors[color] !== 'candy') {
if ((0, _keys2.default)(colors).indexOf(userColors[color].toLowerCase()) === -1 && userColors[color] !== 'candy') {
return {
message: '"' +[color]) + '" is not a valid font color option.\n' + ('Please use a color from the supported stack:\n' +'[ ' + colors.join(' | ') + ' | candy ]')),
message: '"' +[color]) + '" is not a valid font color option.\n' + ('Please use a color from the supported stack:\n' +, _keys2.default)(colors).map(function (color) {
return colors[color];
}).join(', ') + ', candy')),
pass: false

@@ -362,5 +509,7 @@ };

// checking background colors
if (bgcolors.indexOf(userBackground) === -1) {
if ((0, _keys2.default)(bgcolors).indexOf(userBackground.toLowerCase()) === -1) {
return {
message: '"' + + '" is not a valid background option.\n' + ('Please use a color from the supported stack:\n' +'[ ' + bgcolors.join(' | ') + ' ]')),
message: '"' + + '" is not a valid background option.\n' + ('Please use a color from the supported stack:\n' +, _keys2.default)(bgcolors).map(function (bgcolor) {
return bgcolors[bgcolor];
}).join(', '))),
pass: false

@@ -371,5 +520,5 @@ };

if (alignment.indexOf(userAlign) === -1) {
if (alignment.indexOf(userAlign.toLowerCase()) === -1) {
return {
message: '"' + + '" is not a valid alignment option.\n' + ('Please use an alignment option from the supported stack:\n' +'[ ' + alignment.join(' | ') + ' ]')),
message: '"' + + '" is not a valid alignment option.\n' + ('Please use an alignment option from the supported stack:\n' +' | '))),
pass: false

@@ -461,7 +610,11 @@ };

var clean = INPUT.split('').filter(function (char) {
return chars.includes(char.toUpperCase());
if (typeof INPUT === 'string') {
var clean = INPUT.split('').filter(function (char) {
return chars.includes(char.toUpperCase());
return clean;
return clean;
} else {
return '';

@@ -472,3 +625,6 @@

* @param {SETTINGS} SETTINGS - Some or all of the allowed settings
* @param {SETTINGS} SETTINGS - Some or all of the allowed settings
* @param {array} allowedColors - All allowed font colors
* @param {array} allowedBG - All allowed background colors
* @param {array} allowedFont - All allowed fontfaces

@@ -497,10 +653,15 @@ * @typedef {object} SETTINGS

maxLength = _ref.maxLength;
var allowedColors = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : COLORS;
var allowedBG = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : BGCOLORS;
var allowedFont = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : FONTFACES;
return {
font: font || 'block',
align: align || 'left',
colors: colors || [],
background: background || backgroundColor || 'transparent',
letterSpacing: letterSpacing === undefined ? 1 : letterSpacing,
font: font === undefined ? 'block' : allowedFont[font.toLowerCase()] || font,
align: align === undefined ? 'left' : align.toLowerCase(),
colors: Array.isArray(colors) ? (color) {
return allowedColors[color.toLowerCase()] || color;
}) : [],
background: background === undefined && backgroundColor === undefined ? 'transparent' : background === undefined ? allowedBG[backgroundColor.toLowerCase()] || backgroundColor : allowedBG[background.toLowerCase()] || background,
letterSpacing: typeof letterSpacing === 'number' && letterSpacing > 0 ? letterSpacing : 1,
lineHeight: lineHeight === undefined ? 1 : parseInt(lineHeight),
space: space === undefined ? true : space,
space: typeof space === 'boolean' ? space : true,
maxLength: maxLength || 0

@@ -515,2 +676,4 @@ };

* @param {object} SETTINGS - Settings object
* @param {boolean} debug - A flag to enable debug mode
* @param {integer} debuglevel - The debug level we want to show
* @param {object} size - The size of the terminal as an object, default: Size

