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@@ -1,19 +0,37 @@

module.exports = {
options: {
title: "a typical app",
description: "Generates something [italic]{very} important.",
groups: {
main: "Main options",
_none: {
title: "Misc",
description: "Miscelaneous ungrouped options."
definitions: [
{ name: "help", alias: "h", type: Boolean, description: "Display this usage guide.", group: "main" },
{ name: "src", type: String, multiple: true, defaultOption: true, description: "The input files to process", typeLabel: "[underline]{file} ...", group: "main" },
{ name: "timeout", alias: "t", type: Number, description: "Timeout value in ms", typeLabel: "[underline]{ms}", group: "main" },
{ name: "plugin", type: String, description: "A plugin path" }
const getUsage = require('../')
const optionDefinitions = [
name: 'help', description: 'Display this usage guide.',
alias: 'h', type: Boolean,
group: 'main'
name: 'src', description: 'The input files to process',
type: String, multiple: true, defaultOption: true, typeLabel: '[underline]{file} ...',
group: 'main'
name: 'timeout', description: 'Timeout value in ms',
alias: 't', type: Number, typeLabel: '[underline]{ms}',
group: 'main'
name: 'plugin', description: 'A plugin path',
type: String
const options = {
title: 'a typical app',
description: 'Generates something [italic]{very} important.',
groups: {
main: 'Main options',
_none: {
title: 'Misc',
description: 'Miscelaneous ungrouped options.'
console.log(getUsage(optionDefinitions, options))

@@ -1,12 +0,24 @@

module.exports = {
options: {
title: "a typical app",
description: "Generates something very important.",
footer: "Project home: [underline]{}"
definitions: [
{ name: "help", alias: "h", type: Boolean, description: "Display this usage guide." },
{ name: "src", type: String, multiple: true, defaultOption: true, description: "The input files to process" },
{ name: "timeout", alias: "t", type: Number, description: "Timeout value in ms" }
const getUsage = require('../')
const optionDefinitions = [
name: 'help', description: 'Display this usage guide.',
alias: 'h', type: Boolean
name: 'src', description: 'The input files to process',
type: String, multiple: true, defaultOption: true
name: 'timeout', description: 'Timeout value in ms',
alias: 't', type: Number
const options = {
title: 'a typical app',
description: 'Generates something very important.',
footer: 'Project home: [underline]{}'
console.log(getUsage(optionDefinitions, options))

@@ -1,18 +0,25 @@

"use strict";
var columnLayout = require("column-layout");
var o = require("object-tools");
var a = require("array-tools");
var util = require("util");
var ansi = require("ansi-escape-sequences");
var t = require("typical");
var UsageOptions = require("./usage-options");
var arrayify = require("array-back");
'use strict'
var columnLayout = require('column-layout')
var o = require('object-tools')
var ansi = require('ansi-escape-sequences')
var os = require('os')
var t = require('typical')
var UsageOptions = require('./usage-options')
var arrayify = require('array-back')
Exports a single function to generate a usage guide using [column-layout](
@module command-line-usage
module.exports = getUsage;
module.exports = getUsage
class Lines extends Array {
add (content) {
arrayify(content).forEach(line => this.push(ansi.format(line)))
emptyLine () {

@@ -22,3 +29,3 @@ @param {optionDefinition[]} - an array of [option definition]( objects. In addition to the regular definition properties, command-line-usage will look for:

- `description` - a string describing the option.
- `typeLabel` - a string to replace the default type string (e.g. `<string>`). It's often more useful to set a more descriptive type label, like `<ms>`, `<files>`, `<command>` etc.
- `typeLabel` - a string to replace the default type string (e.g. `<string>`). It's often more useful to set a more descriptive type label, like `<ms>`, `<files>`, `<command>` etc.

@@ -28,143 +35,161 @@ @param options {module:usage-options} - see [UsageOptions](#exp_module_usage-options--UsageOptions).

