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@@ -14,6 +14,4 @@ #!/usr/bin/env node

'use strict'; // Dependencies
'use strict';
var CFonts = require('..');

@@ -11,1037 +11,38 @@ /***************************************************************************************************************************************************************

* Constants:
* Cli
* Run cli commands
* Methods:
* GetFont - Get a selected JSON font-file object
* CharLength - Return the max width of a character by looking at its longest line
* AddLine - Add a new line to the output array
* Color - Abstraction for coloring hex-, keyword- and background-colors
* Colorize - Replace placeholders with color information
* UpperCaseFirst - Upper case the first character of an input string
* AddChar - Add a new character to the output array
* AddLetterSpacing - Add letter spacing for the next character
* Size - Abstraction for windows size
* AlignText - Calculate the spaces to be added to the left of each line to align them either center or right
* CheckInput - Check input for human errors
* RenderConsole - Render our input with the console font
* CleanInput - Filter only allowed character
* GetOptions - Merge user settings with default options
* Render - Main method to get the ANSI output for a string
* Say - Print to console
* AddShortcuts - Flatten the shortcuts in our cli options object
* ParseArgs - Parse cli arguments into a nice object
* DisplayHelp - Display the help generated from our CLIOPTIONS
* DisplayVersion - Display the version of this package
* Cli - Run cli commands
* Debugging - Debugging prettiness
* Log - Logging prettiness
'use strict'; // Dependencies
'use strict';
function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }
var _require = require('./AddLetterSpacing.js'),
AddLetterSpacing = _require.AddLetterSpacing;
function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }
var _require2 = require('./DisplayVersion.js'),
DisplayVersion = _require2.DisplayVersion;
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
var _require3 = require('./DisplayHelp.js'),
DisplayHelp = _require3.DisplayHelp;
var chalkOriginal = require("chalk");
var _require4 = require('./constants.js'),
var WinSize = require('window-size');
var _require5 = require('./Debugging.js'),
Debugging = _require5.Debugging;
var Path = require("path");
var _require6 = require('./ParseArgs.js'),
ParseArgs = _require6.ParseArgs;
var Fs = require("fs"); // We pass on the FORCE_COLOR env var to chalk so we can force it in ci
var _require7 = require('./Render.js'),
Render = _require7.Render;
var _require8 = require('./Chalk.js'),
Chalk = _require8.Chalk;
var Chalk = new chalkOriginal.Instance(_objectSpread({}, process.env.FORCE_COLOR ? {
level: parseInt(process.env.FORCE_COLOR)
} : null)); // global defaults
var _require9 = require('./Log.js'),
Log = _require9.Log;
var DEBUG = false;
var CHARS = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "|", "!", "?", ".", "+", "-", "_", "=", "@", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "/", ":", ";", ",", " ", "'"];
var COLORS = {
system: 'system',
black: 'black',
red: 'red',
green: 'green',
yellow: 'yellow',
blue: 'blue',
magenta: 'magenta',
cyan: 'cyan',
white: 'white',
gray: 'gray',
redbright: 'redBright',
greenbright: 'greenBright',
yellowbright: 'yellowBright',
bluebright: 'blueBright',
magentabright: 'magentaBright',
cyanbright: 'cyanBright',
whitebright: 'whiteBright'
var BGCOLORS = {
transparent: 'transparent',
black: 'black',
red: 'red',
green: 'green',
yellow: 'yellow',
blue: 'blue',
magenta: 'magenta',
cyan: 'cyan',
white: 'white',
blackbright: 'blackBright',
redbright: 'redBright',
greenbright: 'greenBright',
yellowbright: 'yellowBright',
bluebright: 'blueBright',
magentabright: 'magentaBright',
cyanbright: 'cyanBright',
whitebright: 'whiteBright'
var ALIGNMENT = ['left', 'center', 'right'];
console: 'console',
block: 'block',
simpleblock: 'simpleBlock',
simple: 'simple',
'3d': '3d',
simple3d: 'simple3d',
chrome: 'chrome',
huge: 'huge',
shade: 'shade'
'--version': {
description: 'Use to display the version of cfonts',
example: '--version',
"short": '-v',
"default": false
'--help': {
description: 'Use to display this help',
example: '--help',
"short": '-h',
"default": false
'--font': {
description: 'Use to define the font face',
example: '--font block',
"short": '-f',
options: Object.keys(FONTFACES).map(function (color) {
return FONTFACES[color];
"default": 'block'
'--colors': {
description: 'Use to define the font color',
example: '--colors block',
"short": '-c',
options: true,
// Object.keys( COLORS ).map( color => COLORS[ color ] ),
"default": 'system'
'--background': {
description: 'Use to define background color',
example: '--background block',
"short": '-b',
options: Object.keys(BGCOLORS).map(function (color) {
return BGCOLORS[color];
"default": 'transparent'
'--align': {
description: 'Use to align your text output',
example: '--align block',
"short": '-a',
options: ALIGNMENT,
"default": 'left'
'--letter-spacing': {
description: 'Use to define your letter spacing',
example: '--letter-spacing 2',
"short": '-l',
options: true,
"default": 1
'--line-height': {
description: 'Use to define your line height',
example: '--line-height 5',
"short": '-z',
options: true,
"default": 1
'--spaceless': {
description: 'Use to disable the padding around your output',
example: '--spaceless',
