Codecademy Screen Scrapper
This is a simple tool for determining a student's progress on a codecademy tutorial.
var codecademy = require('codecademy')
var user = "UserName"
var course = "CourseName"
codecademy.getProgress(user,course,function(e,progress) {
if(e.message === "EEUSER") return console.log("User Does Not Exist!")
if(e) return console.log(e)
console.log(user+" has completed "+progress+"% of "+course)
Test Integrety
As a screen scraper, this tool is inherently fragile. If Codecademy changes up their website, this tool will stop working. As such, I have included a solid set of tests that cover the use cases for this app. Simply run npm test
to make sure the tool still works. These tasks require network, and will fail if not present.