Cordova SMTP Client
Basic SMTP client cordova plugin for editing and sending email messages.
Install iOS and/or Android platform
cordova platform add ios
cordova platform add android
Install the plugin using any plugman compatible cli
$ cordova plugin add construct-mobile-smtp
On Javascript, use code that is similar to the following.
let mailSettings = {
"smtp": "",
"smtpUserName": "",
"smtpPassword": "password",
"emailFrom": "",
"emailTo": "",
"emailCC": "",
"emailBCC": "",
"subject": "email subject",
"textBody": "write something within the body<b>Hello world?<img src=\"cid:image.png\"></b> of the email",
"priority": "normal"
"attachmentsName": ["image.png"],
"attachmentsRole": ["2"],
"attachmentsType": ["image/png"],
let success = function(message) {
let failure = function(message) {
alert("Error sending the email");
window.smtpClient.sendMail(mailSettings, success, failure);
priority: "low" or "normal" or "high"
The attachments has 4 array.
Name, Role, Type, Base64
attachmentsName: file name with extension
attachmentsRole: in string format "0" or "1" or "2"
"0" is normal attachment <br />
"1" attachment only available email (useful for pictures) in cid link (Content-ID header) e.g. <img src=\"cid:image.png\">
"2" attachment behave normal and available as cid link
attachmentsType: MIME type in string
attachmentsBase64: content in Base64 string
Return type
Method result call failed or success callback function.
The library was originally written by albernazf (cordova-smtp-client) and later modified by Nelson Medina Humberto (cordova-smtp-client).
On iOS it makes use of the skpsmtpmessage library, which was originally written by Ian Baird. A recent fork can be found on (skpsmtpmessage).