"short": '-s',
"default": false
'--max-length': {
description: 'Use to define the amount of maximum characters per line',
example: '--max-length 10',
"short": '-m',
options: true,
"default": 0
'--debug': {
description: 'Use to enable debug mode',
example: '--debug',
"short": '-d',
"default": false
'--debug-level': {
description: 'Use to define the debug level. The higher, the less debug infos',
example: '--debug-level 2',
"short": '-x',
options: true,
"default": 1
var PACKAGE = require('../package.json');
var HEXTEST = RegExp('^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$');
var _require10 = require('./Say.js'),
Say = _require10.Say;
* Get a selected JSON font-file object
* @param {string} font - The name of the font to be returned
* @return {object} - The font object of that file
var GetFont = function GetFont(font) {"Running GetFont", 1); // try loading the font file
try {
var FONTFACE = require("../fonts/".concat(font, ".json")); // read font file"GetFont: Fontface path selected: \"".concat(font, ".json\""), 2);
return FONTFACE;
} catch (error) {
Debugging.error("Font file for \"".concat(font, "\" errored out: ").concat(error), 2);
return false;
* Return the max width of a character by looking at its longest line
* @param {array} character - The character array from the font face object
* @param {integer} fontLines - The number of lines this font has per character
* @param {integer} letterSpacing - The user defined letter spacing
* @return {integer} - The length of a longest line in a character
var CharLength = function CharLength(character, fontLines, letterSpacing) {"Running CharLength", 1);
var charWidth = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < fontLines; i++) {
var _char = character[i].replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ''); // get character and strip color infos
if (_char.length > charWidth) {
charWidth = _char.length; // assign only largest
if (charWidth === 0 && letterSpacing > 0) {"CharLength: Adding space to letter spacing", 1);
charWidth = 1;
return charWidth;
* Add a new line to the output array
* @param {array} output - The output array the line shall be appended to
* @param {integer} fontLines - The number of lines this font has per character
* @param {array} FontBuffer - An array of the space we add at the beginning of each line
* @param {integer} lineHeight - The user defined line height
* @return {array} - The output array with new line
var AddLine = function AddLine(output, fontLines, FontBuffer, lineHeight) {"Running AddLine", 1);
if (output.length === 0) {
lineHeight = 0;
var lines = fontLines + output.length + lineHeight;
var length = output.length;
for (var i = length; i < lines; i++) {
var index = i - length;
if (index > lineHeight) {
output[i] = FontBuffer[index - lineHeight];
} else {
output[i] = '';
return output;
* Abstraction for coloring hex-, keyword- and background-colors
* @param {string} color - The color to be used
* @param {boolean} bg - Whether this is a background or not
* @typedef {object} ReturnObject
* @property {string} open - The open ansi code
* @property {string} close - The close ansi code
* @return {ReturnObject} - An object with open and close ansi codes
var Color = function Color(color) {
var bg = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
// bail early if we use system color
if (color === 'system' || process.env.FORCE_COLOR == 0) {
return {
open: '',
close: ''
} // bail if this is a chalk defined color
if (color.includes('Bright')) {
if (bg) {
color = "bg".concat(UpperCaseFirst(color));
return {
open: Chalk[color],
close: Chalk[color]._styler.close
var kind = HEXTEST.test(color) ? 'hex' : "".concat(bg ? 'bgK' : 'k', "eyword");
var styles;
try {
styles = Chalk[kind](color)._styler;
} catch (error) {
Debugging.error("The color ".concat(Chalk.yellow(color), " could not be found. Sorry about this."));
return {
open: '',
close: ''
return {
close: styles.close
* Replace placeholders with color information
* @param {string} character - The string to be converted
* @param {integer} fontColors - The number of allowed colors for this font
* @param {array} optionColors - An array of user defined colors
* @return {string} - The character with color ansi escape sequences for CLI
var Colorize = function Colorize(character, fontColors, optionColors) {"Running Colorize", 1);
var candyColors = [// allowed candy colors
'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'redBright', 'greenBright', 'yellowBright', 'blueBright', 'magentaBright', 'cyanBright'];
if (character !== undefined) {
if (fontColors > 1) {
// we have to replace all color placeholder with ansi escape sequences
for (var i = 0; i < fontColors; i++) {
var color = optionColors[i] === 'candy' ? candyColors[Math.floor(Math.random() * candyColors.length)] : optionColors[i] || 'system';
var _Color = Color(color),
openNew =,
closeNew = _Color.close;
var open = new RegExp("<c".concat(i + 1, ">"), 'g');
var close = new RegExp("</c".concat(i + 1, ">"), 'g');
character = character.replace(open, openNew);
character = character.replace(close, closeNew);
} // if only one color is allowed there won't be any color placeholders in the characters
if (fontColors === 1) {
var _color = optionColors[0] === 'candy' ? candyColors[Math.floor(Math.random() * candyColors.length)] : optionColors[0] || 'system';
var _Color2 = Color(_color),
_openNew =,
_closeNew = _Color2.close;
