The Integration Manager is an API abstraction layer for ecommerce backends.
What does it include?
- A well-defined interface for ecommerce API Connectors.
- Salesforce and Hybris Connectors that you can use or extend right away.
- The Merlins Connector - a demo implementation of the interface using a
screen-scraping backend.
Our Merlins connector shows how to build a data layer for ecommerce backends that do
not provide an API. By isolating browser dependencies like this, we can open up
opportunities for reuse in other contexts - AMP, Desktop, etc.
Getting started
A crash course, with React/Redux:
import {SalesforceConnector} from 'commerce-integrations/dist/sfcc'
import {createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers} from 'redux'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
// 1. Import and extend a Connector
class CustomSalesforceConnector extends SalesforceConnector {
searchProducts(searchParams, opts = {}) {
// Customize the built-in method to add logging, as an example.
console.log('Before call')
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => super.searchProducts(searchParams, opts)
.then((result) => {
console.log('After call')
return result
const connector = CustomSalesforceConnector.fromConfig({
basePath: '',
defaultHeaders: {
'x-dw-client-id': '5640cc6b-f5e9-466e-9134-9853e9f9db93'
// 2. Write Redux reducers
const products = (state = null, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return action.products
return state
const reducer = combineReducers({products})
// 3. Initialize the Redux store and make the connector available in
// all redux-thunk actions, using `withExtraArgument`.
const store = createStore(
applyMiddleware(thunk.withExtraArgument({connector: connector}))
// 4. Write Redux actions, as usual
export const productsReceived = (products) => {
return {
export const searchProducts = (searchParams) => (dispatch, getState, {connector}) => {
// Note: We can access the injected connector here
return connector.searchProducts(searchParams)
.then((products) => dispatch(productsReceived(products)))
// 5. To demo, log all state changes
store.subscribe((action) => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(action, null, 4))
console.log(JSON.stringify(store.getState(), null, 4))
store.dispatch(searchProducts({filters: {categoryId: 'root'}}))