What is conventional-commit-types?
The conventional-commit-types npm package provides a standardized set of commit types for use in conventional commits. This helps in maintaining a consistent commit history, which is useful for automated versioning and changelog generation.
What are conventional-commit-types's main functionalities?
List Commit Types
This feature allows you to list all the conventional commit types available in the package. The code sample demonstrates how to import the package and log the available commit types.
const commitTypes = require('conventional-commit-types');
Get Commit Type Description
This feature allows you to get the description of a specific commit type. The code sample shows how to retrieve the description for the 'feat' commit type.
const commitTypes = require('conventional-commit-types');
Other packages similar to conventional-commit-types
Commitizen is a tool that helps you write conventional commits by providing an interactive prompt. It ensures that your commit messages are formatted correctly according to the conventional commit guidelines. Unlike conventional-commit-types, which provides a list of commit types, Commitizen focuses on the commit message creation process.
cz-conventional-changelog is an adapter for Commitizen that specifically enforces conventional commit messages. It provides a guided prompt to help you write commit messages that follow the conventional commit format. This package is more focused on the user interaction aspect compared to conventional-commit-types, which is more about providing a list of commit types.
standard-version is a tool that automates versioning and changelog generation based on conventional commit messages. It reads your commit history and updates your package version and changelog accordingly. While conventional-commit-types provides the types of commits you can use, standard-version leverages those commit messages to automate versioning and changelog updates.