character = _openNew + character + _closeNew;
return character;
* Upper case the first character of an input string.
* @author
* @param {string} input - A string to be converted
* @return {string} - A string with the first letter in upper case
var UpperCaseFirst = function UpperCaseFirst(input) {
return typeof input === 'string' ? input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.substr(1) : input;
* Add a new character to the output array
* @param {string} CHAR - The character to be added
* @param {array} output - The output array the line shall be appended to
* @param {integer} fontLines - The number of lines this font has per character
* @param {object} fontChars - An object with all character arrays
* @param {integer} fontColors - The amount of colors allowed for this font
* @param {object} colors - Our options
* @return {array} - The output array with new line
var AddChar = function AddChar(CHAR, output, fontLines, fontChars, fontColors, colors) {"Running AddChar with \"".concat(CHAR, "\""), 1);
var lines = output.length - fontLines; // last line is fontLines tall and is located at the bottom of the output array
for (var i = lines; i < output.length; i++) {
// iterate over last line
var index = i - lines;
output[i] += Colorize(fontChars[CHAR][index], fontColors, colors);
return output;
* Add letter spacing for the next character
* @param {array} output - The output array the line shall be appended to
* @param {integer} fontLines - The number of lines this font has per character
* @param {array} fontLetterspace - A space between the letters
* @param {integer} fontColors - The amount of colors allowed for this font
* @param {array} colors - The user defined colors
* @param {integer} letterSpacing - The user defined letter spacing
* @return {array} - The output array with space
var AddLetterSpacing = function AddLetterSpacing(output, fontLines, fontLetterspace, fontColors, colors, letterSpacing) {"Running AddLetterSpacing", 1);
var lines = output.length - fontLines; // last line is fontLines tall and is located at the bottom of the output array
for (var i = lines; i < output.length; i++) {
// iterate over last line
var index = i - lines;
var space = Colorize(fontLetterspace[index], fontColors, colors);
if (space.length === 0 && letterSpacing > 0) {"AddLetterSpacing: Adding space to letter spacing", 1);
space = ' ';
output[i] += space.repeat(letterSpacing);
return output;
* Abstraction for windows size
* @type {object}
var Size = {
width: WinSize ? WinSize.width > 0 ? WinSize.width : 80 : 80,
height: WinSize ? WinSize.height > 0 ? WinSize.height : 24 : 24
* Calculate the spaces to be added to the left of each line to align them either center or right
* @param {array} output - The output array the line shall be appended to
* @param {integer} lineLength - The current line length
* @param {integer} characterLines - The amount of line breaks in one character
* @param {string} align - The alignment of the text, only `center` and `right` will do anything
* @param {object} size - The size of the terminal as an object, default: Size
* @param {integer} size.width - The width of the terminal
* @param {integer} size.height - The height of the terminal
* @return {array} - The output array with space added on the left for alignment
var AlignText = function AlignText(output, lineLength, characterLines, align) {
var size = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : Size;"Running AlignText", 1);
var space = 0;
if (align === 'center') {
// calculate the size for center alignment
space = Math.floor((size.width - lineLength) / 2);"AlignText: Center lineLength: ".concat(lineLength, ", size.width: ").concat(size.width, ", space: ").concat(space), 2);
if (align === 'right') {
// calculate the size for right alignment
space = size.width - lineLength;"AlignText: Right lineLength: ".concat(lineLength, ", size.width: ").concat(size.width, ", space: ").concat(space), 2);
if (space > 0) {
// only add if there is something to add
var lines = output.length - characterLines; // last line is characterLines tall and is located at the bottom of the output array
space = ' '.repeat(space);
for (var i = lines; i < output.length; i++) {
// iterate over last line (which can be several line breaks long)
output[i] = space + output[i];
return output;
* Check input for human errors
* @param {string} INPUT - The string you want to write out
* @param {string} userFont - The user specified font
* @param {array} userColors - The user specified colors
* @param {string} userBackground - The user specified background color
* @param {string} userAlign - The user specified alignment option
* @param {object} fontfaces - All allowed fontfaces
* @param {object} colors - All allowed font colors
* @param {object} bgcolors - All allowed background colors
* @param {array} alignment - All allowed alignments
* @typedef {object} ReturnObject
* @property {boolean} pass - Whether the input is valid
* @property {string} message - Possible error messages
* @return {ReturnObject} - An object with error messages and a pass key
var CheckInput = function CheckInput(INPUT, userFont, userColors, userBackground, userAlign) {
var fontfaces = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : FONTFACES;
var colors = arguments.length > 6 && arguments[6] !== undefined ? arguments[6] : COLORS;
var bgcolors = arguments.length > 7 && arguments[7] !== undefined ? arguments[7] : BGCOLORS;