@alias module:command-line-usage
@example @lang off
Some example usage output:
function getUsage (definitions, options) {
options = new UsageOptions(options)
definitions = definitions || []
var output = new Lines()
/* filter out hidden definitions */
if (options.hide && options.hide.length) {
definitions = definitions.filter(definition => options.hide.indexOf( === -1)
function getUsage(definitions, options){
options = new UsageOptions(options);
definitions = definitions || [];
if (options.header) {
output.add(renderSection('', options.header))
/* filter out hidden options */
if (options.hide && options.hide.length){
definitions = definitions.filter(function(option){
return !a(options.hide).contains(;
if (options.title || options.description) {
output.add(renderSection(options.title, options.description))
var lines = new Lines(options);
if (options.title) lines.addLine(getText(options.title, [ "underline", "bold" ]));
if (options.description) lines.addLine(getText(options.description));
if (options.title || options.description) lines.addEmpty();
if (options.synopsis) {
output.add(renderSection('Synopsis', options.synopsis))
if (options.synopsis){
options.synopsis = arrayify(options.synopsis);
lines.addLine(ansi.format("Synopsis", [ "underline", "bold" ]));
if (definitions.length){
if (options.groups){
o.each(options.groups, function(val, group){
var title, description;
if (t.isObject(val)){
title = val.title;
description = val.description;
} else if (typeof val === "string"){
title = val;
} else {
throw ("Unexpected group config structure");
lines.addLine(getText(title, [ "underline", "bold" ]));
if (description){
if (group === "_none"){
a(definitions).where({ group: undefined }).forEach(lines.addRow);
} else {
a(definitions).where({ "+group": group }).forEach(lines.addRow);
if (definitions.length) {
if (options.groups) {
o.each(options.groups, (val, group) => {
var title
var description
if (t.isObject(val)) {
title = val.title
description = val.description
} else if (t.isString(val)) {
title = val
} else {
throw new Error('Unexpected group config structure')
var output = lines.render();
if (options.examples){
lines = new Lines(options);
lines.addLine(ansi.format("Examples", [ "bold", "underline" ]));
output += lines.render();
output.add(renderSection(title, description))
let optionList = getUsage.optionList(definitions, group)
output.add(renderSection(null, optionList, true))
} else {
output.add(renderSection('Options', getUsage.optionList(definitions), true))
if (options.footer){
lines = new Lines(options);
output += lines.render();
/* the footer adds an empty line - remove it if one-too-many */
output = output.replace(/\n\s*\n$/, "\n");
return output;
if (options.examples) {
output.add(renderSection('Examples', options.examples))
if (options.footer) {
output.add(renderSection('', options.footer))
return output.join(os.EOL)
function getOptionNames(cliOption, optionNameStyles){
var names = [];
var type = cliOption.type ? : "";
var multiple = cliOption.multiple ? "[]" : "";
if (type) type = type === "boolean" ? "" : "[underline]{" + type + multiple + "}";
type = ansi.format(cliOption.typeLabel || type);
function getOptionNames (definition, optionNameStyles) {
var names = []
var type = definition.type ? : ''
var multiple = definition.multiple ? '[]' : ''
if (type) type = type === 'boolean' ? '' : `[underline]{${type}${multiple}}`
type = ansi.format(definition.typeLabel || type)
if (cliOption.alias) names.push(ansi.format("-" + cliOption.alias, optionNameStyles));
names.push(ansi.format("--" +, optionNameStyles) + " " + type);
return names.join(", ");
if (definition.alias) names.push(ansi.format('-' + definition.alias, optionNameStyles))
names.push(ansi.format(`--${}`, optionNameStyles) + ' ' + type)
return names.join(', ')
function getText(text, styleArray){
if (t.isString(text)){
return ansi.format(text, styleArray)
} else if (t.isPlainObject(text)){
return ansi.format(text.text, text.format || styleArray);
function renderSection (title, content, skipIndent) {
var lines = new Lines()
if (title) {
lines.add(ansi.format(title, [ 'underline', 'bold' ]))
if (!content) {
return lines
} else {
if (t.isString(content)) {
} else if (Array.isArray(content) && content.every(t.isString)) {
lines.add(skipIndent ? content : indentArray(content))
} else if (Array.isArray(content) && content.every(t.isPlainObject)) {
lines.add(columnLayout.lines(content, {
padding: { left: ' ', right: ' ' }
} else if (t.isPlainObject(content)) {
if (!content.options || ! {
throw new Error('must have an "options" or "data" property\n' + JSON.stringify(content))
content.options = o.extend({
padding: { left: ' ', right: ' ' }
}, content.options)
lines.add(columnLayout.lines( => formatRow(row)),
} else {
var message = `invalid input - 'content' must be a string, array of strings, or array of plain objects:\n\n${JSON.stringify(content)}`
throw new Error(message)
return lines
function Lines(options){
var lines = [];
this.addLine = function(line){
if (t.isPlainObject(line)){
} else {
lines.push((typeof line === "string" ? getText(line) : ""));
this.addRow = function(definition){
col1: getOptionNames(definition, "bold"),
col2: getText(definition.description)
this.addEmpty = function(){
this.render = function(){
return columnLayout(lines, {
viewWidth: options.viewWidth || process.stdout.columns,
padding: {
left: " ",
right: " "
columns: [
{ name: "col1", nowrap: true }
function indentString (string) {
return ' ' + string
function indentArray (array) {
function formatRow (row) {
o.each(row, (val, key) => {
row[key] = ansi.format(val)
return row
* A helper for getting a column-format list of options and descriptions. Useful for inserting into a custom usage template.
* @param {optionDefinition[]} - the definitions to Display
* @param [group] {string} - if specified, will output the options in this group. The special group `'_none'` will return options without a group specified.
* @returns {string[]}
getUsage.optionList = function (definitions, group) {
if (!definitions || (definitions && !definitions.length)) {
throw new Error('you must pass option definitions to getUsage.optionList()')
var columns = []
if (group === '_none') {
definitions = definitions.filter(def => !t.isDefined(
} else if (group) {
definitions = definitions.filter(def => arrayify( > -1)
.forEach(def => {
option: getOptionNames(def, 'bold'),
description: def.description
return columnLayout.lines(columns, {
padding: { left: ' ', right: ' ' },
columns: [
{ name: 'option', nowrap: true },
{ name: 'description', maxWidth: 80 }