@@ -530,11 +693,17 @@ * @param {integer} size.width - The width of the terminal

var SETTINGS = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var size = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : Size;
var debug = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : DEBUG;
var debuglevel = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : DEBUGLEVEL;
var size = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : Size;'Running render', 1);
DEBUG = debug;
DEBUGLEVEL = debuglevel;
var INPUT = CleanInput(input, CHARS);
var OPTIONS = GetOptions(SETTINGS);
var output = []; // for output where each line is an output line
var lines = 0; // for counting each line
var FONTFACE = {}; // scoping the fontface object higher for fonts with just one color
var OPTIONS = GetOptions(SETTINGS);

@@ -545,3 +714,3 @@ var _isGoodHuman = CheckInput(INPUT, OPTIONS.font, OPTIONS.colors, OPTIONS.background, OPTIONS.align);

process.exit(1); // exit program with failure code
return false;

@@ -557,3 +726,3 @@, 2);, 3);

@@ -577,5 +746,5 @@

if (!FONTFACE) {
Log.error('Font file for "' + font + '" could not be found.\nTry reinstalling this package.');
Log.error('Font file for the font "' + font + '" could not be found.\nTry reinstalling this package.');
return false;

@@ -612,50 +781,43 @@

// iterate through the message
var CHAR = INPUT.charAt(_i).toUpperCase(); // the current character we convert, only upper case is supported at this time
var lastLineLength = lineLength; // we need the lineLength for alignment before we look up if the next char fits
if (FONTFACE.chars[CHAR] === undefined && CHAR !== '|') {
// make sure this character exists in the font
Debugging.error('Character not found in font: "' + CHAR + '"', 2); // fail silently
} else {'Character found in font: "' + CHAR + '"', 2);'Character found in font: "' + CHAR + '"', 2);
var lastLineLength = lineLength; // we need the lineLength for alignment before we look up if the next char fits
if (CHAR !== '|') {
// what will the line length be if we add the next char?
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.chars[CHAR], FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS); // get the length of this character
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS) * OPTIONS.letterSpacing; // new line, new line length
if (CHAR !== '|') {
// what will the line length be if we add the next char?
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.chars[CHAR], FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS); // get the length of this character
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS) * OPTIONS.letterSpacing; // new line, new line length
// jump to next line after OPTIONS.maxLength characters or when line break is found or the console windows would have ran out of space
if (maxChars >= OPTIONS.maxLength && OPTIONS.maxLength != 0 || CHAR === '|' || lineLength > size.width) {
// jump to next line after OPTIONS.maxLength characters or when line break is found or the console windows would have ran out of space
if (maxChars >= OPTIONS.maxLength && OPTIONS.maxLength != 0 || CHAR === '|' || lineLength > size.width) {
lines++;'NEWLINE: maxChars: ' + maxChars + ', ' + ('OPTIONS.maxLength: ' + OPTIONS.maxLength + ', ') + ('CHAR: ' + CHAR + ', ') + ('lineLength: ' + lineLength + ', ') + ('Size.width: ' + size.width + ' '), 2);'NEWLINE: maxChars: ' + maxChars + ', ' + ('OPTIONS.maxLength: ' + OPTIONS.maxLength + ', ') + ('CHAR: ' + CHAR + ', ') + ('lineLength: ' + lineLength + ', ') + ('Size.width: ' + size.width + ' '), 2);
output = AlignText(output, lastLineLength, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS.align, size); // calculate alignment based on lineLength
output = AlignText(output, lastLineLength, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS.align, size); // calculate alignment based on lineLength
lineLength = CharLength(FONTFACE.buffer, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS); // new line: new line length
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS) * OPTIONS.letterSpacing; // each new line starts with letter spacing
lineLength = CharLength(FONTFACE.buffer, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS); // new line: new line length
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS) * OPTIONS.letterSpacing; // each new line starts with letter spacing
if (CHAR !== '|') {
// if this is a character and not a line break
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.chars[CHAR], FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS); // get the length of this character
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS) * OPTIONS.letterSpacing; // add letter spacing at the end
if (CHAR !== '|') {
// if this is a character and not a line break
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.chars[CHAR], FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS); // get the length of this character
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS) * OPTIONS.letterSpacing; // add letter spacing at the end
maxChars = 0; // new line, new maxLength goal
maxChars = 0; // new line, new maxLength goal
output = AddLine(output, FONTFACE.lines, FONTFACE.buffer, OPTIONS.lineHeight); // adding new line
// add letter spacing to the beginning
output = AddLetterSpacing(output, FONTFACE.lines, FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.colors, OPTIONS.colors, OPTIONS.letterSpacing);
output = AddLine(output, FONTFACE.lines, FONTFACE.buffer, OPTIONS.lineHeight); // adding new line
// add letter spacing to the beginning
output = AddLetterSpacing(output, FONTFACE.lines, FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.colors, OPTIONS.colors, OPTIONS.letterSpacing);
}'lineLength at: "' + lineLength + '"', 2);'lineLength at: "' + lineLength + '"', 2);
if (CHAR !== '|') {
maxChars++; // counting all printed characters
output = AddChar(CHAR, output, FONTFACE.lines, FONTFACE.chars, FONTFACE.colors, OPTIONS.colors); // add new character
output = AddLetterSpacing(output, FONTFACE.lines, FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.colors, OPTIONS.colors, OPTIONS.letterSpacing);
if (CHAR !== '|') {
maxChars++; // counting all printed characters
output = AddChar(CHAR, output, FONTFACE.lines, FONTFACE.chars, FONTFACE.colors, OPTIONS.colors); // add new character
output = AddLetterSpacing(output, FONTFACE.lines, FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.colors, OPTIONS.colors, OPTIONS.letterSpacing);

