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Comparing version 0.3.0 to 0.5.0




@@ -1,15 +0,17 @@

var gulp = global.gulp = require('gulp'),
plugins = global.plugins = require("gulp-load-plugins")( { scope: ['devDependencies'] } );;
'use strict'
gulp.task('eslint', function() {
let gulp = require('gulp'),
plugins = require('gulp-load-plugins')( { scope: ['devDependencies'] } )
gulp.task('lint', function () {
return gulp.src( 'vindication.js' )
.pipe( global.plugins.eslint() )
.pipe( global.plugins.eslint.format() )
.pipe( global.plugins.eslint.failOnError() );
.pipe( plugins.eslint() )
.pipe( plugins.eslint.format() )
.pipe( plugins.eslint.failOnError() )
gulp.task( 'mocha', function(callback) {
return gulp.src( './test/*.js' ).pipe( global.plugins.mocha({reporter: 'nyan'}) );
} );
gulp.task( 'mocha', function (callback) {
return gulp.src( './test/*.mocha.js' ).pipe( plugins.mocha({reporter: 'nyan'}) )
} )
gulp.task( 'default', [ 'eslint', 'mocha' ] );
gulp.task( 'default', [ 'lint', 'mocha' ] )

@@ -1,60 +0,59 @@

var os = require('os');
var crypto = require('crypto');
'use strict'
var os = require('os')
var crypto = require('crypto')
var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
function isString(obj) {
return "[object String]" ===;
var toString = Object.prototype.toString
function isString (obj) {
return === '[object String]'
function isNumber(obj) {
return ( === "[object " + Number + "]") || !isNaN(obj);
function isNumber (obj) {
return ( === '[object ' + Number + ']') || !isNaN(obj)
function isObject(obj) {
return obj === Object(obj);
function createConfig(length){
if( length<4 || length > 256 )
throw new Error('Length must be a number between 4 and 256.');
function createConfig (length) {
if ( length < 4 || length > 256 )
throw new Error('Length must be a number between 4 and 256.')
var config = {
processLength : length >= 8 ? 2 : 0,
processLength: length >= 8 ? 2 : 0,
networkLength: length >= 8 ? 2 : 0,
timeLength : length < 16 ? 2 : (length >= 36 ? 8 : 4)
timeLength: length < 16 ? 2 : (length >= 36 ? 8 : 4)
config.randomLength = length - config.processLength - config.networkLength - 2*config.timeLength;
config.randomLength = length - config.processLength - config.networkLength - 2 * config.timeLength
return config;
return config
function getNetworkAddress(networkInterfaces){
function getNetworkAddress (networkInterfaces) {
for (var i in networkInterfaces) {
for (var v in i) {
if (networkInterfaces[i][v] && networkInterfaces[i][v].address && !networkInterfaces[i][v].internal) {
return networkInterfaces[i][v].address;
return networkInterfaces[i][v].address
return os.hostname();
return os.hostname()
var Clerobee = function Clerobee( length ) {
this.config = createConfig( length || 16 );
var Clerobee = function Clerobee ( length ) {
this.config = createConfig( length || 16 )
var ClerobeeProto = Clerobee.prototype;
var ClerobeeProto = Clerobee.prototype
ClerobeeProto.padHex = function(hex, digits) {
return hex.length >= digits ? hex.substring(0, digits) : this.getRandom(digits - hex.length) + hex;
ClerobeeProto.derive = function( config, masterID ) {
var lengthP = config.timeLength + config.processLength + config.networkLength;
var lengthR = lengthP + config.randomLength;
ClerobeeProto.padHex = function (hex, digits) {
return hex.length >= digits ? hex.substring(0, digits) : this.getRandom(digits - hex.length) + hex
ClerobeeProto.derive = function ( config, masterID ) {
var lengthP = config.timeLength + config.processLength + config.networkLength
var lengthR = lengthP + config.randomLength
var masterRandom = masterID.substring( lengthP, lengthR );
var masterNano = masterID.substring( lengthR, lengthR+config.timeLength );
var masterRandom = masterID.substring( lengthP, lengthR )
var masterNano = masterID.substring( lengthR, lengthR + config.timeLength )
return this.getRandom(config.randomLength, masterRandom, masterNano );
ClerobeeProto.innerGenerate = function( config, randomGenerator ) {
return this.getRandom(config.randomLength, masterRandom, masterNano )
ClerobeeProto.innerGenerate = function ( config, randomGenerator ) {
var ts = this.getTimestamp( config.timeLength ),

