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cordova-app-loader - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.5.1 to 0.5.2



@@ -112,2 +112,3 @@ (function(){

window.Manifest = {};
// Step 1: Load manifest from localStorage

@@ -114,0 +115,0 @@ var manifest = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('manifest'));


"name": "cordova-app-loadaer",
"main": "www/lib/CordovaAppLoader.js",
"version": "0.5.1",
"version": "0.5.2",
"homepage": "",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "authors": [

@@ -29,2 +29,3 @@ var CordovaFileCache = require('cordova-file-cache');

// initialize a file cache
if(options.mode) options.mode = 'mirror';
this.cache = new CordovaFileCache(options);

@@ -31,0 +32,0 @@

"name": "cordova-app-loader",
"version": "0.5.1",
"version": "0.5.2",
"description": "Cordova App Loader - remote update your cordova app",

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ "main": "index.js",

"bootstrap": "uglifyjs -m --screw-ie8 bootstrap.js > www/bootstrap.js",
"autoupdate": "webpack autoupdate.js www/autoupdate.js -p",
"autoupdate": "webpack autoupdate.js www/autoupdate.js",
"prepublish": "npm run autoupdate && npm run bootstrap && npm run cordova-promise-fs && npm run cordova-app-loader",

@@ -26,6 +26,3 @@ "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"

"cordova-file-cache": "^0.5.0"
"devDependencies": {
"promiscuous": "^0.6.0"

@@ -18,3 +18,2 @@ cordova-app-loader

Based on [cordova-promise-fs]( and [cordova-file-cache](

@@ -40,6 +39,23 @@ ## Demo Time!

### Setup Cordova:
cordova platform add ios@3.7.0
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file-transfer
**IMPORTANT:** For iOS, use Cordova 3.7.0 or higher (due to a [bug]( that affects requestFileSystem).
### Get javascript:
You can download the files (see "Quickstart" or "Usage") or use NPM or bower:
You need:
* bootstrap.js ([github](, [file]( reads the manifest.json to start your app.
* cordova-app-loader ([github](, [file](( to check,download and update a **manifest.json**
* cordova-promise-fs ([github](, [file]( to deal with the FileSystem
* Promise libary such as bluebird ([github](, [file]( or promiscuous ([github](,[file](
CordovaAppLoader uses [cordova-file-cache]( to download and cache the files.

@@ -50,40 +66,67 @@ bower install cordova-app-loader cordova-promise-fs bluebird

### Setup Cordova:
### Getting started
cordova platform add ios@3.7.0
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file-transfer
1. Write a **manifest.json** (see below)
2. The included **bootstrap.js** script will load your CSS and JS.
3. Use **CordovaAppLoader** to `check()`, `download()` and `apply()` updates:
// When using NPM, require these first.
// When using the ready-made files, these are available as global variables.
var CordovaPromiseFS = require('cordova-promise-fs');
var CordovaAppLoader = require('cordova-app-loader');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
// Initialize a FileSystem
var fs = new CordovaPromiseFS({
Promise: Promise
// Initialize a CordovaAppLoader
var loader = new CordovaAppLoader({
fs: fs,
serverRoot: ''
// Write your own "check", "download" and "update" logic:
return loader.update();
**IMPORTANT:** For iOS, use Cordova 3.7.0 or higher (due to a [bug]( that affects requestFileSystem).
See [an example](
## Quickstart: A simple example
### Quickstart
Download [index.html]( and [autoupdate.js](
If you don't need full control, you can use a drop-in solution: [autoupdate.js](
1. Write a **manifest.json** (see "step 1" below)
2. Copy **index.html** and **autoupdate.js** to your `www` folder.
3. Launch your app.
4. Upload a new **manifest.json** (+ files) to your server.
5. Reopen your app to download and apply the update.
[autoupdate.js]( includes all four files ([bootstrap.js](, [a Promise library](,[CordovaPromiseFS.js]( and [CordovaAppLoader.js](, initializes everything, and then implements very simple update logic:
Make sure you set the correct options in `index.html`:
1. When you open or resume the app (or when you switch tabs in Chrome)
2. Check for updates
3. Download files in the background
3. Update automatically when download is ready.
**autoupdate.js** is a very simple usage of the `CordovaAppLoader` ([see code]( It includes all nessecary files (see "Usage") and implementes very simple update logic.
Here is how to get started:
* Whenever you launch or resume the app,
* `check()` for a new manifest
* `download()` files in the background
* `update()` app (reloads page)
1. Download [index.html]( to your `www` directory.
2. Download [autoupdate.js]( to your `www` directory.
3. Make sure you set the correct options in `index.html`:
This approach is **not** recommended because:
4. Launch your app.
5. Upload a new **manifest.json** (+ files) to your server.
6. Reopen your app to download and apply the update.
This implementation is **not** recommended because:
* Downloading files in the background can slow down performance (sluggish UI).

