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An npm module for distributing cloc by Al Danial

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This is just an npm distribution of the amazing cloc by Al Danial. I created this package because I think cloc is awesome, but didn't want to download the file and commit it to my project.

Installation and Requirements



cloc is written in perl and the binary that this package exposes is the cloc perl script. You must have perl installed on your machine for this binary to work.

Node & npm

This is distributed as an npm package (some say that stands for "Node Package Manager"). So you must have Node.js (or io.js) and npm installed.

Here are quick instructions on how to get those:

Congratulations, you've opened your life to a whole new world of awesome tooling and other cool things :-)


Install this tool via npm: $ npm install -g cloc


In your terminal, simply type cloc to get output of the options available.

See the official cloc website for documentation on how to use cloc.

Here's the output when you type cloc:

Usage: cloc [options] <file(s)/dir(s)> | <set 1> <set 2> | <report files>

 Count, or compute differences of, physical lines of source code in the
 given files (may be archives such as compressed tarballs or zip files)
 and/or recursively below the given directories.

 Input Options
   --extract-with=<cmd>      This option is only needed if cloc is unable
                             to figure out how to extract the contents of
                             the input file(s) by itself.
                             Use <cmd> to extract binary archive files (e.g.:
                             .tar.gz, .zip, .Z).  Use the literal '>FILE<' as
                             a stand-in for the actual file(s) to be
                             extracted.  For example, to count lines of code
                             in the input files
                                gcc-4.2.tar.gz  perl-5.8.8.tar.gz
                             on Unix use
                               --extract-with='gzip -dc >FILE< | tar xf -'
                             or, if you have GNU tar,
                               --extract-with='tar zxf >FILE<'
                             and on Windows use, for example:
                               --extract-with="\"c:\Program Files\WinZip\WinZip32.exe\" -e -o >FILE< ."
                             (if WinZip is installed there).
   --list-file=<file>        Take the list of file and/or directory names to
                             process from <file> which has one file/directory
                             name per line.  See also --exclude-list-file.
   --unicode                 Check binary files to see if they contain Unicode
                             expanded ASCII text.  This causes performance to
                             drop noticably.

