This is external addon for clinch - CommonJS to browser packer to support React jsx
on CoffeeScript with backticks files.
How to use
Clinch = require 'clinch'
clinch_csbx = require 'clinch.csbx'
# create packer object
packer = new Clinch runtime : on
# add plugin (chainable)
packer.addPlugin clinch_csbx
For more information see main module documentation.
About React version
React grow fast and add new features and drop old one in every new releases, so clinch.csbx
have some version for all minor React version.
This is v0.14.1 React version with Babel transformer for jsx-part of csbx
.csbx example
module.exports = class HelloMessage extends React.Component
render: ->
`<div className="message">
<p>Hello {}!!!</p>
Or see ./test/fixtures directory
Why .csbx ?
Sadly while combining the best of two worlds - CoffeeScript and jsx React implemented by "the place" - using a trick with the backticks, which allow you to insert in CoffeScript structure, they are not processed. This is the reason for such an extension of the files is selected - "Coffee Script with Backticks eXt" - .csbx
As soon as the normal method is to combine both tools - I'll do it as soon as possible, most likely with the file extension will be .csx