@@ -94,9 +137,2 @@ * The update (reload) can interrupt an important user action.

Download and include:
* [bootstrap.js]( to launch your app.
* A [Promise]( library.
* [CordovaPromiseFS.js]( to handle the filesystem.
* [CordovaAppLoader.js]( to handle check/download/update logic.
### Overview

@@ -188,8 +224,18 @@

var fs = new CordovaPromiseFS({});
var loader = window.loader = new CordovaAppLoader({
// When using NPM, require these first.
// Otherwise these are available as global variables.
var CordovaPromiseFS = require('cordova-promise-fs');
var CordovaAppLoader = require('cordova-app-loader');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
// Initialize a FileSystem
var fs = new CordovaPromiseFS({
Promise: Promise
// Initialize a CordovaAppLoader
var loader = new CordovaAppLoader({
fs: fs,
serverRoot: '',
localRoot: 'app',
mode: 'mirror', // use same directories and filenames as in manifest (instead of using a hash)
cacheBuster: true // make sure we're not downloading cached files.

@@ -196,0 +242,0 @@ checkTimeout: 10000 // timeout for the "check" function - when you loose internet connection

@@ -1,2 +0,1325 @@

!function(t){function e(o){if(n[o])return n[o].exports;var r=n[o]={exports:{},id:o,loaded:!1};return t[o].call(r.exports,r,r.exports,e),r.loaded=!0,r.exports}var n={};return e.m=t,e.c=n,e.p="",e(0)}([function(t,e,n){function o(){c.check().then(function(){return}).then(function(){return c.update()},function(t){console.error("Auto-update error:",t)})}function r(){document.webkitHidden||o()}n(1);var i=n(2),s=n(5),a=n(6);window.setImmediate=window.setTimeout;var u,c,f,l,d="undefined"!=typeof cordova;if(f=document.querySelector("script[manifest]"),f&&(l=f.getAttribute("server"),!l))throw new Error('Add a "server" attribute to the autoupdate.js script!');u=new s({persistent:d,Promise:a}),c=new i({fs:u,localRoot:"app",serverRoot:l,mode:"mirror",cacheBuster:!0}),o(),u.deviceready.then(function(){document.addEventListener("resume",o)}),document.addEventListener("webkitvisibilitychange",r,!1)},function(){!function(){function t(t,e,n){function o(){var e=s.shift();e&&("/"===e[0]&&(e=e.substr(1)),e=t.root+e,".js"===e.substr(-3)?(r=document.createElement("script"),r.type="text/javascript",r.src=e,r.onload=o):(r=document.createElement("link"),r.rel="stylesheet",r.href=e,r.type="text/css",setTimeout(o,0)),i.appendChild(r))}if(!t.load)return void console.error("Manifest has nothing to load (manifest.load is empty).",t);var r,i=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],s=t.load.concat();t.root=t.root||"./",t.root.length>0&&"/"!==t.root[t.root.length-1]&&(t.root+="/"),e||localStorage.setItem("manifest",JSON.stringify(t)),"cdvfile"===t.root.substr(0,7)?document.addEventListener("deviceready",o,!1):o(),window.Manifest=t,e&&setTimeout(function(){window.BOOTSTRAP_OK||(localStorage.removeItem("manifest"),location.reload())},n)}window.pegasus=function(t,e){return e=new XMLHttpRequest,"GET",t),t=[],e.onreadystatechange=e.then=function(n,o,r){[n,o]),4==e.readyState&&(r=t[0|e.status/400],r&&r(200===e.status||0===e.status?JSON.parse(e.responseText):e))},e.send(),e};var e=JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("manifest")),n=document.querySelector("script[manifest]");if(e)t(e,!0,n.getAttribute("timeout")||1e4);else{var o=(n?n.getAttribute("manifest"):null)||"manifest.json";pegasus(o).then(t,function(t){console.error("Could not download "+o+": "+t.status)})}}()},function(t,e,n){function o(t){var e={};return Object.keys(t).forEach(function(n){e[t[n].filename]=t[n]}),e}function r(t){if(!t)throw new Error("CordovaAppLoader has no options!");if(!t.fs)throw new Error('CordovaAppLoader has no "fs" option (cordova-promise-fs)');if(!t.serverRoot)throw new Error('CordovaAppLoader has no "serverRoot" option.');if(!window.pegasus||!window.Manifest)throw new Error("CordovaAppLoader bootstrap.js is missing.");s=t.fs.Promise,this.manifest=window.Manifest,this.newManifest=null,t.serverRoot=t.serverRoot||"",t.serverRoot&&"/"!==t.serverRoot[t.serverRoot.length-1]&&(t.serverRoot+="/"),this.newManifestUrl=t.serverRoot+(t.manifest||"manifest.json"),this.cache=new i(t),this._toBeDeleted=[],this._toBeDownloaded=[],this._updateReady=!1,this._checkTimeout=t.checkTimeout||1e4}var i=n(3),s=null;r.prototype.check=function(t){var e=this,n=this.manifest;return new s(function(r,i){function s(t){e.cache.ready.then(function(){if(!t.files)return void i('Downloaded Manifest has no "files" attribute.');var s=o(t.files),a=o(n.files);e._toBeDownloaded=Object.keys(s).filter(function(t){return!a[t]||a[t].version!