What is compute-scroll-into-view?
The compute-scroll-into-view npm package is a utility that calculates the scroll position necessary to make an element visible within its container. This is useful for smoothly scrolling items into view, especially in custom scrolling interfaces where the default browser behavior does not suffice.
What are compute-scroll-into-view's main functionalities?
Compute scroll position
This feature calculates the necessary scroll positions to bring an element into view within its container. The function returns an array of actions that can be applied to achieve the desired scroll effect. Each action specifies the element to scroll and the new top and left scroll positions.
import computeScrollIntoView from 'compute-scroll-into-view';
const element = document.getElementById('targetElement');
const actions = computeScrollIntoView(element, {
scrollMode: 'if-needed',
block: 'nearest',
inline: 'nearest'
actions.forEach(({ el, top, left }) => {
el.scrollTop = top;
el.scrollLeft = left;
Other packages similar to compute-scroll-into-view
This package also calculates and performs scrolling to bring an element into view if it's not already visible. It is similar to compute-scroll-into-view but also provides the functionality to automatically perform the scroll, whereas compute-scroll-into-view only computes the necessary scroll positions.
An extension of scroll-into-view-if-needed, this package adds smooth scrolling effects. It compares to compute-scroll-into-view by providing both the computation and the smooth scrolling execution, offering a more integrated solution for developers looking for out-of-the-box smooth scrolling.