@@ -64,111 +63,112 @@ pid = this.getProcessId( config.processLength ),

rid = randomGenerator( ),
nnId = this.getNanoTime( config.timeLength );
nnId = this.getNanoTime( config.timeLength )
return ts + pid + nid + rid + nnId;
ClerobeeProto.getSliceRandom = function( config, uuid ){
var lengthP = config.timeLength + config.processLength + config.networkLength;
var lengthR = lengthP + config.randomLength;
return ts + pid + nid + rid + nnId
ClerobeeProto.getSliceRandom = function ( config, uuid ) {
var lengthP = config.timeLength + config.processLength + config.networkLength
var lengthR = lengthP + config.randomLength
return uuid.substring( lengthP, lengthR );
ClerobeeProto.cryptify = function( string, length ){
return uuid.substring( lengthP, lengthR )
ClerobeeProto.cryptify = function ( string, length ) {
return crypto.createHash('md5')
.update( string, 'utf8')
.slice(-length );
ClerobeeProto.generateByLength = function( length ) {
var self = this;
var config = length ? createConfig( length ) : this.config;
return this.innerGenerate.bind( self, config, function( ){ return self.getRandom( config.randomLength ); } )();
ClerobeeProto.generateByMasterID = function( masterID ) {
var self = this;
var config = createConfig( masterID.length );
return this.innerGenerate.bind( self, config, function( ){ return self.derive( config, masterID ); } )();
ClerobeeProto.generateBySource = function( reference, length ) {
var self = this;
var config = length ? createConfig( length ) : this.config;
var refString = this.cryptify( JSON.stringify( reference ), config.randomLength );
return this.innerGenerate.bind( self, config, function( ){ return self.padHex(refString, config.randomLength); } )();
ClerobeeProto.generate = function( basis, extra ) {
return !basis || isNumber(basis) ? this.generateByLength(basis) : ( isString(basis) ? this.generateByMasterID(basis) : this.generateBySource(basis, extra) );
ClerobeeProto.isSourced = function( reference, length, uuid ) {
if( !reference || !length || !uuid )
return false;
.slice(-length )
ClerobeeProto.generateByLength = function ( length ) {
var self = this
var config = length ? createConfig( length ) : this.config
return this.innerGenerate.bind( self, config, function ( ) { return self.getRandom( config.randomLength ) } )()
ClerobeeProto.generateByMasterID = function ( masterID ) {
var self = this
var config = createConfig( masterID.length )
return this.innerGenerate.bind( self, config, function ( ) { return self.derive( config, masterID ) } )()
ClerobeeProto.generateBySource = function ( reference, length ) {
var self = this
var config = length ? createConfig( length ) : this.config
var refString = this.cryptify( JSON.stringify( reference ), config.randomLength )
return this.innerGenerate.bind( self, config, function ( ) { return self.padHex(refString, config.randomLength) } )()
ClerobeeProto.generate = function ( basis, extra ) {
return !basis || isNumber(basis) ? this.generateByLength(basis) : ( isString(basis) ? this.generateByMasterID(basis) : this.generateBySource(basis, extra) )
ClerobeeProto.isSourced = function ( reference, length, uuid ) {
if ( !reference || !length || !uuid )
return false
var config = createConfig( length );
var config = createConfig( length )
var refString = this.cryptify( JSON.stringify( reference ), config.randomLength );
var refString = this.cryptify( JSON.stringify( reference ), config.randomLength )
var refRandom = this.getSliceRandom(config, uuid);
var refRandom = this.getSliceRandom(config, uuid)
return refRandom.substring(refRandom.length - refString.length) === refString;
ClerobeeProto.isDerived = function( masterID, slaveID ) {
if( !masterID || !slaveID || masterID.length !== slaveID.length )
return false;
return refRandom.substring(refRandom.length - refString.length) === refString
ClerobeeProto.isDerived = function ( masterID, slaveID ) {
if ( !masterID || !slaveID || masterID.length !== slaveID.length )
return false
var config = createConfig( masterID.length );