==s[t].version||!e.cache.isCached(t)}),e.cache.list().then(function(n){{return t.substr(e.cache._localRoot.length)}).filter(function(t){return!s[t]}).concat(e._toBeDownloaded),e._toBeDeleted.length>0||e._toBeDownloaded.length>0?(e.newManifest=t,e.newManifest.root=e.cache.toInternalURL("/")+(e.newManifest.root||""),r(!0)):r(!1)},i)},i)}"string"==typeof t&&(e.newManifestUrl=t,t=void 0),"object"==typeof t?s(t):(pegasus(e.newManifestUrl).then(s,i),setTimeout(function(){i(new Error("timeout"))},e._checkTimeout))})},r.prototype.canDownload=function(){return!!this.newManifest&&!this._updateReady},r.prototype.canUpdate=function(){return this._updateReady},{var e=this;return e.canDownload()?(localStorage.removeItem("manifest"),this.manifest.files=Manifest.files={},e.cache.remove(e._toBeDeleted,!0).then(function(){return e.cache.add(e._toBeDownloaded),}).then(function(){return e._toBeDeleted=[],e._toBeDownloaded=[],e._updateReady=!0,e.newManifest},function(t){return t&&t.length&&e.cache.remove(t),t})):s.resolve(null)},r.prototype.update=function(t){return this._updateReady?(localStorage.setItem("manifest",JSON.stringify(this.newManifest)),t!==!1&&location.reload(),!0):!1},r.prototype.clear=function(){return localStorage.removeItem("manifest"),this.cache.clear()},r.prototype.reset=function(){return this.clear().then(function(){location.reload()},function(){location.reload()})},t.exports=r},function(t,e,n){function o(t){if(this._fs=t.fs,!this._fs)throw new Error('Missing required option "fs". Add an instance of cordova-promise-fs.');i=this._fs.Promise,this._mirrorMode="hash"!==t.mode,this._retry=t.retry||[500,1500,8e3],this._cacheBuster=!!t.cacheBuster,this._localRoot=t.localRoot||"data","/"!==this._localRoot[this._localRoot.length-1]&&(this._localRoot+="/"),"/"!==this._localRoot[0]&&(this._localRoot="/"+this._localRoot),this._serverRoot=t.serverRoot||"",this._serverRoot&&"/"!==this._serverRoot[this._serverRoot.length-1]&&(this._serverRoot+="/"),"./"===this._serverRoot&&(this._serverRoot=""),this._downloading=[],this._added=[],this._cached={},this.ready=this.list()}var r=n(4),i=null,s="undefined"!=typeof cordova;s||(window.ProgressEvent=function(){}),o.prototype.list=function(){var t=this;return new i(function(e){t._fs.list(t._localRoot,"rfe").then(function(n){t._cached={},{return t._cached[e.fullPath]={toInternalURL:s?e.toInternalURL():e.toURL(),toURL:e.toURL()},e.fullPath}),e(n)},function(){e([])})})},o.prototype.add=function(t){t||(t=[]),"string"==typeof t&&(t=[t]);var e=this;return t.forEach(function(t){t=e.toServerURL(t),-1===e._added.indexOf(t)&&e._added.push(t)}),e.isDirty()},o.prototype.remove=function(t,e){t||(t=[]);var n=[];"string"==typeof t&&(t=[t]);var o=this;return t.forEach(function(t){var e=o._added.indexOf(o.toServerURL(t));e>=0&&o._added.splice(e,1);var r=o.toPath(t);n.push(o._fs.remove(r)),delete o._cached[r]}),e?i.all(n):o.isDirty()},o.prototype.getDownloadQueue=function(){var t=this,e=t._added.filter(function(e){return!t.isCached(e)});return e},o.prototype.getAdded=function(){return this._added},o.prototype.isDirty=function(){return this.getDownloadQueue().length>0},{var e=this._fs,n=this;return n.abort(),new i(function(o,r){e.ensure(n._localRoot).then(function(){return n.list()}).then(function(){if(!n.isDirty())return void o(n);var i=n.getDownloadQueue(),s=[],a=n._downloading.length,u=n._downloading.length,c=n._downloading.length+i.length;i.forEach(function(i){var f,l=n.toPath(i);"function"==typeof t&&(f=function(e){e.queueIndex=a,e.queueSize=c,e.url=i,e.path=l,e.percentage=a/c,e.loaded>0&&>0&&a!