Bringing the literate programing tool docco as a connect/express middleware.
Nothing fancy, the idea is to generate dynamically upon request a docco generated page from files.
or simply to get immediate results of docco against local files, which happen to be quite handy.
** New Hot Stuff:** A mix of
docco, and
watch. Save files, get immediate results and
see the docco page updated automatically.
npm install connect-docco
or if you intend to use the connect-docco bin, you may want to install globally: npm install connect-docco -g
connect-docco --port 5678 --dirname ../../any/folder/you/want
command line arguments overrides the defaults configuration:
connect middleware
Here is an example of a basic connect server setup using docco
middleware with logger, static and directory.
The middleware handle any docco-compatible extension and next()
to the
directory/static connect layers if the file extension is not one of the
You'll have to append a docco querystring parameter (eg.
) to get the
output of docco for path/to/js/files.js
The docco middleware, if given an app
instance (that is the server
created by express/connect or http.createServer), will walk the dir and
watch for any file changes. It then emits back to clients the new content
to display.
var app = connect.createServer();
.use(docco(conf.dirname, {
// provides the app reference, so that we could add some sugar
app: app
This is basic, but ends up working pretty well.