var alignment = arguments.length > 8 && arguments[8] !== undefined ? arguments[8] : ALIGNMENT;
var result = {
message: '',
pass: true
}; // checking input
if (INPUT === undefined || INPUT === '') {
return {
message: 'Please provide text to convert',
pass: false
} // checking font
if (Object.keys(fontfaces).indexOf(userFont.toLowerCase()) === -1) {
return {
message: "\"".concat(, "\" is not a valid font option.\n") + "Please use a font from the supported stack:\n".concat( (font) {
return fontfaces[font];
}).join(', '))),
pass: false
} // checking colors
userColors.forEach(function (color) {
// check color usage
if (Object.keys(colors).indexOf(color.toLowerCase()) === -1 && color !== 'candy' && !HEXTEST.test(color)) {
result = {
message: "\"".concat(, "\" is not a valid font color option.\n") + "Please use a color from the supported stack or any valid hex color:\n".concat("".concat(Object.keys(colors).map(function (color) {
return colors[color];
}).join(', '), ", candy, \"#3456ff\", \"#f80\", etc..."))),
pass: false
}); // checking background colors
if (Object.keys(bgcolors).indexOf(userBackground.toLowerCase()) === -1) {
return {
message: "\"".concat(, "\" is not a valid background option.\n") + "Please use a color from the supported stack:\n".concat( (bgcolor) {
return bgcolors[bgcolor];
}).join(', '))),
pass: false
if (alignment.indexOf(userAlign.toLowerCase()) === -1) {
return {
message: "\"".concat(, "\" is not a valid alignment option.\n") + "Please use an alignment option from the supported stack:\n".concat(' | '))),
pass: false
return result;
* Render our input with the console font
* @param {string} INPUT - The string you want to write out
* @param {object} OPTIONS - All user options
* @param {object} size - The size of the terminal as an object, default: Size
* @param {integer} size.width - The width of the terminal
* @param {integer} size.height - The height of the terminal
* @typedef {object} ReturnObject
* @property {array} output - An array of each line of the output
* @property {integer} lines - The count of line breaks
* @return {ReturnObject} - An object with the output and the line breaks
var RenderConsole = function RenderConsole(INPUT, OPTIONS) {
var size = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : Size;
var output = [];
var i = 0; // the defaults need to cramp a little so console doesn't look silly
OPTIONS.letterSpacing = OPTIONS.letterSpacing <= 1 ? 0 : OPTIONS.letterSpacing - 1;
OPTIONS.lineHeight = OPTIONS.lineHeight <= 1 ? 0 : OPTIONS.lineHeight - 1;
var space = '';
if (OPTIONS.letterSpacing > 0) {
space = ' '.repeat(OPTIONS.letterSpacing);
} // we have to add our letter spacing first
var outputLines = INPUT.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '|').split('|').map(function (line) {
return line.trim().split('').join(space);
}); // now we check each line for it's length and split them if too long
while (i < outputLines.length) {
var line = outputLines[i];
if (line.length > size.width) {
outputLines[i] = line.slice(0, size.width).trim();
outputLines.splice(i + 1, 0, line.slice(size.width).trim());
line = outputLines[i];
if (OPTIONS.colors[0] === 'candy') {
output.push(line.split('').map(function (character) {
return Colorize(character, 1, OPTIONS.colors);
} else {
output = AlignText(output, line.length, 1, OPTIONS.align, size);
output = AddLine(output, 0, [''], OPTIONS.lineHeight);
return {
output: output,
lines: output.length
* Filter only allowed character
* @param {string} INPUT - The input text to be filtered
* @param {array} chars - An array of all allowed characters
* @return {string} - The filtered input text
var CleanInput = function CleanInput(INPUT) {
var chars = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : CHARS;
if (typeof INPUT === 'string') {
var clean = INPUT.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '|').split('').filter(function (_char2) {
return chars.includes(_char2.toUpperCase());
return clean;
} else {
return '';
* Merge user settings with default options
* @param {SETTINGS} SETTINGS - Some or all of the allowed settings
* @param {array} allowedColors - All allowed font colors
* @param {array} allowedBG - All allowed background colors
* @param {array} allowedFont - All allowed fontfaces
* @typedef {object} SETTINGS
* @param {string} font - Font face, Default 'block'
* @param {string} align - Text alignment, Default: 'left'
* @param {array} colors - Colors for font, Default: []
* @param {string} background - Chalk color string for background, Default 'Black'
* @param {integer} letterSpacing - Space between letters, Default: set by selected font face
* @param {integer} lineHeight - Space between lines, Default: 1
* @param {boolean} space - Output space before and after output, Default: true
* @param {integer} maxLength - Maximum amount of characters per line, Default width of console window
* @return {object} - Our merged options
var GetOptions = function GetOptions(_ref) {
var font = _ref.font,
align = _ref.align,
colors = _ref.colors,
background = _ref.background,
backgroundColor = _ref.backgroundColor,
letterSpacing = _ref.letterSpacing,
lineHeight = _ref.lineHeight,
space =,
maxLength = _ref.maxLength;
var allowedColors = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : COLORS;
var allowedBG = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : BGCOLORS;
