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simple persistent cookiejar system

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Package description

What is cookiejar?

The npm package 'cookiejar' is a utility for handling web cookies in Node.js. It allows for the creation, retrieval, manipulation, and deletion of cookies, making it easier to manage client-side state information across web requests.

What are cookiejar's main functionalities?

Create and manage cookies

This feature allows the creation and management of cookies. The code sample demonstrates how to create a new cookie jar and set a cookie with an expiration date.

const CookieJar = require('cookiejar');
const jar = new CookieJar();
const cookie = jar.setCookie('key=value; expires=Wed, 09 Jun 2021 10:18:14 GMT');

Retrieve cookies

This feature enables the retrieval of cookies based on specific criteria such as domain and path. The code shows how to retrieve a cookie from the jar that matches the specified domain and path.

const CookieJar = require('cookiejar');
const jar = new CookieJar();
jar.setCookie('key=value; path=/;');
const cookie = jar.getCookie('key', {domain: '', path: '/'});

Parse and serialize cookies

This feature deals with parsing cookies from request headers and serializing them for HTTP headers. The code illustrates how to serialize all cookies in the jar for use in an HTTP request.

const CookieJar = require('cookiejar');
const CookieAccessInfo = CookieJar.CookieAccessInfo;
const jar = new CookieJar();
jar.setCookie('key=value; path=/;');
const serializedCookies = jar.getCookies(CookieAccessInfo.All).toValueString();

Other packages similar to cookiejar




NPM version devDependency Status

Simple robust cookie library



class to determine matching qualities of a cookie

  • String domain - domain to match
  • String path - path to match
  • Boolean secure - access is secure (ssl generally)
  • Boolean script - access is from a script

It turns input into a Cookie (singleton if given a Cookie), the request_domain argument is used to default the domain if it is not explicit in the cookie string, the request_path argument is used to set the path if it is not explicit in a cookie String.

Explicit domains/paths will cascade, implied domains/paths must exactly match (see

  • String name - name of the cookie
  • String value - string associated with the cookie
  • String domain - domain to match (on a cookie a '.' at the start means a wildcard matching anything ending in the rest)
  • Boolean explicit_domain - if the domain was explicitly set via the cookie string
  • String path - base path to match (matches any path starting with this '/' is root)
  • Boolean explicit_path - if the path was explicitly set via the cookie string
  • Boolean noscript - if it should be kept from scripts
  • Boolean secure - should it only be transmitted over secure means
  • Number expiration_date - number of millis since 1970 at which this should be removed
  • String toString() - the set-cookie: string for this cookie
  • String toValueString() - the cookie: string for this cookie
  • Cookie parse(cookiestr, request_domain, request_path) - parses the string onto this cookie or a new one if called directly
  • Boolean matches(access_info) - returns true if the access_info allows retrieval of this cookie
  • Boolean collidesWith(cookie) - returns true if the cookies cannot exist in the same space (domain and path match)


class to hold numerous cookies from multiple domains correctly

  • Cookie setCookie(cookie, request_domain, request_path) - modify (or add if not already-existing) a cookie to the jar
  • Cookie[] setCookies(cookiestr_or_list, request_domain, request_path) - modify (or add if not already-existing) a large number of cookies to the jar
  • Cookie getCookie(cookie_name,access_info) - get a cookie with the name and access_info matching
  • Cookie[] getCookies(access_info) - grab all cookies matching this access_info


Package last updated on 13 Jan 2023

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