npm install benpptung/classhash -S
const classnames = require('classhash')('whatever-hash-here-to-make-class-no-global-polute')
const classes = classnames({
// it can automatically combine class strings from parent
'container': this.props.className,
// add a specific class name
'wrapper': 'wrapper ' + this.props.hasHover,
// auto calc the classnames
'date-fa-icon': _=> {
return this.state.searching
? 'fa fa-spinner fa-spin fa-fw'
: 'fa fa-search fa-fw'
// simply write the classname
'label': 1
prototype.render = function() {
let c = this.classes // shorten the long string into `c`
return (
<div className={c['container']}>
<div className={c['wrapper']}>
<i className={c['date-fa-icon']} />
<label className={c['label']}></label>
- create all classes at a time
- add
to the class name ( only the key name), no global polution - can use function to generate classname dynamically
In the scss file, it might looks like the following, I'm using atom smart templates to generate the scss and class hash automatically
$h: whatever-hash-here-to-make-class-no-global-polute;
.container#{$h} {
.wrapper#{$h} {
.date-fa-icon#{$h} {
.label#{$h} {
Finally, I don't need to waste my time on the stupid React style object, and write css looks like it should be