==c&&(e.percentage+=e.loaded/,s.indexOf(i)<0&&(s.push(i),a++),t(e)});var d=function(){u++,u===c&&(n._downloading=[],n.list().then(function(){f&&f(new ProgressEvent),n.isDirty()?r(n.getDownloadQueue()):o(n)},r))},h=i;n._cacheBuster&&(h+="?";var,l,{retry:n._retry},f);p.then(d,d),n._downloading.push(p)})},r)})},o.prototype.abort=function(){this._downloading.forEach(function(t){t.abort()}),this._downloading=[]},o.prototype.isCached=function(t){return t=this.toPath(t),!!this._cached[t]},o.prototype.clear=function(){return this._cached={},this._fs.removeDir(this._localRoot)},o.prototype.toInternalURL=function(t){return path=this.toPath(t),this._cached[path]?this._cached[path].toInternalURL:this.toServerURL(path)},o.prototype.get=o.prototype.toInternalURL,o.prototype.toDataURL=function(t){return this._fs.toDataURL(this.toPath(t))},o.prototype.toURL=function(t){return path=this.toPath(t),this._cached[path]?this._cached[path].toURL:this.toServerURL(t)},o.prototype.toServerURL=function(t){return"/"===t[0]&&(t=t.substr(1)),t.indexOf("://")<0?this._serverRoot+t:t},o.prototype.toPath=function(t){return this._mirrorMode?(t=t||"",len=this._serverRoot.length,t.substr(0,len)!==this._serverRoot?("/"===t[0]&&(t=t.substr(1)),this._localRoot+t):this._localRoot+t.substr(len)):this._localRoot+r(t)+t.substr(t.lastIndexOf("."))},t.exports=o},function(t){function e(t,e){var n,o,r,i,s,a,u,c;for(n=3&t.length,o=t.length-n,r=e,s=3432918353,a=461845907,c=0;o>c;)u=255&t.charCodeAt(c)|(255&t.charCodeAt(++c))<<8|(255&t.charCodeAt(++c))<<16|(255&t.charCodeAt(++c))<<24,++c,u=(65535&u)*s+(((u>>>16)*s&65535)<<16)&4294967295,u=u<<15|u>>>17,u=(65535&u)*a+(((u>>>16)*a&65535)<<16)&4294967295,r^=u,r=r<<13|r>>>19,i=5*(65535&r)+((5*(r>>>16)&65535)<<16)&4294967295,r=(65535&i)+27492+(((i>>>16)+58964&65535)<<16);switch(u=0,n){case 3:u^=(255&t.charCodeAt(c+2))<<16;case 2:u^=(255&t.charCodeAt(c+1))<<8;case 1:u^=255&t.charCodeAt(c),u=(65535&u)*s+(((u>>>16)*s&65535)<<16)&4294967295,u=u<<15|u>>>17,u=(65535&u)*a+(((u>>>16)*a&65535)<<16)&4294967295,r^=u}return r^=t.length,r^=r>>>16,r=2246822507*(65535&r)+((2246822507*(r>>>16)&65535)<<16)&4294967295,r^=r>>>13,r=3266489909*(65535&r)+((3266489909*(r>>>16)&65535)<<16)&4294967295,r^=r>>>16,r>>>0}t.exports=e},function(t){function e(t,n,o,r){t.getDirectory(n[0],{create:!0},function(t){n.length>1?e(t,n.slice(1),o,r):o(t)},r)}function n(t){var e=t.split("/");return e.length>1?(e.splice(e.length-1,1),e.join("/")):""}function o(t){var e=t.split("/");return e[e.length-1]}var r=[],i=0;t.exports=function(t){function s(t){return a(n(t)).then(function(){return l(t,{create:!0})})}function a(t){return new E(function(n,o){return T.then(function(r){t?(t=t.split("/").filter(function(t){return t&&t.length>0&&"."!==t[0]}),e(r.root,t,n,o)):n(r.root)},o)})}function u(t){return new E(function(e,n){l(t).then(function(t){e(t)},function(t){1===t.code?e(!1):n(t)})})}function c(t){return l(t).then(function(t){return t.toURL()})}function f(t){return h(t,"readAsDataURL")}function l(t,e){return e=e||{},new E(function(n,o){return T.then(function(r){r.root.getFile(t,e,n,o)},o)})}function d(t,e){return e=e||{},new E(function(n,o){return T.then(function(r){t&&"/"!==t?r.root.getDirectory(t,e,n,o):n(r.root)},o)})}function h(t,e){return e=e||"readAsText",l(t).then(function(t){return new E(function(n,o){t.file(function(t){var o=new FileReader;o.onloadend=function(){n(this.result)},o[e](t)},o)})})}function p(t){return h(t).then(JSON.parse)}function v(t,e,o){return a(n(t)).then(function(){return l(t,{create:!0})}).then(function(t){return new E(function(n,r){t.createWriter(function(t){t.onwriteend=n,t.onerror=r,"string"==typeof e?e=new Blob([e],{type:o||"text/plain"}):e instanceof Blob!=!0&&(e=new Blob([JSON.stringify(e,null,4)],{type:o||"application/json"})),t.write(e)},r)})})}function w(t,e){return a(n(e)).then(function(n){return l(t).then(function(t){return new E(function(r,i){t.moveTo(n,o(e),r,i)})})})}function y(t,e){return a(n(e)).then(function(n){return l(t).then(function(t){return new E(function(r,i){t.copyTo(n,o(e),r,i)})})})}function m(t,e){var n=e?l:u;return new E(function(e,o){n(t).then(function(t){t!==!1?t.remove(e,o):e()},o)})}function g(t){return d(t).then(function(t){return new E(function(e,n){t.removeRecursively(e,n)})})}function _(t,e){e=e||"";var n=e.indexOf("r")>-1,o=e.indexOf("e")>-1,r=e.indexOf("f")>-1,i=e.indexOf("d")>-1;return r&&i&&(r=!1,i=!1),new E(function(e,s){return d(t).then(function(t){var a=t.createReader();a.readEntries(function(t){var a=[E.resolve(t)];n&&t.filter(function(t){return t.isDirectory}).forEach(function(t){a.push(_(t.fullPath,"re"))}),E.all(a).then(function(t){var n=[];n=n.concat.apply(n,t),r&&(n=n.filter(function(t){return t.isFile})),i&&(n=n.filter(function(t){return t.isDirectory})),o||({return t.fullPath})),e(n)},s)},s)},s)})}function R(){for(;r.length>0&&i<t.concurrency;){i++;var e=r.pop(),n=e.shift(),o=e.shift(),s=e.shift(),a=e.shift(),u=e.shift(),c=e.shift(),f=e.shift(),l=e.shift();n._aborted?i--:o?