@@ -1,4 +0,3 @@

"use strict";
var arrayify = require("array-back");
var o = require("object-tools");
'use strict'
var arrayify = require('array-back')

@@ -8,3 +7,3 @@ /**

module.exports = UsageOptions;
module.exports = UsageOptions

@@ -17,74 +16,80 @@ /**

function UsageOptions(options){
options = options || {};
function UsageOptions (options) {
options = options || {}
* The title line at the top of the usage, typically the name of the app. By default it is underlined but this formatting can be overridden by passing a {@link module:usage-options~textObject}.
* @type {string}
* @example
* {
* title: "my-app"
* }
* @example
* {
* title: {
* text: "my-app",
* format: [ "bold", "underline" ]
* }
* }
this.title = options.title;
* Use this field to display a banner or header above the main body.
* @type {string}
this.header = options.header
A description to go underneath the title. For example, some words about what the app is for.
@type {string}
this.description = options.description;
* The title line at the top of the usage, typically the name of the app. By default it is underlined but this formatting can be overridden by passing a {@link module:usage-options~textObject}.
* @type {string}
* @example
* {
* title: "my-app"
* }
* @example
* {
* title: {
* text: "my-app",
* format: [ "bold", "underline" ]
* }
* }
this.title = options.title
* An array of strings highlighting the main usage forms of the app.
* @type {string[]}
this.synopsis = options.synopsis || (options.usage && options.usage.forms) || options.forms;
A description to go underneath the title. For example, some words about what the app is for.
@type {string}
this.description = options.description
* Specify which groups to display in the output by supplying an object of key/value pairs, where the key is the name of the group to include and the value is a string or textObject. If the value is a string it is used as the group title. Alternatively supply an object containing a `title` and `description` string.
* @type {object}
* @example
* {
* main: {
* title: "Main options",
* description: "This group contains the most important options."
* },
* misc: "Miscellaneous"
* }
this.groups = options.groups;
@type {string[] | object[]}
this.examples = options.examples;
* An array of strings highlighting the main usage forms of the app.
* @type {string[]}
this.synopsis = options.synopsis || (options.usage && options.usage.forms) || options.forms
* Displayed at the foot of the usage output.
* @type {string}
* @example
* {
* footer: "Project home: [underline]{}"
* }
this.footer = options.footer;
* Specify which groups to display in the output by supplying an object of key/value pairs, where the key is the name of the group to include and the value is a string or textObject. If the value is a string it is used as the group title. Alternatively supply an object containing a `title` and `description` string.
* @type {object}
* @example
* {
* main: {
* title: "Main options",
* description: "This group contains the most important options."
* },
* misc: "Miscellaneous"
* }
this.groups = options.groups
* If you want to hide certain options from the output, specify their names here. This is sometimes used to hide the `defaultOption`.
* @type {string|string[]}
* @example
* {
* hide: "files"
* }
this.hide = arrayify(options.hide);
@type {string[] | object[]}
this.examples = options.examples
* Displayed at the foot of the usage output.
* @type {string}
* @example
* {
* footer: "Project home: [underline]{}"
* }
this.footer = options.footer
* If you want to hide certain options from the output, specify their names here. This is sometimes used to hide the `defaultOption`.
* @type {string|string[]}
* @example
* {
* hide: "files"
* }
this.hide = arrayify(options.hide)
"name": "command-line-usage",
"author": "Lloyd Brookes <>",
"version": "1.2.1",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "Generates command-line usage information",
"repository": "",
"license": "MIT",
"main": "./lib/command-line-usage.js",
"bin": {
"command-line-usage": "bin/cli.js"
"main": "index",
"keywords": [

