Generate json-patch events from colyseus state.
import { wireEvents } from 'colyseus-events';
const room: Room<GameState> = await client.joinOrCreate("game");
const { events } = wireEvents(room.state, new EventEmitter());
version support
Due to breaking API changes in Colyseus, this version only supports Colyseus 0.15 and above (@colyseus/schema 2.x)
Pending support
The schema types new to Colyseus 0.14 (CollectionSchema
and SetSchema
) are not yet supported. please open an issue if you would like to see them supported.
npm install colyseus-events --save
How to use
Import wireEvents
and call it once when connecting to a room on the client side:
import { wireEvents } from 'colyseus-events';
const room: Room<GameState> = await client.joinOrCreate("game");
const { events } = wireEvents(room.state, new EventEmitter());
then you can wire listeners to events
using the JSON-pointer of target field as event name.
To change the behavior for parts or all of your state, use customWireEvents
to produce your own version of wireEvents
import { customWireEvents, coreVisitors} from 'colyseus-events';
const special = {
visit: (traverse: Traverse, state: Container, events: Events, jsonPath: string): boolean => { },
const wireEvents = customWireEvents([ special, ...coreVisitors]);
const room: Room<GameState> = await client.joinOrCreate("game");
const { events } = wireEvents(room.state, new EventEmitter());
accepts a single argument, a collection of Visitor
objects, and returns afunctyion compatible with the default wireEvents
. In fact, the default wireEvents
function is itself the result customWireEvents
when using coreVisitors
as the argument. it is defined in wire-events.ts by the following line:
export const wireEvents = customWireEvents(coreVisitors);
The order of the visitors is crucial: they are executed as a fallback chain: the first visitor to return true
will stop the chain and prevent later visitors from wiring the same state. So be sure to order them by specificity: the more specific handlers should first check for their use case before the generic visitors, and coreVisitors
should be the last visitors.
Visitor implementation
A visitor must implement a single method, visit
. This method should:
- Check if it is going to handle the state object, and return
if not. - Call the traverse function for each child member of the state.
- Hook on the state's Client-side Callbacks. Make sure to only hook once per state object. This may become trickey with Proxies, and 'stickey' callbacks.
- For every new value in each child member of the state, call the traverse function and emit the events using the event emitter.
Examples can be found in core-visitors.ts. Here is a brief of the visitor that handles
visit: (traverse: Traverse, state: Container, events: Events, namespace: string) => {
if (!(state instanceof MapSchema)) {
return false;
state.onAdd = (value: Colyseus, field) => {
const fieldNamespace = `${namespace}/${field}`;
events.emit(namespace, Add(fieldNamespace, value)); // emit the add event
traverse(value, events, fieldNamespace); // call the traverse function on the new value
// finally return true. this will break the visitors fallback chain and complete the wiring for this object.
return true;
In addition to the code above, there ais also code to handle duplicate events and keeping only one registration per state object.
For example, given the room state:
export class Inner extends Schema {
@type('uint8') public x = 0;
@type('uint8') public y = 0;
export class GameState extends Schema {
@type('uint8') public foo = 0;
@type(Inner) public bar = new Inner();
@type(['uint8']) public numbersArray = new ArraySchema<number>();
@type({ map: 'uint8' }) public mapNumbers = new MapSchema<number>();
changing values
when changing a value in Schema or collection (ArraySchema or MapSchema), an event will be emitted. The name of the event will be the JSON-pointer describing the location of the property. The event value will be a "replace" JSON Patch corresponding with the change.
For example:
- when the server executes: = 1
an event named '/foo'
will be emitted with value { op: 'replace', path: '/foo', value: 1 }
- when the server executes:
room.numbersArray[0] = 1
(assuming numbersArray had a previous value at index 0) an event named '/numbersArray/1'
will be emitted with value { op: 'replace', path: '/numbersArray/1', value: 1 }
- when the server executes:
room.mapNumbers.set('F00', 1)
(assuming mapNumbers had a previous value at key F00
) an event named '/mapNumbers/F00'
will be emitted with value { op: 'replace', path: '/mapNumbers/F00', value: 1 }
- when the server executes: = 1
an event named '/bar/x'
will be emitted with value { op: 'replace', path: '/bar/x', value: 1 }
- when the server executes: = new Inner()
an event named '/bar'
will be emitted with value { op: 'replace', path: '/bar', value: {{the actual object in }} }
...and so on.
adding and removing elements in collections
when adding or removing elements in a collection (ArraySchema or MapSchema), an event will be also be emitted. The name of the event will be the JSON-pointer describing the location of the container. The event value will be a "add" or "remove" JSON Patch corresponding with the change. the path
in the event value will point to the location of the element that was added or removed.
For example:
- when the server executes:
an event named '/numbersArray'
will be triggered with value { op: 'add', path: '/numbersArray/0', value: 1 }
- when the server executes:
an event named '/numbersArray'
will be triggered with value { op: 'remove', path: '/numbersArray/0' }
- when the server executes:
room.mapNumbers.set('F00', 1)
an event named '/mapNumbers'
will be triggered with value { op: 'add', path: '/mapNumbers/F00', value: 1 }
- when the server executes:
an event named '/mapNumbers'
will be triggered with value { op: 'remove', path: '/mapNumbers/F00' }
...and so on.
You are welcomed to explore the tests in the github repo for more examples.
Contributor instructions
Installing workspace
to install a development environment, you need to have node.js git installd.
Then, git clone
this repo locally and run:
$ npm install
$ npm test
and that's it, you've just installed the development environment!
This project is written with VSCode in mind. specifically configured for these extensions: dbaeumer.vscode-eslint, esbenp.prettier-vscode.
npm run test
execute all tests.
npm run clean
Removes any built code and any built executables.
npm run build
Cleans, then builds the library.
Your built code will be in the ./dist/