Clipboard Hook
Adding a hook mechanism on OS native clipboard event (e.g. copy/cut/paste).
<!DOCTYPE html>
#container .black { background-color: black; color: white; }
#container .red { background-color: red; color: white; }
#container .blue { background-color: blue; color: white; }
#container .yellow { background-color: yellow; color: black; }
<ul id="container">
<li class="blue" tabIndex="0">Sky</li>
<li class="red" tabIndex="0">Blood</li>
<li class="yellow" tabIndex="0">Banana</li>
<script src="app.js"></script>
import Clipboard from 'clipboard-hook';
const clipboard = new Clipboard();
const el = document.getElementById('container');
el.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
// Pass the keydown event to detect OS native keyboard shortcut event
const itemEl =;
clipboard.handleKeyDownEvent(e, itemEl);
// Called when Ctrl(Command)+C or Ctrl(Command)+X key is pressed
clipboard.on('copy', (itemEl) => {
// textData is a serialized expression of the copying data,
// and which will be actually copied to OS clipboard.
var textData = itemEl.textContent;
var data = { name: textData, color: itemEl.className };
// set structured data to be copied to clipboard for future clipboard access.
// must be called synchronously inside of this handler.
clipboard.set({ data, textData });
// Called when Ctrl(Command)+X or DEL key is pressed
clipboard.on('delete', (itemEl) => {
// Called when Ctrl(Command)+V key is pressed
clipboard.on('paste', ({ data, textData }, itemEl) => {
var newItemEl = itemEl.cloneNode(true);
if (data) {
// if structured data is available, previous copy hook is working.
newItemEl.textContent =;
newItemEl.className = data.color;
} else {
// if there is no structured data, OS clipboard value is directly pasted.
// you can parse the textData value or ignore it.
newItemEl.textContent = textData;
newItemEl.className = 'black';
itemEl.parentNode.insertBefore(newItemEl, itemEl.nextSibling);