@@ -23,3 +20,4 @@ "terminal",

"docs": "jsdoc2md -t jsdoc2md/README.hbs --no-gfm lib/*.js >; echo",
"test": "tape test/*.js"
"test": "tape test/*.js",
"es5": "babel --no-comments lib --out-dir es5"

@@ -29,4 +27,4 @@ "dependencies": {

"array-back": "^1.0.2",
"array-tools": "^2",
"column-layout": "^1.0.0",
"column-layout": "^2",
"feature-detect-es6": "^1.0.0",
"object-tools": "^2",

@@ -38,3 +36,8 @@ "typical": "^2.3.1"

"tape": "^4.0.0"
"standard": {
"ignore": [
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<a name="module_command-line-usage"></a>
## command-line-usage
Exports a single function to generate a usage guide using [column-layout](
# command-line-usage
A simple template to create a usage guide. It was extracted from [command-line-args]( to faciliate arbitrary use.
var getUsage = require("command-line-usage");
var usage = getUsage(definitions, options)
Inline ansi formatting can be used anywhere within the usage template using the formatting syntax described [here](
## Examples
### Simple
A `description` field is added to each option definition. A `title`, `description` and simple `footer` are set in the getUsage options. [Code](
### Groups
Demonstrates breaking the options up into groups. This example also sets a `typeLabel` on each option definition (e.g. a `typeLabel` value of `files` is more meaningful than the default `string[]`). [Code](
### Header
Here, the `title` is replaced with a `header` banner. This example also adds a `synopsis` list. [Code](
### Footer
The footer is displayed at the end of the template. [Code](
### Examples (column layout)
A list of `examples` is added. In this case the example list is defined as an array of objects (each with consistently named properties) so will be formatted by [column-layout]( [Code](
### Description (column layout)
Demonstrates usage of custom column layout in the description. In this case the second column (containing the hammer and sickle) has `nowrap` disabled, as the input is already formatted as desired. [Code](
### Custom
Demonstrates a custom template. The `getUsage.optionList()` method exists for users that want the option list and nothing else. [Code](
# API Reference
* [command-line-usage](#module_command-line-usage)
* [getUsage(definitions, options)](#exp_module_command-line-usage--getUsage) ⇒ <code>string</code> ⏏
* [.optionList(definitions, [group])](#module_command-line-usage--getUsage.optionList) ⇒ <code>Array.&lt;string&gt;</code>
<a name="exp_module_command-line-usage--getUsage"></a>
### getUsage(definitions, options) ⇒ <code>string</code> ⏏
**Kind**: Exported function
<td>definitions</td><td><code>Array.&lt;optionDefinition&gt;</code></td><td><p>an array of <a href="">option definition</a> objects. In addition to the regular definition properties, command-line-usage will look for:</p>
<li><code>description</code> - a string describing the option.</li>
<li><code>typeLabel</code> - a string to replace the default type string (e.g. <code>&lt;string&gt;</code>). It&#39;s often more useful to set a more descriptive type label, like <code>&lt;ms&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;files&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;command&gt;</code> etc.</li>
<td>options</td><td><code><a href="#module_usage-options">usage-options</a></code></td><td><p>see <a href="#exp_module_usage-options--UsageOptions">UsageOptions</a>.</p>
</tr> </tbody>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| definitions | <code>Array.&lt;optionDefinition&gt;</code> | an array of [option definition]( objects. In addition to the regular definition properties, command-line-usage will look for: - `description` - a string describing the option. - `typeLabel` - a string to replace the default type string (e.g. `<string>`). It's often more useful to set a more descriptive type label, like `<ms>`, `<files>`, `<command>` etc. |
| options | <code>[usage-options](#module_usage-options)</code> | see [UsageOptions](#exp_module_usage-options--UsageOptions). |
<a name="module_command-line-usage--getUsage.optionList"></a>
#### getUsage.optionList(definitions, [group]) ⇒ <code>Array.&lt;string&gt;</code>
A helper for getting a column-format list of options and descriptions. Useful for inserting into a custom usage template.
Some example usage output:
**Kind**: static method of <code>[getUsage](#exp_module_command-line-usage--getUsage)</code>
<td>definitions</td><td><code>Array.&lt;optionDefinition&gt;</code></td><td><p>the definitions to Display</p>
<td>[group]</td><td><code>string</code></td><td><p>if specified, will output the options in this group. The special group <code>&#39;_none&#39;</code> will return options without a group specified.</p>
</tr> </tbody>
<a name="exp_module_usage-options--UsageOptions"></a>

