This module abstracts the process of continuous delivery on multiple clouds.
: This module uses pkgcloud for creating and managing resources on different clouds.
Known Issues
This package currently uses CatalystCode/pkgcloud directly to enable azure ARM.
Once the pull request is merged, the relevant dependency should also be updated.
Currently supports Windows Server 2012 and up for running remote commands (using SSH).
- Create a service principal
- Create a resource group in azure (i.e. "resources-rg")
- Create the following config (edit to match your account's info):
var config = {
azure: {
connection: {
provider: 'azure-v2',
subscriptionId: "e9be1fc6-cb43-4830-99f9-0251055fecec",
resourceGroup: "resources-rg",
servicePrincipal: {
clientId: "2285862c-d875-45f2-a53a-57d7a5b76606",
secret: "FIUH34R98HSsdfHF9438swoieFNcij3SffsSf45nJFl=",
domain: "06f306c4-bc72-4ad4-99ac-a6b5f4b56cc9"
server: {
name: 'vm-name',
flavor: 'Standard_D1',
username: 'cloudcdusr',
password: 'Cloudcdusr!!',
storageOSDiskName: "osdisk",
storageDataDiskNames: [ "datadisk1" ],
osType: 'Linux',
imagePublisher: "Canonical",
imageOffer: "UbuntuServer",
imageSku: "16.04.0-LTS",
imageVersion: "latest"
- Execute the following command:
var cloudCD = require('cloud-cd');
var getVMClient = new cloudCD.GetVMAction(;
getVMClient.perform(, (err, server) => {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
var createVMClient = new cloudCD.CreateVMAction(;
createVMClient.perform(, (err, server) => {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
var remoteExecuteClient = new cloudCD.RemoteExecute(;
var ps_script = path.join(__dirname, 'scripts', 'dummy.ps1');
remoteExecuteClient.perform(, { script: ps_script }, (err, outputs) => {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
var ssh_script = path.join(__dirname, 'scripts', '');
remoteExecuteClient.perform(, { script: ssh_script }, (err, outputs) => {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
var destroyVMClient = new cloudCD.DestroyVMAction(;
destroyVMClient.perform(, (err) => {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);