Chains AMQP
This package is an abstract class for Chains NodeJS-devices. It requires node-amqp
. The class connects to RabbitMQ and emits events based on actions being trigged in Chains. It also handles heart beats.
npm install chains-amqp
Or put this in your package.json
"dependencies": {
"chains-amqp": "*"
If you are going to create a new Chains-device. You can do it like this:
Example one
var amqp = require('chains-amqp').connect({deviceName: 'xcomfort'});
amqp.on('on', function(deviceId, actionId) {
var light = lights.findWhere({serial: deviceId});
if (light) {
light.set('isOn', true);
amqp.sendResponse('on', actionId);
Example two
var amqp = require('chains-amqp').connect({deviceName: 'xcomfort'});
amqp.on('describe', function(deviceId, actionId) {
var events = [
[ 'xcomfort-on', {
'key': ['str', null, 'Event trigger'],
'value': ['int', null, 'Light ID']
}, 'Action to turn on a single device. Needs value to be a ID of a device']
var actions = [
[ 'action_on', {
'key': ['str', null, 'device Id'],
'value': ['int', null, 'Light ID']
}, 'Action to turn on a single device. Needs value to be a ID of a device'],
[ 'action_off', {
'key': ['str', null, 'device Id'],
'value': ['int', null, 'Light ID']
}, 'Action to turn on a single device. Needs value to be a ID of a device']
amqp.sendResponse('describe', actionId, {
'info': 'Controll XComfort-devices. Lights etc',
'actions': actions,
'events': events
MIT, see the LICENSE file