Automate your timesheet with git commits
Commit-to-timesheet-log is a npm package to modify the github hooks in your project to automate your timesheet updation based on your git commits.
Install commit-to-timesheet-log globally.
npm i -g commit-to-timesheet-log
Run the command "setup-commit-to-time-sheet" in the root level of your git project and enter your geekyants email.
Based on the email entered it will create a personalised commit-msg hook in .git/hooks folder of your project.
commit syntax to log timesheet
git commit -am “[Log - {HRS}] [TICKET-ID: {JIRA_PROJECT_CODE-Ticket_ID}] : {COMMIT_MESSAGE}”
Example: git commit -am “[Log - 4] [TICKET-ID - EX-110] : Facebook login implemented”
The above example command will log your "4 hours" of work for today in GeekyAnts portal with the description as "Facebook login implemented".
At this time the timesheet api is not available so i created a "mock-timesheet-server" to mock the behaviour provided i.e
- Success response: {”success”: true, “errorMessage”: “”}
- Error response: {”success”: false, “errorMessage”: “User doesn’t exist”}
And currently "" is the only whitelisted email and for other emails the api will respond with the Error response.