What is color-space?
The color-space npm package provides a comprehensive set of tools for color space conversion and manipulation. It supports a wide range of color spaces and allows for easy conversion between them.
What are color-space's main functionalities?
RGB to HSL Conversion
This feature allows you to convert colors from the RGB color space to the HSL color space. The code sample demonstrates converting a red color in RGB to its HSL representation.
const colorSpace = require('color-space');
const rgb = [255, 0, 0];
const hsl = colorSpace.rgb.hsl(rgb);
console.log(hsl); // [0, 100, 50]
HSL to RGB Conversion
This feature allows you to convert colors from the HSL color space to the RGB color space. The code sample demonstrates converting a red color in HSL to its RGB representation.
const colorSpace = require('color-space');
const hsl = [0, 100, 50];
const rgb = colorSpace.hsl.rgb(hsl);
console.log(rgb); // [255, 0, 0]
CMYK to RGB Conversion
This feature allows you to convert colors from the CMYK color space to the RGB color space. The code sample demonstrates converting a red color in CMYK to its RGB representation.
const colorSpace = require('color-space');
const cmyk = [0, 1, 1, 0];
const rgb = colorSpace.cmyk.rgb(cmyk);
console.log(rgb); // [255, 0, 0]
XYZ to LAB Conversion
This feature allows you to convert colors from the XYZ color space to the LAB color space. The code sample demonstrates converting a color in XYZ to its LAB representation.
const colorSpace = require('color-space');
const xyz = [41.24, 21.26, 1.93];
const lab = colorSpace.xyz.lab(xyz);
console.log(lab); // [53.23288178584245, 80.10930952982204, 67.22006831026425]
Other packages similar to color-space
The color-convert package provides similar functionality for converting between different color spaces. It supports a wide range of color spaces and offers a simple API for conversions. Compared to color-space, color-convert is more focused on providing a straightforward conversion API without additional manipulation features.
Chroma.js is a powerful library for color manipulation and conversion. It supports a wide range of color spaces and provides additional features for color interpolation, blending, and more. Compared to color-space, Chroma.js offers more advanced color manipulation capabilities and a more user-friendly API.
TinyColor is a small, fast library for color manipulation and conversion. It supports a variety of color spaces and provides a simple API for common color operations. Compared to color-space, TinyColor is more lightweight and focused on providing essential color manipulation features.
Collection of color spaces conversions & data.
import space from 'color-space';
var result = space.lab.lch([80,50,60]);
Spaces can be imported separately:
import rgb from 'color-space/rgb.js';
import hsl from 'color-space/hsl.js';
Please fork, add color space with basic conversions to/from XYZ or RGB and tests.
The goal of the project is the most complete set of color spaces with minimal uniform API.
Thanks to all scientists, who devoted their time to color research and conveyed their knowledge, for now we can use their formulas and code.
See also