@@ -699,11 +861,166 @@ }

var SETTINGS = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var debug = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : DEBUG;
var debuglevel = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : DEBUGLEVEL;
var size = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : Size;'Running say', 1);
var write = Render(INPUT, SETTINGS);
DEBUG = debug;
DEBUGLEVEL = debuglevel;
console.log(write.string); // write out
var write = Render(INPUT, SETTINGS, debug, debuglevel, size);
if (write) {
console.log(write.string); // write out
* Flatten the shortcuts in our cli options object
* @param {object} options - An object objects with a short key
* @return {object} - All short keys flattened into first level
var AddShortcuts = function AddShortcuts(options) {
var flatOptions = (0, _assign2.default)({}, options);
(0, _keys2.default)(flatOptions).forEach(function (option) {
flatOptions[option]._name = option;
flatOptions[flatOptions[option].short] = flatOptions[option];
return flatOptions;
* Parse cli arguments into a nice object
* @param {array} inputOptions - All possible options registered for this app
* @param {array} inputArgs - The arguments given to us in our cli, default: process.argv
* @return {object} - An object of all options with at least their default values
var ParseArgs = function ParseArgs() {
var inputOptions = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : CLIOPTIONS;
var inputArgs = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : process.argv;
var parsedArgs = {
text: inputArgs[2]
// create defaults
(0, _keys2.default)(inputOptions).forEach(function (option) {
var name = option.replace('--', '');
parsedArgs[name] = inputOptions[option].default;
if (inputArgs[2] === '--help' || inputArgs[2] === '-h') { = true;
if (inputArgs[2] === '--version' || inputArgs[2] === '-v') {
parsedArgs.version = true;
var args = inputArgs.splice(3); // the first two are node specific, the third is our text
var options = AddShortcuts(inputOptions);
for (var index = 0; args.length > index; index++) {
var option = options[args[index]];
if (option) {
var name = option._name.replace('--', '');
if (option.options !== undefined) {
var value = args[index];
if (option.options === true) {
parsedArgs[name] = value;
} else {
if (option.options.includes(value)) {
parsedArgs[name] = value;
} else {
parsedArgs[name] = option.default;
} else {
parsedArgs[name] = true;
} else {'The cli argument ' + args[index] + ' was not found and ignored', 2);
return parsedArgs;
* Display the help generated from our CLIOPTIONS
var DisplayHelp = function DisplayHelp() {
console.log(' ' + Render('cfonts', { align: 'center', colors: ['redBright', 'greenBright'] }).string + 'This is a tool for sexy fonts in the console. Give your cli some love.\n\n' + 'Usage: cfonts "<value>" [option1] <input1> [option2] <input1>,<input2> [option3]\n' + ('Example: ' + Chalk.bold('$ cfonts "sexy font" -f chrome -a center -c red,green,gray') + '\n\n') + 'Options:\n');