var config = createConfig( masterID.length )
var slaveRandom = this.getSliceRandom(config, slaveID);
var slaveRandom = this.getSliceRandom(config, slaveID)
return this.derive( config, masterID ) === slaveRandom;
ClerobeeProto.getRandom = function( randomLength, masterRandom, masterNano) {
var self = this;
randomLength = randomLength || this.config.randomLength;
return this.derive( config, masterID ) === slaveRandom
ClerobeeProto.getRandom = function ( randomLength, masterRandom, masterNano) {
var self = this
randomLength = randomLength || this.config.randomLength
var random = '';
for( var i = 0; i<randomLength; i+= RANDOM_MAX_LENGTH ){
var length = Math.min( randomLength-i, RANDOM_MAX_LENGTH );
var random = ''
for ( var i = 0; i < randomLength; i += RANDOM_MAX_LENGTH ) {
var length = Math.min( randomLength - i, RANDOM_MAX_LENGTH )
if( masterRandom && masterNano ){
var sliceR = masterRandom.substring(i, i+length);
if ( masterRandom && masterNano ) {
var sliceR = masterRandom.substring(i, i + length)
random += self.padHex( Number( parseInt(sliceR, 36) + parseInt(masterNano, 36) ).toString(36), length );
random += self.padHex( Number( parseInt(sliceR, 36) + parseInt(masterNano, 36) ).toString(36), length )
random += this.toBase36String( Math.floor( Math.random() * 1e200 ), length );
else {
random += this.toBase36String( Math.floor( Math.random() * 1e200 ), length )
return random;
ClerobeeProto.getProcessId = function( processLength ) {
processLength = processLength || this.config.processLength;
return random
ClerobeeProto.getProcessId = function ( processLength ) {
processLength = processLength || this.config.processLength
var pid = (process && ? :;
var pid = (process && ? :
return this.toBase36String( pid, processLength );
ClerobeeProto.getNetworkId = function( networkLength ) {
networkLength = networkLength || this.config.networkLength;
return this.toBase36String( pid, processLength )
ClerobeeProto.getNetworkId = function ( networkLength ) {
networkLength = networkLength || this.config.networkLength
return this.cryptify( getNetworkAddress( os.networkInterfaces() ), networkLength );
ClerobeeProto.getTimestamp = function( timeLength ) {
timeLength = timeLength || this.config-timeLength;
return this.cryptify( getNetworkAddress( os.networkInterfaces() ), networkLength )
ClerobeeProto.getTimestamp = function ( timeLength ) {
timeLength = timeLength || this.config - timeLength
return this.toBase36String(, timeLength );
ClerobeeProto.getNanoTime = function( timeLength ) {
timeLength = timeLength || this.config.timeLength;
return this.toBase36String(, timeLength )
ClerobeeProto.getNanoTime = function ( timeLength ) {
timeLength = timeLength || this.config.timeLength
var time = (process && process.hrtime) ? process.hrtime() : [1,];
var nano = time[0] * 1e9 + time[1];
var time = (process && process.hrtime) ? process.hrtime() : [1,]
var nano = time[0] * 1e9 + time[1]
// (nano + '').split('').reverse().join('')
return this.toBase36String( nano, timeLength );
ClerobeeProto.toBase36String = function(value, length) {
value = value || 0; length = length || 4;
return this.toBase36String( nano, timeLength )
ClerobeeProto.toBase36String = function (value, length) {
value = value || 0
length = length || 4
return this.padHex( Number( value ).toString(36), length);
return this.padHex( Number( value ).toString(36), length)
module.exports = exports = Clerobee;
module.exports = exports = Clerobee
"name": "clerobee",
"version": "0.3.0",
"version": "0.5.0",
"description": "A featureful dependency-free UID generator",

@@ -34,12 +34,11 @@ "keywords": [

"devDependencies": {
"chai": "latest",
"gulp": "latest",
"gulp-eslint": "~1",
"gulp-load-plugins": "latest",
"gulp-mocha": "latest"
"chai": "^3.5.0",
"gulp": "^3.9.1",
"gulp-eslint": "^2.0.0",
"gulp-load-plugins": "^1.2.0",
"gulp-mocha": "^2.2.0"
"engines": {
"node": ">= 0.10.0"
"_id": "clerobee@0.3.0"
"node": ">= 4.0.0"
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