(,s,a,u,c,f,l),n.onprogress&&n.onprogress(new ProgressEvent)),a,s,u,c,l,f)}}function L(t){return i--,R(),t}function S(e,n,o,s,a){"function"==typeof s&&(a=s,s={}),n=encodeURI(n),x&&(o=A(o)),s=s||{},s.retry&&s.retry.length||(s.retry=t.retry),s.retry=s.retry.concat();var u=new FileTransfer;"function"==typeof a&&(u.onprogress=a);var c=new E(function(t,a){var c=function(i){if(0===s.retry.length)a(i);else{r.unshift([u,e,n,o,t,c,s.trustAllHosts||!1,s]);var f=s.retry.shift();f>0?setTimeout(L,f):L()}};s.retry.unshift(0),i++,c()});return c.then(L,L),c.progress=function(t){return u.onprogress=t,c},c.abort=function(){return u._aborted=!0,u.abort(),c},c}function b(t,e,n,o){return S(!0,t,e,n,o)}function D(t,e,n,o){return S(!1,e,t,n,o)}var E=t.Promise||window.Promise;if(!E)throw new Error("No Promise library given in options.Promise");this.options=t=t||{},t.persistent=void 0!==t.persistent?t.persistent:!0,t.storageSize=t.storageSize||20971520,t.concurrency=t.concurrency||3,t.retry=t.retry||[];var U,x="undefined"!=typeof cordova;x?U=new E(function(t,e){document.addEventListener("deviceready",t,!1),setTimeout(function(){e(new Error("deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds."))},5100)}):(U=E.resolve(),"undefined"!=typeof webkitRequestFileSystem?(window.requestFileSystem=webkitRequestFileSystem,window.FileTransfer=function(){},,e,n,o){var r=new XMLHttpRequest;return"GET",t),r.onreadystatechange=function(){4==r.readyState&&(200===r.status?v(e,r.responseText).then(n,o):o(r.status))},r.send(),r}):window.requestFileSystem=function(t,e,n,o){o(new Error("requestFileSystem not supported!"))});var T=new E(function(e,n){U.then(function(){window.requestFileSystem(t.persistent?1:0,t.storageSize,e,n),setTimeout(function(){n(new Error("Could not retrieve FileSystem after 5 seconds."))},5100)},n)});T.then(function(t){window.__fs=t},function(t){console.error("Could not get Cordova FileSystem:",t)});var P,A;return x?(A=function(e){return"/"!==e[0]&&(e="/"+e),"cdvfile://localhost/"+(t.persistent?"persistent":"temporary")+e},P=function(t){return l(t).then(function(t){return t.toInternalURL()})}):(A=function(e){return"/"!==e[0]&&(e="/"+e),"filesystem:"+location.origin+(t.persistent?"/persistent":"/temporary")+e},P=function(t){return l(t).then(function(t){return t.toURL()})}),{fs:T,file:l,filename:o,dir:d,dirname:n,create:s,read:h,readJSON:p,write:v,move:w,copy:y,remove:m,removeDir:g,list:_,ensure:a,exists:u,download:b,upload:D,toURL:c,isCordova:x,toInternalURLSync:A,toInternalURL:P,toDataURL:f,deviceready:U,options:t,Promise:E}}},function(t){/**@license MIT-promiscuous-©Ruben Verborgh*/
!function(e,n){function o(t,e){return(typeof e)[0]==t}function r(t,s){return s=function a(u,c,f,l,d,h){function p(t){return function(e){d&&(d=0,a(o,t,e))}}if(l=a.q,u!=o)return r(function(t,e){l.push({p:this,r:t,j:e,1:u,0:c})});if(f&&o(e,f)|o(n,f))try{d=f.then}catch(v){c=0,f=v}if(o(e,d))try{,p(1),c=p(0))}catch(v){c(v)}else for(s=function(n,s){return o(e,n=c?n:s)?r(function(t,e){i(this,t,e,f,n)}):t},h=0;h<l.length;)d=l[h++],o(e,u=d[c])?i(d.p,d.r,d.j,f,u):(c?d.r:d.j)(f)},s.q=[],{then:function(t,e){return s(t,e)},"catch":function(t){return s(0,t)}},function(t){s(o,1,t)},function(t){s(o,0,t)}),t}function i(t,r,i,s,a){setImmediate(function(){try{s=a(s),a=s&&o(n,s)|o(e,s)&&s.then,o(e,a)?s==t?i(TypeError()),r,i):r(s)}catch(u){i(u)}})}function s(t){return r(function(e){e(t)})}t.exports=r,r.resolve=s,r.reject=function(t){return r(function(e,n){n(t)})},r.all=function(t){return r(function(e,n,o,r){r=[],o=t.length||e(r),,i){s(t).then(function(t){r[i]=t,--o||e(r)},n)})})}}("f","o")}]);
/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId])
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ exports: {},
/******/ id: moduleId,
/******/ loaded: false
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.loaded = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(0);
/******/ })
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
// Include the bootstrap script.
var CordovaAppLoader = __webpack_require__(2);