var command = [];
var largestSize = 0;
(0, _keys2.default)(CLIOPTIONS).forEach(function (option) {
console.log(Chalk.bold(option + ', ' + CLIOPTIONS[option].short));
console.log(Chalk.bold('$') + ' cfonts ' + option + (typeof CLIOPTIONS[option].options !== 'boolean' && typeof CLIOPTIONS[option].options !== 'undefined' ?' ( ' + CLIOPTIONS[option].options.join(', ') + ' )') : '') + '\n');
* Display the version of this package
var DisplayVersion = function DisplayVersion() {
* Run cli commands
* @param {array} inputOptions - All possible options registered for this app
* @param {array} inputArgs - The arguments given to us in our cli, default: process.argv
var Cli = function Cli() {
var inputOptions = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : CLIOPTIONS;
var inputArgs = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : process.argv;
var args = ParseArgs(inputOptions, inputArgs);'OPTIONS:\n' + (' CFonts.say("' + args.text + '", {\n') + (' font: "' + args.font + '",\n') + (' align: "' + args.align + '",\n') + (' colors: ' + (args.colors ? (0, _stringify2.default)(args.colors.split(',')) : []) + ',\n') + (' background: "' + args.background + '",\n') + (' letterSpacing: ' + args.letterSpacing + ',\n') + (' lineHeight: ' + args.lineHeight + ',\n') + (' space: ' + args.spaceless + ',\n') + (' maxLength: ' + args.maxLength + '\n') + (' }, ' + args.debug + ', ' + args.debugLevel + ' );'), 3, args.debug, args.debugLevel);
if ( {
if (args.version) {
if (!args.text) {
Log.error('Please provide text to convert with ' +'cfonts "Text"') + '\n' + ('Run ' +'cfonts --help') + ' for more infos'));
Say(args.text, {
font: args.font,
align: args.align,
colors: args.colors ? args.colors.split(',') : [],
background: args.background,
letterSpacing: args.letterSpacing,
lineHeight: args.lineHeight,
space: args.spaceless,
maxLength: args.maxLength
}, args.debug, args.debugLevel);
* Debugging prettiness

@@ -781,17 +1098,18 @@ *

// Module export
// Export for API use and unit tests
module.exports = exports = {
render: Render,
say: Say,
Debugging: Debugging,
Log: Log,
__test__: {
AddShortcuts: AddShortcuts,
GetFont: GetFont,

@@ -809,4 +1127,10 @@ CharLength: CharLength,

CleanInput: CleanInput,
GetOptions: GetOptions
GetOptions: GetOptions,
ParseArgs: ParseArgs,
DisplayHelp: DisplayHelp,
DisplayVersion: DisplayVersion,
Cli: Cli,
Debugging: Debugging,
Log: Log
"name": "cfonts",
"description": "Sexy fonts for the console",
"version": "2.0.1",
"version": "2.1.0",
"homepage": "",

@@ -54,5 +54,4 @@ "author": {

"babel-runtime": "^6.26.0",
"chalk": "^2.3.2",
"chalk": "^2.4.1",
"change-case": "^3.0.2",
"commander": "^2.15.1",
"window-size": "^1.1.0"

