BREAKING CHANGE: Added default cache config options for both application and static asset caches, breaking previous config settings. The new defaults enable a reasonable cache lifespan (15 minutes), preventing issues like cached static assets from growing over time and taking up memory even if they're not being accessed regularly. Previously, enabling the static cache kept all static assets in memory for the life of the application. Consult the readme for details.
Improved server error handling, making apps more resilient to fatal errors and avoiding app crashes
BREAKING CHANGES (These were intended for 0.7.0, but were lost in the merge and I missed it. Sorry for the breakage in a point release.):
All config options can now be overwritten at app startup, including config settings in your own namespaces. This breaks the HTTP and HTTPS overwrite options that were available previously.
By default, app.start() starts an HTTP server. To start an HTTPS server, you must enable it manually inline or via a config file and provide key/cert/pfx files. You can disable HTTP entirely via config as well. Consult the readme for details.
HTTPS key/cert/pfx files should now be passed as a string representing the path to the file, not the contents of the files themselves. citizen reads these files itself now.
Cache methods have been renamed and moved to their own namespace (app.cache). The old calls and their new equivalents are:
app.cache() -> app.cache.set()
app.retrieve() -> app.cache.get()
app.exists() -> app.cache.exists()
app.clear() -> app.cache.clear()
Fixe a bug in cache.get() that returned the parent of the specified scope rather than the scope itself when requesting an entire scope. This will break existing calls to cache.get({ scope: 'myScopeName' })
Cache lifespan should now be specified in minutes instead of milliseconds -> app.cache.set({ key: 'myKey', lifespan: 15 })
Config settings for sessionTimeout and requestTimeout should now be specified in minutes instead of milliseconds -> sessionTimeout: 20
Cookie expiration should now be specified in minutes instead of milliseconds
Added global cache setting to enable/disable cache in any mode
Added layout pattern setting to the config, which allows you to specify a default controller/view pairing as a layout controller and skip the handoff directive in the requested controller
Added per-controller form settings in the config, which breaks the previous form config method.
Added individual settings for application and static asset error and status logging. For example, you can now log application error messages in production mode without also logging static errors (404) or the typically verbose framework status messages.
listen() now accepts a single argument consisting of an object containing functions (flow and callback are optional)
Added ability to end a specific user session based on a session property key/value pair using app.session.end('key', 'value')
Specifying { view: false } in a controller's emitter during a handoff skips rendering of that controller's default view
All citizen-scoped cookie and session variables (starting with "ctzn") have been changed to "ctzn_camelCase" format (ctznReferer is now ctzn_referer).
dashes(), isInteger(), and isFloat() have been removed from helpers. There are libraries better suited for this.
The listen() error event has been returned to its previous behavior of throwing its own error. Without this, debugging is pretty much impossible. citizen's behavior remains the same, however (errors are not allowed to bubble up to the node process, so the app doesn't crash). You should still be using listen.success and listen.status to handle errors properly though.
BREAKING CHANGE: All URL parameters are now cast as strings, including numeric values. There are too many complicating factors in JavaScript's handling of numbers (floats, large integers) for citizen to make assumptions regarding the desired type. For example, "0123" is numeric and would have been stored as "123" under the previous convention; if your app was expecting the leading zero to remain intact, that would be bad. New convenience functions have been added (isInteger and isFloat) to assist in dealing with numbers.
The dashes() helper has been deprecated. It's still there, but will be gone in version 0.7.0. There are much more fully-featured URL slug packages available, and since citizen doesn't use this helper internally, there's no sense in keeping it.
Error handling has been further improved. See "Handling Errors" in the readme. Changes include:
Error response formats now match the requested route format (HTML, JSON, or JSONP), which is potentially a breaking change depending on how you've been handling errors up to this point.
The listen() error and timeout events no longer throw errors themselves, which is potentially a breaking change if you were relying on these thrown errors previously. You should now use the listen() status output (output.listen) for dealing with the results of these events.
Added an error event to the listen() emitter. Any methods that rely on emitters (including your controllers) can now emit errors with HTTP status codes and error messages. See "Controllers" and "listen()" in the readme.
listen() now reports status in its output (output.listen) for individual methods. Combine this with the emitter's error event to help track and recover from errors in asynchronous function calls. See "listen()" in the readme.
The redirect directive now accepts a URL string as shorthand for a temporary redirect using the Location header