var CordovaPromiseFS = __webpack_require__(3);
var Promise = __webpack_require__(4);
window.setImmediate = window.setTimeout;
// Helper variable: Chrome should use temporary storage.
var isCordova = typeof cordova !== 'undefined',
// Get SERVER_URL from script tag.
script = document.querySelector('script[manifest]');
serverUrl= script.getAttribute('server');
if(!serverUrl) {
throw new Error('Add a "server" attribute to the autoupdate.js script!');
// Initialize filesystem and loader
fs = new CordovaPromiseFS({
persistent: isCordova,
Promise: Promise
loader = new CordovaAppLoader({
fs: fs,
localRoot: 'app',
serverRoot: serverUrl,
mode: 'mirror',
cacheBuster: true
// Check > Download > Update
function check(){
return loader.update();
console.error('Auto-update error:',err);
// Couple events:
// On launch
// Cordova: On resume
// Chrome: On page becomes visible again
function handleVisibilityChange() {
if (!document.webkitHidden) {
document.addEventListener("webkitvisibilitychange", handleVisibilityChange, false);
/***/ },
/* 1 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
// Retrieved and slightly modified from:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// a url (naming it a, beacause it will be reused to store callbacks)
// xhr placeholder to avoid using var, not to be used
window.pegasus = function pegasus(a, xhr) {
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Open url'GET', a);
// Reuse a to store callbacks
a = [];
// onSuccess handler
// onError handler
// cb placeholder to avoid using var, should not be used
xhr.onreadystatechange = xhr.then = function(onSuccess, onError, cb) {
// Test if onSuccess is a function or a load event
if ( a = [onSuccess, onError];
// Test if request is complete
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
// index will be:
// 0 if status is between 0 and 399
// 1 if status is over
cb = a[0|xhr.status / 400];
// Safari doesn't support xhr.responseType = 'json'
// so the response is parsed
if (cb) cb(xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0?JSON.parse(xhr.responseText):xhr);
// Send
// Return request
return xhr;
// Step 2: After fetching manifest (localStorage or XHR), load it
function loadManifest(manifest,fromLocalStorage,timeout){
if(!manifest.load) {
console.error('Manifest has nothing to load (manifest.load is empty).',manifest);
var el,
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],
scripts = manifest.load.concat();
// Load Next Script
function loadScript(){
var src = scripts.shift();
if(!src) return;
// Ensure the 'src' has no '/' (it's in the root already)
if(src[0] === '/') src = src.substr(1);
src = manifest.root + src;
// Load javascript
if(src.substr(-3) === ".js"){
el= document.createElement('script');
el.type= 'text/javascript';
el.src= src;
el.onload = loadScript;
// Load CSS
} else {
el= document.createElement('link');
el.rel = "stylesheet";
el.href = src;
el.type = "text/css";
// Step 3: Ensure the 'root' end with a '/'
manifest.root = manifest.root || './';
if(manifest.root.length > 0 && manifest.root[manifest.root.length-1] !== '/')
manifest.root += '/';
// Step 4: Save manifest for next time
// Step 5: Load Scripts
// If we're loading Cordova files, make sure Cordova is ready first!
if(manifest.root.substr(0,7) === 'cdvfile'){
document.addEventListener("deviceready", loadScript, false);
} else {
// Save to global scope
window.Manifest = manifest;
// Safety timeout. If BOOTSTRAP_OK is not defined,
// it will delete the 'localStorage' version and revert to factory settings.
window.Manifest = {};
// Step 1: Load manifest from localStorage
var manifest = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('manifest'));
// grab manifest.json location from <script manifest="..."></script>
var s = document.querySelector('script[manifest]');
// Not in localStorage? Fetch it!
var url = (s? s.getAttribute('manifest'): null) || 'manifest.json';
// get manifest.json, then loadManifest.
console.error('Could not download '+url+': '+xhr.status);
// Manifest was in localStorage. Load it immediatly.
} else {
loadManifest(manifest,true,s.getAttribute('timeout') || 10000);
/***/ },
/* 2 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var CordovaFileCache = __webpack_require__(5);
var Promise = null;