 Processing Options
   --autoconf                Count .in files (as processed by GNU autoconf) of
                             recognized languages.
   --by-file                 Report results for every source file encountered.
   --by-file-by-lang         Report results for every source file encountered
                             in addition to reporting by language.
   --diff <set1> <set2>      Compute differences in code and comments between
                             source file(s) of <set1> and <set2>.  The inputs
                             may be pairs of files, directories, or archives.
                             Use --diff-alignment to generate a list showing
                             which file pairs where compared.  See also
                             --ignore-case, --ignore-whitespace.
   --diff-timeout <N>        Ignore files which take more than <N> seconds
                             to process.  Default is 10 seconds.
                             (Large files with many repeated lines can cause 
                             Algorithm::Diff::sdiff() to take hours.)
   --follow-links            [Unix only] Follow symbolic links to directories
                             (sym links to files are always followed).
                             Process all files that have a <ext> extension
                             with the counter for language <lang>.  For
                             example, to count all .f files with the
                             Fortran 90 counter (which expects files to
                             end with .f90) instead of the default Fortran 77
                             counter, use
                               --force-lang="Fortran 90",f
                             If <ext> is omitted, every file will be counted
                             with the <lang> counter.  This option can be
                             specified multiple times (but that is only
                             useful when <ext> is given each time).
                             See also --script-lang, --lang-no-ext.
   --force-lang-def=<file>   Load language processing filters from <file>,
                             then use these filters instead of the built-in
                             filters.  Note:  languages which map to the same 
                             file extension (for example:
                             MATLAB/Objective C/MUMPS;  Pascal/PHP; 
                             Lisp/OpenCL) will be ignored as these require 
                             additional processing that is not expressed in 
                             language definition files.  Use --read-lang-def 
                             to define new language filters without replacing 
                             built-in filters (see also --write-lang-def).
   --ignore-whitespace       Ignore horizontal white space when comparing files
                             with --diff.  See also --ignore-case.
   --ignore-case             Ignore changes in case; consider upper- and lower-
                             case letters equivalent when comparing files with
                             --diff.  See also --ignore-whitespace.
   --lang-no-ext=<lang>      Count files without extensions using the <lang>
                             counter.  This option overrides internal logic
                             for files without extensions (where such files
                             are checked against known scripting languages
                             by examining the first line for #!).  See also
                             --force-lang, --script-lang.
   --max-file-size=<MB>      Skip files larger than <MB> megabytes when
                             traversing directories.  By default, <MB>=100.
                             cloc's memory requirement is roughly twenty times 
                             larger than the largest file so running with 
                             files larger than 100 MB on a computer with less 
                             than 2 GB of memory will cause problems.  
                             Note:  this check does not apply to files 
                             explicitly passed as command line arguments.
   --read-binary-files       Process binary files in addition to text files.
                             This is usually a bad idea and should only be
                             attempted with text files that have embedded
                             binary data.
   --read-lang-def=<file>    Load new language processing filters from <file>
                             and merge them with those already known to cloc.  
                             If <file> defines a language cloc already knows 
                             about, cloc's definition will take precedence.  
                             Use --force-lang-def to over-ride cloc's 
                             definitions (see also --write-lang-def ).
   --script-lang=<lang>,<s>  Process all files that invoke <s> as a #!
                             scripting language with the counter for language
                             <lang>.  For example, files that begin with
                             will be counted with the Perl counter by using
                             The language name is case insensitive but the
                             name of the script language executable, <s>,
                             must have the right case.  This option can be
                             specified multiple times.  See also --force-lang,
   --sdir=<dir>              Use <dir> as the scratch directory instead of
                             letting File::Temp chose the location.  Files
                             written to this location are not removed at
                             the end of the run (as they are with File::Temp).
   --skip-uniqueness         Skip the file uniqueness check.  This will give
                             a performance boost at the expense of counting
                             files with identical contents multiple times
                             (if such duplicates exist).
   --stdin-name=<file>       Give a file name to use to determine the language
                             for standard input.
   --strip-comments=<ext>    For each file processed, write to the current
                             directory a version of the file which has blank
                             lines and comments removed.  The name of each
                             stripped file is the original file name with
                             .<ext> appended to it.  It is written to the
                             current directory unless --original-dir is on.
   --original-dir            [Only effective in combination with
                             --strip-comments]  Write the stripped files
                             to the same directory as the original files.
   --sum-reports             Input arguments are report files previously
                             created with the --report-file option.  Makes
                             a cumulative set of results containing the
                             sum of data from the individual report files.
   --unix                    Override the operating system autodetection
                             logic and run in UNIX mode.  See also
                             --windows, --show-os.
   --windows                 Override the operating system autodetection
                             logic and run in Microsoft Windows mode.
                             See also --unix, --show-os.

 Filter Options
   --exclude-dir=<D1>[,D2,]  Exclude the given comma separated directories
                             D1, D2, D3, et cetera, from being scanned.  For
                             example  --exclude-dir=.cache,test  will skip
                             all files that have /.cache/ or /test/ as part
                             of their path.
                             Directories named .bzr, .cvs, .hg, .git, and
                             .svn are always excluded.
                             Do not count files having the given file name
   --exclude-lang=<L1>[,L2,] Exclude the given comma separated languages
                             L1, L2, L3, et cetera, from being counted.
   --exclude-list-file=<file>  Ignore files and/or directories whose names
                             appear in <file>.  <file> should have one entry
                             per line.  Relative path names will be resolved
                             starting from the directory where cloc is
                             invoked.  See also --list-file.
   --match-d=<regex>         Only count files in directories matching the Perl
                             regex.  For example
                             only counts files in directories containing
                             /src/ or /include/.
   --not-match-d=<regex>     Count all files except those in directories
                             matching the Perl regex.
   --match-f=<regex>         Only count files whose basenames match the Perl
                             regex.  For example
                             only counts files that start with Widget or widget.
   --not-match-f=<regex>     Count all files except those whose basenames
                             match the Perl regex.
   --skip-archive=<regex>    Ignore files that end with the given Perl regular
                             expression.  For example, if given
                             the code will skip files that end with .zip,
                             .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.Z, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz, and
   --skip-win-hidden         On Windows, ignore hidden files.

