Node.js implementation of the Bitcoin Cash ChainBet protocol
This repo contains a node.js implementation of the ChainBet protocol built using TypeScript. The specification of the ChainBet protocol is here: An example program (dice.js) is provided to demonstrate how to use the chainbet
npm package. Instructions for compiling the chainbet npm package from TypeScript source are also provided.
dice.js Main Menu
Running dice.js example
- install node.js (v8.11.3 or later)
git clone
cd chainbet/examples/dice
npm install
node dice.js
Compiling TypeScript Source for npm package
The following dice.js example shows a simple command-line program which facilitates a trustless p2p dice games using the ChainBet npm package. Running this example requires that at least one player is already running the program in "client mode" before another player uses "host mode" to announce a coin flip bet wager.
- install node.js (v8.11.3 or later)
git clone
cd chainbet
npm install
npm run build
- Verify the libs directory was created with output js and d.ts files.
Dice Winner
Dice Loser
Dev Usage
Install: npm install chainbet
let chainbet = require('chainbet');
chainbet.Host.encodePhase1Message(1000, 'bitcoincash:qzs02v05l7qs5s24srqju498qu55dwuj0cx5ehjm2c');
let scriptHex = Buffer('01010100000000000003e81111111111111111111111111111111111111111a0f531f4ff810a415580c12e54a7072946bb927e');