Code-Gen CG
Generate code from Pseudo code
Most of the times we write the same code we wrote some time back in the same programming language, the idea is to generate actual code from the pseudo code.
API Documentation
API - /cgservices/createNewFile POST
Description - This API creates a new file in the given directory with given filecontent and executes the code synchronously and gives the response.
Request form data
filename = File name to be created
directory = Directory in which the new File need to be created
filecontent = Code need to be saved and Executed in the file
API - /cgservices/executeFile GET
Description - This API executes the code in given file asynchronously and gives back process id, which we can send to get the actual response.
Request Query Parameters
filePath = Absoulte path of file
{ pid: < process id to check response > }
API - /cgservices/getResponse GET
Description - This API gets back the response of files which ran asynchronously.
Request Query Parameters
pid = process id to get the response.
{ response: < file execution response >, status: < status of code execution > }