Unofficial Cinergy Content API SDK
The supported endpoints are:
- movies
- images
- posters
- trailers
- distributors
- shows
- theatres
- shows
- genres
- reviews
npm i cinergy-content-api
build status
![Build Status](
Set up the client
var apiClient = api = new CinergyAPI('my-secret-cinergy-token');
get movies, start at offset 2, return 2 movies per call, use the pager
apiClient.movies().offset(2).limit(2).list(function(err, movies, pager) {
// first set of movies, movies, pager) {
// next set of movies
get the teathre with the id 852
apiClient.theatres(852).list(function(err, movies) {
get images for the movie with the id 78765
apiClient.movies(78765).images().list(function(err, images, pager) {