Quickly copy dot files (and more!) from one project into another project with a single command. Great for scaffolding or initializing a new project! 🚀
Note: by default copy-dots will ignore any filename with that contains "git"
in it to avoid clobbering your local directory by accident. Fear not! You can enable support for this using our options (below 👇)!
Make sure to have latest NodeJS LTS installed.
copy-dots has one required paramater, which is a path. Additional options available to include other file types / patterns.
Path (required)
copy-dots at least needs to know what path to copy your files from.
$ npx copy-dots ../../my-project
copy-dots also support the following options to copy additional files.
License (TODO)-g
git files like .gitignore and .gitattributes (no .git/ though!) (TODO)-c
config files like greenwood.config.js (TODO)-w
Includes all the flags (TODO)
For example, the below would copy dot files and the README
$ npx copy-dots /path/to/directory -r