 Debug Options
   --categorized=<file>      Save names of categorized files to <file>.
   --counted=<file>          Save names of processed source files to <file>.
   --explain=<lang>          Print the filters used to remove comments for
                             language <lang> and exit.  In some cases the 
                             filters refer to Perl subroutines rather than
                             regular expressions.  An examination of the
                             source code may be needed for further explanation.
   --diff-alignment=<file>   Write to <file> a list of files and file pairs
                             showing which files were added, removed, and/or
                             compared during a run with --diff.  This switch
                             forces the --diff mode on.
   --help                    Print this usage information and exit.
   --found=<file>            Save names of every file found to <file>.
   --ignored=<file>          Save names of ignored files and the reason they
                             were ignored to <file>.
   --print-filter-stages     Print processed source code before and after 
                             each filter is applied.
   --show-ext[=<ext>]        Print information about all known (or just the
                             given) file extensions and exit.
   --show-lang[=<lang>]      Print information about all known (or just the
                             given) languages and exit.
   --show-os                 Print the value of the operating system mode
                             and exit.  See also --unix, --windows.
   -v[=<n>]                  Verbose switch (optional numeric value).
   --version                 Print the version of this program and exit.
   --write-lang-def=<file>   Writes to <file> the language processing filters
                             then exits.  Useful as a first step to creating
                             custom language definitions (see also
                             --force-lang-def, --read-lang-def).

 Output Options
   --3                       Print third-generation language output.
                             (This option can cause report summation to fail
                             if some reports were produced with this option
                             while others were produced without it.)
   --progress-rate=<n>       Show progress update after every <n> files are
                             processed (default <n>=100).  Set <n> to 0 to
                             suppress progress output (useful when redirecting
                             output to STDOUT).
   --quiet                   Suppress all information messages except for
                             the final report.
   --report-file=<file>      Write the results to <file> instead of STDOUT.
   --out=<file>              Synonym for --report-file=<file>.
   --csv                     Write the results as comma separated values.
   --csv-delimiter=<C>       Use the character <C> as the delimiter for comma
                             separated files instead of ,.  This switch forces
                             --csv to be on.
   --sql=<file>              Write results as SQL create and insert statements
                             which can be read by a database program such as
                             SQLite.  If <file> is -, output is sent to STDOUT.
   --sql-project=<name>      Use <name> as the project identifier for the
                             current run.  Only valid with the --sql option.
   --sql-append              Append SQL insert statements to the file specified
                             by --sql and do not generate table creation
                             statements.  Only valid with the --sql option.
   --sum-one                 For plain text reports, show the SUM: output line
                             even if only one input file is processed.
   --xml                     Write the results in XML.
   --xsl=<file>              Reference <file> as an XSL stylesheet within
                             the XML output.  If <file> is 1 (numeric one),
                             writes a default stylesheet, cloc.xsl (or
                             cloc-diff.xsl if --diff is also given).
                             This switch forces --xml on.
   --yaml                    Write the results in YAML.

Locally in a project

I use this in my project to keep track of my lines of code as the project grows (mostly for fun). Here's what I do:

  1. Install it as one of your devDependencies with $ npm i -D cloc
  2. Add this to your package.json:
  // your other config stuff
  "scripts": {
    "count": "cloc app/" // <-- other options would go here as well...
  // more config stuff
  1. Whenever you want to count your lines of code, simply enter: $ npm run count


This package is MIT licensed. However the cloc library itself is licensed with GPL 2.



Package last updated on 01 Jul 2015

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