function createFilemap(files){
var result = {};
result[files[key].filename] = files[key];
return result;
function AppLoader(options){
if(!options) throw new Error('CordovaAppLoader has no options!');
if(!options.fs) throw new Error('CordovaAppLoader has no "fs" option (cordova-promise-fs)');
if(!options.serverRoot) throw new Error('CordovaAppLoader has no "serverRoot" option.');
if(!window.pegasus || !window.Manifest) throw new Error('CordovaAppLoader bootstrap.js is missing.');
Promise = options.fs.Promise;
// initialize variables
this.manifest = window.Manifest;
this.newManifest = null;
// normalize serverRoot and set remote manifest url
options.serverRoot = options.serverRoot || '';
if(!!options.serverRoot && options.serverRoot[options.serverRoot.length-1] !== '/') options.serverRoot += '/';
this.newManifestUrl = options.serverRoot + (options.manifest || 'manifest.json');
// initialize a file cache
if(options.mode) options.mode = 'mirror';
this.cache = new CordovaFileCache(options);
// private stuff
this._toBeDeleted = [];
this._toBeDownloaded = [];
this._updateReady = false;
this._checkTimeout = options.checkTimeout || 10000;
AppLoader.prototype.check = function(newManifest){
var self = this, manifest = this.manifest;
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
if(typeof newManifest === "string") {
self.newManifestUrl = newManifest;
newManifest = undefined;
function checkManifest(newManifest){
// make sure cache is ready for the DIFF operations!
reject('Downloaded Manifest has no "files" attribute.');
var newFiles = createFilemap(newManifest.files);
var oldFiles = createFilemap(manifest.files);
// Create the diff
self._toBeDownloaded = Object.keys(newFiles)
return !oldFiles[file]
|| oldFiles[file].version !== newFiles[file].version
|| !self.cache.isCached(file);
self._toBeDeleted = files
return file.substr(self.cache._localRoot.length);
return !newFiles[file];
if(self._toBeDeleted.length > 0 || self._toBeDownloaded.length > 0){
// Save the new Manifest
self.newManifest = newManifest;
self.newManifest.root = self.cache.toInternalURL('/') + (self.newManifest.root || '');
} else {
if(typeof newManifest === "object") {
} else {
setTimeout(function(){reject(new Error('timeout'));},self._checkTimeout);
AppLoader.prototype.canDownload = function(){
return !!this.newManifest && !this._updateReady;
AppLoader.prototype.canUpdate = function(){
return this._updateReady;
}; = function(onprogress){
var self = this;
if(!self.canDownload()) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
// we will delete files, which will invalidate the current manifest...
this.manifest.files = Manifest.files = {};
return self.cache.remove(self._toBeDeleted,true)
self._toBeDeleted = [];
self._toBeDownloaded = [];
self._updateReady = true;
return self.newManifest;
// on download error, remove files...
if(!!files && files.length){
return files;
AppLoader.prototype.update = function(reload){
if(this._updateReady) {
// update manifest
if(reload !== false) location.reload();
return true;
return false;
AppLoader.prototype.clear = function(){
return this.cache.clear();
AppLoader.prototype.reset = function(){
return this.clear().then(function(){
module.exports = AppLoader;
/***/ },
/* 3 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
* Static Private functions
/* createDir, recursively */
function __createDir(rootDirEntry, folders, success,error) {
rootDirEntry.getDirectory(folders[0], {create: true}, function(dirEntry) {
// Recursively add the new subfolder (if we still have another to create).
if (folders.length > 1) {
__createDir(dirEntry, folders.slice(1),success,error);
} else {
}, error);
function dirname(str) {
var parts = str.split('/');
if(parts.length > 1) {
return parts.join('/');
} else {
return '';
function filename(str) {
var parts = str.split('/');
return parts[parts.length-1];
var transferQueue = [], // queued fileTransfers
inprogress = 0; // currently active filetransfers
* Factory function: Create a single instance (based on single FileSystem)
module.exports = function(options){
/* Promise implementation */
var Promise = options.Promise || window.Promise;
if(!Promise) { throw new Error("No Promise library given in options.Promise"); }
/* default options */
this.options = options = options || {};