var allowedFont = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : FONTFACES;
return {
font: font === undefined ? 'block' : allowedFont[font.toLowerCase()] || font,
align: align === undefined ? 'left' : align.toLowerCase(),
colors: Array.isArray(colors) ? (color) {
return allowedColors[color.toLowerCase()] || color;
}) : [],
background: background === undefined && backgroundColor === undefined ? 'transparent' : background === undefined ? allowedBG[backgroundColor.toLowerCase()] || backgroundColor : allowedBG[background.toLowerCase()] || background,
letterSpacing: typeof parseInt(letterSpacing) === 'number' && letterSpacing > 0 ? letterSpacing : 1,
lineHeight: lineHeight === undefined ? 1 : parseInt(lineHeight),
space: typeof space === 'boolean' ? space : true,
maxLength: maxLength || 0
* Main method to get the ANSI output for a string
* @param {string} input - The string you want to write out
* @param {object} SETTINGS - Settings object
* @param {boolean} debug - A flag to enable debug mode
* @param {integer} debuglevel - The debug level we want to show
* @param {object} size - The size of the terminal as an object, default: Size
* @param {integer} size.width - The width of the terminal
* @param {integer} size.height - The height of the terminal
* @typedef {object} ReturnObject
* @property {string} string - The pure string for output with all line breaks
* @property {array} array - Each line of output in an array
* @property {integer} lines - The number of lines
* @property {object} options - All options used
* @return {ReturnObject} - CLI output of INPUT to be consoled out
var Render = function Render(input) {
var SETTINGS = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var debug = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : DEBUG;
var debuglevel = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : DEBUGLEVEL;
var size = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : Size;"Running render", 1);
DEBUG = debug;
DEBUGLEVEL = debuglevel;
var INPUT = CleanInput(input, CHARS);
var OPTIONS = GetOptions(SETTINGS);
var output = []; // for output where each line is an output line
var lines = 0; // for counting each line
var FONTFACE = {}; // scoping the fontface object higher for fonts with just one color
var _isGoodHuman = CheckInput(INPUT, OPTIONS.font, OPTIONS.colors, OPTIONS.background, OPTIONS.align);
if (!_isGoodHuman.pass) {
return false;
} // display an overview of options if debug flag is enabled
if (DEBUG) {
var outOption = "OPTIONS:\n Text: ".concat(INPUT);
for (var key in OPTIONS) {
outOption += "\n Options.".concat(key, ": ").concat(OPTIONS[key]);
}, 3);
if (OPTIONS.font === 'console') {
// console fontface is pretty easy to process
colors: 1,
lines: 1
var consoleOutput = RenderConsole(INPUT, OPTIONS, size);
output = consoleOutput.output;
lines = consoleOutput.lines;
} else {
// all other fontfaces need the font-file and some more work
if (!FONTFACE) {
Log.error("Font file for the font \"".concat(font, "\" could not be found.\nTry reinstalling this package."));
return false;
} // setting the letterspacing preference from font face if there is no user overwrite
if (SETTINGS.letterSpacing === undefined) {"Looking up letter spacing from font face", 1);
var width = 0;
FONTFACE.letterspace.forEach(function (item) {
var _char3 = item.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ''); // get character and strip color infos
if (width < _char3.length) {
width = _char3.length;
});"Letter spacing set to font face default: \"".concat(width, "\""), 2);
OPTIONS.letterSpacing = width;
var lineLength = CharLength(FONTFACE.buffer, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS); // count each output character per line and start with the buffer
var maxChars = 0; // count each character we print for maxLength option
output = AddLine([], FONTFACE.lines, FONTFACE.buffer, OPTIONS.lineHeight); // create first lines with buffer
output = AddLetterSpacing(output, FONTFACE.lines, FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.colors, OPTIONS.colors, OPTIONS.letterSpacing); // add letter spacing to the beginning
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS) * OPTIONS.letterSpacing; // count the space for the letter spacing
for (var i = 0; i < INPUT.length; i++) {
// iterate through the message
var CHAR = INPUT.charAt(i).toUpperCase(); // the current character we convert, only upper case is supported at this time
var lastLineLength = lineLength; // we need the lineLength for alignment before we look up if the next char fits"Character found in font: \"".concat(CHAR, "\""), 2);
if (CHAR !== "|") {
// what will the line length be if we add the next char?
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.chars[CHAR], FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS); // get the length of this character
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS) * OPTIONS.letterSpacing; // new line, new line length
} // jump to next line after OPTIONS.maxLength characters or when line break is found or the console windows would have ran out of space
if (maxChars >= OPTIONS.maxLength && OPTIONS.maxLength != 0 || CHAR === "|" || lineLength > size.width) {
lines++;"NEWLINE: maxChars: ".concat(maxChars, ", ") + "OPTIONS.maxLength: ".concat(OPTIONS.maxLength, ", ") + "CHAR: ".concat(CHAR, ", ") + "lineLength: ".concat(lineLength, ", ") + "Size.width: ".concat(size.width, " "), 2);