@@ -33,2 +111,3 @@ ## UsageOptions ⏏

* [UsageOptions](#exp_module_usage-options--UsageOptions) ⏏
* [.header](#module_usage-options--UsageOptions+header) : <code>string</code>
* [.title](#module_usage-options--UsageOptions+title) : <code>string</code>

@@ -42,2 +121,7 @@ * [.description](#module_usage-options--UsageOptions+description) : <code>string</code>

<a name="module_usage-options--UsageOptions+header"></a>
### options.header : <code>string</code>
Use this field to display a banner or header above the main body.
**Kind**: instance property of <code>[UsageOptions](#exp_module_usage-options--UsageOptions)</code>
<a name="module_usage-options--UsageOptions+title"></a>

@@ -117,15 +201,4 @@ ### options.title : <code>string</code>

## More examples
You can see output from the examples in the [examples]( folder using the test harness. To install:
$ npm install -g command-line-usage
$ cat example/typical-formatted.js | command-line-usage
* * *
&copy; 2015 Lloyd Brookes \<\>. Documented by [jsdoc-to-markdown](

@@ -1,9 +0,50 @@

var test = require("tape");
var usage = require("../");
var cliOptions = require("../example/simple");
var test = require('tape')
var getUsage = require('../')
test("basic", function(t){
var result = usage(cliOptions.definitions, cliOptions.options);
t.ok(/a typical app/.test(result));
test('getUsage(definitions, options)', function (t) {
var definitions = [
name: 'help', description: 'Display this usage guide.',
alias: 'h', type: Boolean, group: 'one'
name: 'src', description: 'The input files to process',
type: String, multiple: true, defaultOption: true, group: 'one'
name: 'timeout', description: 'Timeout value in ms',
alias: 't', type: Number
var options = {
title: 'a typical app',
description: 'Generates something very important.'
var result = getUsage(definitions, options)
t.ok(/a typical app/.test(result))
test('getUsage.optionList()', function (t) {
var definitions = [
{ name: 'one', description: 'one', group: 'one' },
{ name: 'two', description: 'two', group: 'one' },
{ name: 'three', description: 'three' }
t.deepEqual(getUsage.optionList(definitions), [
' \x1b[1m--one\x1b[0m one ',
' \x1b[1m--two\x1b[0m two ',
' \x1b[1m--three\x1b[0m three '
t.deepEqual(getUsage.optionList(definitions, 'one'), [
' \x1b[1m--one\x1b[0m one ',
' \x1b[1m--two\x1b[0m two '
t.deepEqual(getUsage.optionList(definitions, '_none'), [
' \x1b[1m--three\x1b[0m three '

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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