Pretty-print text data in columns.
Say you have some data:
"column 1": "The Kingdom of Scotland was a state in north-west Europe traditionally said to have been founded in 843, which joined with the Kingdom of England to form a unified Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707. Its territories expanded and shrank, but it came to occupy the northern third of the island of Great Britain, sharing a land border to the south with the Kingdom of England. ",
"column 2": "Operation Barbarossa (German: Unternehmen Barbarossa) was the code name for Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II, which began on 22 June 1941. Over the course of the operation, about four million soldiers of the Axis powers invaded Soviet Russia along a 2,900 kilometer front, the largest invasion force in the history of warfare. In addition to troops, the Germans employed some 600,000 motor vehicles and between 600–700,000 horses."
pipe it through column-layout
$ cat example/two-columns.json | column-layout
to get this:
The Kingdom of Scotland was a state in Operation Barbarossa (German: Unternehmen
north-west Europe traditionally said to Barbarossa) was the code name for Nazi
have been founded in 843, which joined Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union
with the Kingdom of England to form a during World War II, which began on 22
unified Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707. June 1941. Over the course of the
Its territories expanded and shrank, but operation, about four million soldiers of
it came to occupy the northern third of the Axis powers invaded Soviet Russia
the island of Great Britain, sharing a along a 2,900 kilometer front, the
land border to the south with the Kingdom largest invasion force in the history of
of England. warfare. In addition to troops, the
Germans employed some 600,000 motor
vehicles and between 600–700,000 horses.
Columns containing wrappable data are auto-sized by default to fit the available space. You can set specific widths using --width
$ cat example/two-columns.json | column-layout --width "column 2: 55"
The Kingdom of Scotland was a Operation Barbarossa (German: Unternehmen Barbarossa)
state in north-west Europe was the code name for Nazi Germany's invasion of the
traditionally said to have Soviet Union during World War II, which began on 22
been founded in 843, which June 1941. Over the course of the operation, about
joined with the Kingdom of four million soldiers of the Axis powers invaded
England to form a unified Soviet Russia along a 2,900 kilometer front, the
Kingdom of Great Britain in largest invasion force in the history of warfare. In
1707. Its territories addition to troops, the Germans employed some 600,000
expanded and shrank, but it motor vehicles and between 600–700,000 horses.
came to occupy the northern
third of the island of Great
Britain, sharing a land
border to the south with the
Kingdom of England.
More Examples
Read the latest npm issues: (example requires jq)
$ curl -s \
| jq 'map({ number, title, login:.user.login, comments })' \
| column-layout
10263 npm run start Slepperpon 4
10262 npm-shrinkwrap.json being ignored for a dependency of a maxkorp 0
dependency (2.14.9, 3.3.10)
10261 EPROTO Error Installing Packages azkaiart 2
10260 ENOENT during npm install with npm v3.3.6/v3.3.12 and lencioni 2
node v5.0.0
10259 npm install failed geraldvillorente 1
10258 npm moves common dependencies under a dependency on trygveaa 2
10257 [NPM3] Missing top level dependencies after npm install naholyr 0
10256 Yo meanjs app creation problem nrjkumar41 0
10254 sapnwrfc is not installing RamprasathS 0
10253 npm install deep dependence folder "node_modules" duyetvv 2
10251 cannot npm login w0ps 2
10250 Update louislarry 0
10248 cant install module I created nousacademy 4
10247 Cannot install passlib nicola883 3
10246 Error installing Gulp AlanIsrael0 1
10245 cannot install packages through NPM RoyGeagea 11
10244 Remove arguments from bengotow 0
As a library:
$ npm install column-layout --save
As a command-line tool:
$ npm install -g column-layout
API Reference
columnLayout(data, [options]) ⇒ string
Returns JSON data formatted in columns.
Kind: Exported function
- data
- input data - [options]
- optional settings
- [.viewWidth]
- maximum width of layout - [.nowrap]
- disable wrapping on all columns - [.break]
- enable word-breaking on all columns - [.columns]
- array of column options - [.ignoreEmptyColumns]
- [.padding]
- Padding values to set on each column. Per-column overrides can be set in the options.columns
- [.left]
- [.right]
> columnFormat = require("column-format")
> jsonData = [{
col1: "Some text you wish to read in column layout",
col2: "And some more text in column two. "
> console.log(columnFormat(jsonData, { viewWidth: 30 }))
Some text you And some more
wish to read text in
in column column two.
columnLayout.lines(data, [options]) ⇒ Array
Identical to column-layout with the exception of the rendered result being returned as an array of lines, rather that a single string.
Kind: static method of columnLayout
- data
- input data - [options]
- optional settings
> columnFormat = require("column-format")
> jsonData = [{
col1: "Some text you wish to read in column layout",
col2: "And some more text in column two. "
> columnFormat.lines(jsonData, { viewWidth: 30 })
[ ' Some text you And some more ',
' wish to read text in ',
' in column column two. ',
' layout ' ]
columnLayout.table(data, [options]) ⇒ Table
Kind: static method of columnLayout
- data
- input data - [options]
- optional settings
Kind: inner typedef of columnLayout
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | column name, must match a property name in the input |
width | number | column width |
minWidth | number | column min width |
maxWidth | number | column max width |
nowrap | boolean | disable wrapping for this column |
break | boolean | enable word-breaking for this columns |
padding | object | padding options |
padding.left | string | a string to pad the left of each cell (default: " " ) |
padding.right | string | a string to pad the right of each cell (default: " " ) |
© 2015-16 Lloyd Brookes <>. Documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.