output = AlignText(output, lastLineLength, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS.align, size); // calculate alignment based on lineLength
lineLength = CharLength(FONTFACE.buffer, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS); // new line: new line length
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS) * OPTIONS.letterSpacing; // each new line starts with letter spacing
if (CHAR !== "|") {
// if this is a character and not a line break
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.chars[CHAR], FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS); // get the length of this character
lineLength += CharLength(FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS) * OPTIONS.letterSpacing; // add letter spacing at the end
maxChars = 0; // new line, new maxLength goal
output = AddLine(output, FONTFACE.lines, FONTFACE.buffer, OPTIONS.lineHeight); // adding new line
// add letter spacing to the beginning
output = AddLetterSpacing(output, FONTFACE.lines, FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.colors, OPTIONS.colors, OPTIONS.letterSpacing);
}"lineLength at: \"".concat(lineLength, "\""), 2);
if (CHAR !== "|") {
maxChars++; // counting all printed characters
output = AddChar(CHAR, output, FONTFACE.lines, FONTFACE.chars, FONTFACE.colors, OPTIONS.colors); // add new character
output = AddLetterSpacing(output, FONTFACE.lines, FONTFACE.letterspace, FONTFACE.colors, OPTIONS.colors, OPTIONS.letterSpacing);
output = AlignText(output, lineLength, FONTFACE.lines, OPTIONS.align, size); // alignment last line
var write = output.join("\n");
if (FONTFACE.colors <= 1) {
write = Colorize(write, FONTFACE.colors, OPTIONS.colors);
if ( {
// add space
write = "\n\n".concat(write, "\n\n");
if (OPTIONS.background !== 'transparent') {
var _Color3 = Color(OPTIONS.background, true),
openNew =,
closeNew = _Color3.close;
write = openNew + '\n' + write + closeNew; // result in one string with background
return {
string: write,
array: output,
lines: lines,
options: OPTIONS
* Print to console
* @param same as render method
var Say = function Say(INPUT) {
var SETTINGS = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var debug = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : DEBUG;
var debuglevel = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : DEBUGLEVEL;
var size = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : Size;"Running say", 1);
DEBUG = debug;
DEBUGLEVEL = debuglevel;
var write = Render(INPUT, SETTINGS, debug, debuglevel, size);
if (write) {
console.log(write.string); // write out
* Flatten the shortcuts in our cli options object
* @param {object} options - An object objects with a short key
* @return {object} - All short keys flattened into first level
var AddShortcuts = function AddShortcuts(options) {
var flatOptions = Object.assign({}, options);
Object.keys(flatOptions).forEach(function (option) {
flatOptions[option]._name = option;
flatOptions[flatOptions[option]["short"]] = flatOptions[option];
return flatOptions;
* Parse cli arguments into a nice object
* @param {array} inputOptions - All possible options registered for this app
* @param {array} inputArgs - The arguments given to us in our cli, default: process.argv
* @return {object} - An object of all options with at least their default values
var ParseArgs = function ParseArgs() {
var inputOptions = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : CLIOPTIONS;
var inputArgs = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : process.argv;
var parsedArgs = {
text: inputArgs[2]
}; // create defaults
Object.keys(inputOptions).forEach(function (option) {
var name = option.replace('--', '');
parsedArgs[name] = inputOptions[option]["default"];
if (inputArgs[2] === '--help' || inputArgs[2] === '-h') { = true;
if (inputArgs[2] === '--version' || inputArgs[2] === '-v') {
parsedArgs.version = true;
var args = inputArgs.splice(3); // the first two are node specific, the third is our text
var options = AddShortcuts(inputOptions);
for (var index = 0; args.length > index; index++) {
var option = options[args[index]];
if (option) {
var name = option._name.replace('--', '');
if (option.options !== undefined) {
var value = args[index];
parsedArgs[name] = value;
} else {
parsedArgs[name] = true;
} else {"The cli argument ".concat(args[index], " was not found and ignored"), 2);
return parsedArgs;
* Display the help generated from our CLIOPTIONS
var DisplayHelp = function DisplayHelp() {
console.log(" ".concat(Render('cfonts', {
align: 'center',
colors: ['redBright', 'greenBright']
}).string) + "This is a tool for sexy fonts in the console. Give your cli some love.\n\n" + "Usage: cfonts \"<value>\" [option1] <input1> [option2] <input1>,<input2> [option3]\n" + "Example: ".concat(Chalk.bold('$ cfonts "sexy font" -f chrome -a center -c red,green,gray'), "\n\n") + "Options:\n");
var command = [];
var largestSize = 0;
Object.keys(CLIOPTIONS).forEach(function (option) {
console.log(Chalk.bold("".concat(option, ", ").concat(CLIOPTIONS[option]["short"])));
console.log("".concat(Chalk.bold('$'), " cfonts ").concat(option).concat(typeof CLIOPTIONS[option].options !== 'boolean' && typeof CLIOPTIONS[option].options !== 'undefined' ?" ( ".concat(CLIOPTIONS[option].options.join(', '), " )")) : '', "\n"));
* Display the version of this package
var DisplayVersion = function DisplayVersion() {
* Run cli commands

