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Colombian holidays

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Colombian Holidays 🎆

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TypeScript module to calculate colombian holidays for any given year.


To install as a dependency of your project:

npm install colombian-holidays


The default export is a function to get all the holidays for a given year, returning an array with the holidays for the requested year.

The year should be between 1583 and 4099 (see Pascua package).


const colombianHolidays = require("colombian-holidays").default;

ES6 Modules

import colombianHolidays from "colombian-holidays";

You get a function that you can use to get the complete list of holidays for a given year:

const colombianHolidays2015 = colombianHolidays({ year: 2015 });

The content of the colombianHolidays2015 variable will be the following array:

    date: "2015-01-01",
    celebrationDate: "2015-01-01",
    name: {
      es: "Año Nuevo",
      en: "New Year's day",
    nextMonday: false,
    date: "2015-01-06",
    celebrationDate: "2015-01-12",
    name: {
      es: "Reyes Magos",
      en: "Epiphany",
    nextMonday: true,
    date: "2015-03-19",
    celebrationDate: "2015-03-23",
    name: {
      es: "San José",
      en: "Saint Joseph's Day",
    nextMonday: true,
    date: "2015-04-02",
    celebrationDate: "2015-04-02",
    { es: "Jueves Santo", en: "Maundy Thursday" },
    nextMonday: false,
    date: "2015-04-03",
    celebrationDate: "2015-04-03",
    { es: "Viernes Santo", en: "Good Friday" },
    nextMonday: false,
    date: "2015-05-01",
    celebrationDate: "2015-05-01",
name: {
      es: "Día del Trabajo",
      en: "Labour Day",
    nextMonday: false,
    date: "2015-05-14",
    celebrationDate: "2015-05-18",
    name: { es: "Ascensión del Señor", en: "Ascension of Jesus" },
    nextMonday: true,
    date: "2015-06-04",
    celebrationDate: "2015-06-08",
    name: { es: "Corpus Christi", en: "Corpus Christi" },
    nextMonday: true,
    date: "2015-06-12",
    celebrationDate: "2015-06-15",
    name: { es: "Sagrado Corazón de Jesús", en: "Sacred Heart" },
    nextMonday: true,
    date: "2015-06-29",
    celebrationDate: "2015-06-29",
    name: {
      es: "San Pedro y San Pablo",
      en: "Saint Peter and Saint Paul",
    nextMonday: true,
    date: "2015-07-20",
    celebrationDate: "2015-07-20",
    name: {
      es: "Grito de la Independencia",
      en: "Declaration of Independence",
    nextMonday: false,
    date: "2015-08-07",
    celebrationDate: "2015-08-07",
    name: {
      es: "Batalla de Boyacá",
      en: "Battle of Boyacá",
    nextMonday: false,
    date: "2015-08-15",
    celebrationDate: "2015-08-17",
    name: {
      es: "Asunción de la Virgen",
      en: "Assumption of Mary",
    nextMonday: true,
    date: "2015-10-12",
    celebrationDate: "2015-10-12",
    name: {
      es: "Día de la Raza",
      en: "Columbus Day",
    nextMonday: true,
    date: "2015-11-01",
    celebrationDate: "2015-11-02",
    name: {
      es: "Todos los Santos",
      en: "All Saints’ Day",
    nextMonday: true,
    date: "2015-11-11",
    celebrationDate: "2015-11-16",
    name: { es: "Independencia de Cartagena", en: "Independence of Cartagena" },
    nextMonday: true,
    date: "2015-12-08",
    celebrationDate: "2015-12-08",
    name: { es: "Inmaculada Concepción", en: "Immaculate Conception" },
    nextMonday: false,
    date: "2015-12-25",
    celebrationDate: "2015-12-25",
    name: { es: "Navidad", en: "Christmas" },
    nextMonday: false,

Optionally, you can request the holidays for just a given month:

const colombianHolidays2015 = colombianHolidays({
  year: 2015,
  month: 1 /* January */,


    date: "2015-01-01",
    celebrationDate: "2015-01-01",
    name: {
      es: "Año Nuevo",
      en: "New Year's day",
    nextMonday: false,
    date: "2015-01-06",
    celebrationDate: "2015-01-12",
    name: {
      es: "Reyes Magos",
      en: "Epiphany",
    nextMonday: true,

You can opt-in to have the function return native JavaScript dates instead of strings for the date and celebrationDate properties by using the valueAsDate option:

const colombianHolidays2015 = colombianHolidays({
  year: 2015,
  valueAsDate: true,

If the year is omitted, by default the function will return the holidays for the current year:

const currentYearHolidaysAsStrings = colombianHolidays();
const currentYearHolidaysAsDates = colombianHolidays({
  valueAsDate: true,


The package provides two helper functions which can be imported from lib/utils:


Returns true if the given date is a colombian holiday, otherwise returns false.

import { isHoliday } from "colombian-holidays/lib/utils/isHoliday";

const date = new Date("2018-01-01T05:00:00.000Z");

if (isHoliday(date)) {
  console.log("it is a colombian holiday");
} else {
  console.log("it is NOT a colombian holiday");


Returns an with the colombian holidays within two dates:

import { holidaysWithinInterval } from "colombian-holidays/lib/utils/holidaysWithinInterval";

const start = new Date("2021-01-01");
const end = new Date("2021-01-11");
const holidays = holidaysWithinInterval({ start, end });


    celebrationDate: "2021-01-01",
    date: "2021-01-01",
    name: {
      es: "Año Nuevo",
      en: "New Year's day",
    nextMonday: false,
    celebrationDate: "2021-01-11",
    date: "2021-01-06",
    name: {
      es: "Reyes Magos",
      en: "Epiphany",
    nextMonday: true,


The module is written in TypeScript and type definitions files are included.


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Last updated on 27 Feb 2023

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