@@ -59,0 +58,0 @@ },

@@ -10,17 +10,10 @@ ```shell

> This is a silly little command line tool for sexy fonts in the console. **Give your cli some love.**
## Examples
Different styles:
![cfont styles](
Real world example:
![api example](
<p align="center"><img src="" alt="api example"></p>
<p align="center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="npm status"></a></p>
<p align="center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="build status"></a></p>
<p align="center">This is a silly little command line tool for sexy fonts in the console. <strong>Give your cli some love.</strong></p>

@@ -49,10 +42,10 @@ ## Installing

CFonts.say('Hello|world!', {
font: 'block', //define the font face
align: 'left', //define text alignment
colors: ['system'], //define all colors
background: 'transparent', //define the background color, you can also use `backgroundColor` here as key
letterSpacing: 1, //define letter spacing
lineHeight: 1, //define the line height
space: true, //define if the output text should have empty lines on top and on the bottom
maxLength: '0', //define how many character can be on one line
font: 'block', // define the font face
align: 'left', // define text alignment
colors: ['system'], // define all colors
background: 'transparent', // define the background color, you can also use `backgroundColor` here as key
letterSpacing: 1, // define letter spacing
lineHeight: 1, // define the line height
space: true, // define if the output text should have empty lines on top and on the bottom
maxLength: '0', // define how many character can be on one line

@@ -70,6 +63,6 @@ ```

prettyFont.string //the ansi string for sexy console font
prettyFont.array //returns the array for the output
prettyFont.lines //returns the lines used
prettyFont.options //returns the options used
prettyFont.string // the ansi string for sexy console font
prettyFont.array // returns the array for the output
prettyFont.lines // returns the lines used
prettyFont.options // returns the options used

@@ -96,58 +89,20 @@

- `A`
- `B`
- `C`
- `D`
- `E`
- `F`
- `G`
- `H`
- `I`
- `J`
- `K`
- `L`
- `M`
- `N`
- `O`
- `P`
- `Q`
- `R`
- `S`
- `T`
- `U`
- `V`
- `W`
- `X`
- `Y`
- `Z`
- `0`
- `1`
- `2`
- `3`
- `4`
- `5`
- `6`
- `7`
- `8`
- `9`
- `!`
- `?`
- `.`
- `+`
- `-`
- `_`
- `=`
- `@`
- `#`
- `$`
- `%`
- `&`
- `(`
- `)`
- `/`
- `:`
- `;`
- `,`
- ` ` (space)
| | | | | |
| `A` | `O` | `2` | `2` | `=` |
| `B` | `P` | `3` | `3` | `@` |
| `C` | `Q` | `4` | `4` | `#` |
| `D` | `R` | `5` | `5` | `$` |
| `E` | `S` | `6` | `6` | `%` |
| `F` | `T` | `7` | `7` | `&` |
| `G` | `U` | `8` | `8` | `(` |
| `H` | `V` | `9` | `9` | `)` |
| `I` | `W` | `!` | `!` | `/` |
| `J` | `X` | `?` | `?` | `:` |
| `K` | `Y` | `.` | `.` | `;` |
| `L` | `Z` | `+` | `+` | `,` |
| `M` | `0` | `-` | `-` | ` ` (space) |
| `N` | `1` | `_` | `_` | |
_The `|` character will be replaced with a line break_

@@ -356,3 +311,4 @@

## Test
The package comes with a bunch of unit tests and a test suite for font files.
The package comes with a bunch of [unit tests]( and a
[test suite]( for font files.

@@ -372,3 +328,3 @@ Run the unit tests via:

This tool checks:
- the existence
- the existence of the font
- all attributes of a font

@@ -388,3 +344,4 @@ - each character for:

## Release History
* 2.0.1 - Foxed terminal width detection
* 2.1.0 - Rebuilt cfonts with pure functions, made colors case-insensitive
* 2.0.1 - Fixed terminal width detection
* 2.0.0 - Added tests, split into more pure functions

@@ -391,0 +348,0 @@ * 1.2.0 - Added `transparent` and `system` as default background and color option, added `backgroundColor` as alias for `background`, upgraded deps

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