@@ -1058,3 +59,3 @@ *

var args = ParseArgs(inputOptions, inputArgs);"OPTIONS:\n" + " CFonts.say(\"".concat(args.text, "\", {\n") + " font: \"".concat(args.font, "\",\n") + " align: \"".concat(args.align, "\",\n") + " colors: ".concat(args.colors ? JSON.stringify(args.colors.split(',')) : [], ",\n") + " background: \"".concat(args.background, "\",\n") + " letterSpacing: ".concat(args['letter-spacing'], ",\n") + " lineHeight: ".concat(args['line-height'], ",\n") + " space: ".concat(!args.spaceless, ",\n") + " maxLength: ".concat(args['max-length'], "\n") + " }, ".concat(args.debug, ", ").concat(args.debugLevel, " );"), 3, args.debug, args.debugLevel);`OPTIONS:\n` + ` CFonts.say("${args.text}", {\n` + ` font: "${args.font}",\n` + ` align: "${args.align}",\n` + ` colors: ${args.colors ? JSON.stringify(args.colors.split(',')) : []},\n` + ` background: "${args.background}",\n` + ` letterSpacing: ${args['letter-spacing']},\n` + ` lineHeight: ${args['line-height']},\n` + ` space: ${!args.spaceless},\n` + ` maxLength: ${args['max-length']}\n` + ` }, ${args.debug}, ${args.debugLevel} );`, 3, args.debug, args.debugLevel);

@@ -1072,3 +73,3 @@ if ( {

if (!args.text) {
Log.error("Please provide text to convert with ".concat("cfonts \"Text\""), "\n") + "Run ".concat("cfonts --help"), " for more infos"));
Log.error(`Please provide text to convert with ${`cfonts "Text"`)}\n` + `Run ${`cfonts --help`)} for more infos`);

@@ -1085,115 +86,12 @@ }

space: !args.spaceless,
maxLength: args['max-length']
maxLength: args['max-length'],
gradient: args.gradient,
independentGradient: args['independent-gradient']
}, args.debug, args.debugLevel);
* Debugging prettiness
* @type {object}
var Debugging = {
* Return a headline preferably at the beginning of your app
* @param {string} text - The sting you want to log
* @param {integer} level - The debug level. Show equal and greater levels. Default: 99
headline: function headline(text) {
var level = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 99;
var debug = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : DEBUG;
var debuglevel = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : DEBUGLEVEL;
if (debug && level >= debuglevel) {
console.log(Chalk.bgWhite("\n".concat(Chalk.bold(" \u2611 "), " ").concat(text)));
* Return a message to report starting a process
* @param {string} text - The sting you want to log
* @param {integer} level - The debug level. Show equal and greater levels. Default: 99
report: function report(text) {
var level = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 99;
var debug = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : DEBUG;
var debuglevel = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : DEBUGLEVEL;
if (debug && level >= debuglevel) {
console.log(Chalk.bgWhite("\n".concat(" \u2611 "), " ").concat("".concat(text, " ")))));
* Return a message to report an error
* @param {string} text - The sting you want to log
* @param {integer} level - The debug level. Show equal and greater levels. Default: 99
error: function error(text) {
var level = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 99;
var debug = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : DEBUG;
var debuglevel = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : DEBUGLEVEL;
if (debug && level >= debuglevel) {
console.error(Chalk.bgWhite("\n".concat(" \u2612 "), " ").concat("".concat(text, " ")))));
* Logging prettiness
* @type {object}
var Log = {
* Print error message to console.
* @param {string} text - The sting you want to log
error: function error(text) {
text = text.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '\n '); // indent each line
console.error("\n ".concat('Ouch:'), " ").concat(text, "\n"));
}; // Export for API use and unit tests
module.exports = exports = {
render: Render,
say: Say,
__test__: {
AddShortcuts: AddShortcuts,
GetFont: GetFont,
CharLength: CharLength,
AddLine: AddLine,
Color: Color,
Colorize: Colorize,
UpperCaseFirst: UpperCaseFirst,
AddChar: AddChar,
AddLetterSpacing: AddLetterSpacing,
Size: Size,
AlignText: AlignText,
CheckInput: CheckInput,
RenderConsole: RenderConsole,
CleanInput: CleanInput,
GetOptions: GetOptions,
ParseArgs: ParseArgs,
DisplayHelp: DisplayHelp,
DisplayVersion: DisplayVersion,
Cli: Cli,
Debugging: Debugging,
Log: Log
"name": "cfonts",
"description": "Sexy fonts for the console",
"version": "2.4.8",
"version": "2.5.0",
"homepage": "",

@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ "author": {

"test:watch": "jest --watchAll --coverage",
"test:unit": "FORCE_COLOR=3 jest --coverage",
"build": "yarn build:bin & yarn build:lib",
"build:bin": "mkdir -p bin && babel src/bin.js --out-file bin/index.js",
"build:lib": "mkdir -p lib && babel src/lib.js --out-file lib/index.js",
"watch": "yarn build && onchange 'src/**/*' -- yarn build",
"test:unit": "FORCE_COLOR=3 jest",
"build": "yarn build:lib && yarn build:bin",
"build:bin": "mkdir -p bin && mv lib/bin.js bin/index.js",
"build:lib": "mkdir -p lib && babel src --out-dir lib",
"watch": "yarn build:lib && onchange 'src/**/*' -- yarn build:lib",
"nuke": "rm -rf lib && rm -rf node_modules && rm yarn.lock"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/cli": "^7.7.7",
"@babel/core": "^7.7.7",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.7.7",
"jest-cli": "^24.9.0",
"@babel/cli": "^7.8.4",
"@babel/core": "^7.8.4",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.8.4",
"jest-cli": "^25.1.0",
"onchange": "^6.1.0"

@@ -71,3 +71,3 @@ },

"global": {
"branches": 90,
"branches": 95,
"functions": 100,

@@ -79,2 +79,5 @@ "lines": 95,

"browserslist": [
"node >= 0.12.15"
"keywords": [

@@ -81,0 +84,0 @@ "font",

@@ -119,3 +119,5 @@ ```shell

![Help command](
#### -V, --version

@@ -131,3 +133,5 @@ Type: `<command>`

![Version command](
#### text

@@ -137,3 +141,4 @@ Type: `<string>`

This is the "textinput" to be converted into a nice font
This is the "text input" to be converted into a nice font.
The `|` character will be replaced with a line break.

@@ -144,3 +149,5 @@ ```shell

![Text command](
#### -f, --font

@@ -156,2 +163,4 @@ Type: `<string>`

![Font command](
- `block` [colors: 2] _(default)_

@@ -191,3 +200,5 @@ ![block font style](

![Align command](
#### -c, --colors

@@ -198,3 +209,3 @@ Type: `<string list>`

With this setting you can set the colors for your font.
Use the below color strings built in by [chalk]( or a hex color.
Use the below color strings built in by [chalk]( or a hex color.
Provide colors in a comma-separated string, eg: `red,blue`. _(no spaces)_

@@ -228,3 +239,49 @@ If you use a hex color make sure you include the `#` prefix. _(In the terminal wrap the hex in quotes)_

![Colors command](
#### -g, --gradient
Type: `<string list>`
Default value: `false`
With this setting you can set a gradient over your output.
This setting supersedes the color open.
The gradient requires two colors, a start color and an end color from left to right.
CFonts will then generate a gradient through as many colors as it can find to make the output most impressive.
Provide two colors in a comma-separated string, eg: `red,blue`. _(no spaces)_
If you use a hex color make sure you include the `#` prefix. _(In the terminal wrap the hex in quotes)_
- `black`
- `red`
- `green`
- `yellow`
- `blue`
- `magenta`
- `cyan`
- `white`
- `gray`
- `grey`
- `#ff8800` _(any valid hex color)_
- `#f80` _(short form is supported as well)_
$ cfonts "text" --gradient red,"#f80"
![Gradient command](
#### -i, --independent-gradient
Type: `<boolen>`
Default value: `false`
Set this option to re-calculate the gradient colors for each new line.
$ cfonts "text|next line" --gradient red,"#f80" --independentGradient
![Independent gradient command](
#### -b, --background

@@ -234,3 +291,3 @@ Type: `<string>`

With this setting you can set the background colors for the output. Use the below color strings built in by [chalk](
With this setting you can set the background colors for the output. Use the below color strings built in by [chalk](
Provide the background color from the below supported list, eg: 'white'

@@ -260,3 +317,5 @@

![Background command](
#### -l, --letter-spacing

@@ -272,3 +331,5 @@ Type: `<integer>`

![Letter spacing command](
#### -z, --line-height

@@ -284,3 +345,5 @@ Type: `<integer>`

![Line height command](
#### -s, --spaceless

@@ -296,3 +359,5 @@ Type: `<boolen>`

![Spaceless command](
#### -m, --max-length

@@ -302,3 +367,5 @@ Type: `<integer>`

This option sets the maximum characters that will be printed on one line. 0 means no max width and the text will break at the edge of the terminal window.
This option sets the maximum characters that will be printed on one line.
CFonts detects the size of your terminal but you can opt out and determine your own max width.
`0` means no max width and the text will break at the edge of the terminal window.

@@ -309,3 +376,5 @@ ```shell

![Max length command](
## Consistency

@@ -368,2 +437,3 @@ [Chalk]( detects what colors are supported on your platform.

## Release History
* 2.5.0 - added gradient option, separated code into files, added 100% unit testing coverage
* 2.4.8 - removed `ansi-styles` from direct dependencies

@@ -370,0 +440,0 @@ * 2.4.7 - fixed bug from adopting chalk v3 and hex colors

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