options.persistent = options.persistent !== undefined? options.persistent: true;
options.storageSize = options.storageSize || 20*1024*1024;
options.concurrency = options.concurrency || 3;
options.retry = options.retry || [];
/* Cordova deviceready promise */
var deviceready, isCordova = typeof cordova !== 'undefined';
deviceready = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
document.addEventListener("deviceready", resolve, false);
setTimeout(function(){ reject(new Error('deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds.')); },5100);
} else {
/* FileTransfer implementation for Chrome */
deviceready = Promise.resolve();
if(typeof webkitRequestFileSystem !== 'undefined'){
window.requestFileSystem = webkitRequestFileSystem;
window.FileTransfer = function FileTransfer(){}; = function download(url,file,win,fail) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(onSuccess, onError, cb) {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if(xhr.status === 200){
} else {
return xhr;
} else {
window.requestFileSystem = function(x,y,z,fail){
fail(new Error('requestFileSystem not supported!'));
/* the filesystem! */
var fs = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
window.requestFileSystem(options.persistent? 1: 0, options.storageSize, resolve, reject);
setTimeout(function(){ reject(new Error('Could not retrieve FileSystem after 5 seconds.')); },5100);
/* debug */
window.__fs = fs;
console.error('Could not get Cordova FileSystem:',err);
function create(path){
return ensure(dirname(path)).then(function(){
return file(path,{create:true});
/* ensure directory exists */
function ensure(folders) {
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
return fs.then(function(fs){
if(!folders) {
} else {
folders = folders.split('/').filter(function(folder) {
return folder && folder.length > 0 && folder[0] !== '.';
/* does file exist? If so, resolve with fileEntry, if not, resolve with false. */
function exists(path){
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
if(err.code === 1) {
} else {
/* convert path to URL to be used in JS/CSS/HTML */
function toURL(path) {
return file(path).then(function(fileEntry) {
return fileEntry.toURL();
/* convert path to URL to be used in JS/CSS/HTML */
var toInternalURL,toInternalURLSync;
if(isCordova) {
/* synchronous helper to get internal URL. */
toInternalURLSync = function(path){
if(path[0] !== '/') path = '/' + path;
return 'cdvfile://localhost/'+(options.persistent? 'persistent':'temporary') + path;
toInternalURL = function(path) {
return file(path).then(function(fileEntry) {
return fileEntry.toInternalURL();
} else {
/* synchronous helper to get internal URL. */
toInternalURLSync = function(path){
if(path[0] !== '/') path = '/' + path;
return 'filesystem:'+location.origin+(options.persistent? '/persistent':'/temporary') + path;
toInternalURL = function(path) {
return file(path).then(function(fileEntry) {
return fileEntry.toURL();
/* convert path to base64 date URI */
function toDataURL(path) {
return read(path,'readAsDataURL');
/* get file file */
function file(path,options){
options = options || {};
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
return fs.then(function(fs){
/* get directory entry */
function dir(path,options){
options = options || {};
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
return fs.then(function(fs){
if(!path || path === '/') {
} else {
/* return contents of a file */
function read(path,method) {
method = method || 'readAsText';
return file(path).then(function(fileEntry) {
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function(){
function readJSON(path){
return read(path).then(JSON.parse);
/* write contents to a file */
function write(path,blob,mimeType) {
return ensure(dirname(path))
.then(function() { return file(path,{create:true}); })
.then(function(fileEntry) {
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
writer.onwriteend = resolve;
writer.onerror = reject;
if(typeof blob === 'string') {
blob = new Blob([blob],{type: mimeType || 'text/plain'});
} else if(blob instanceof Blob !== true){
blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(blob,null,4)],{type: mimeType || 'application/json'});
/* move a file */
function move(src,dest) {
return ensure(dirname(dest))
.then(function(dir) {
return file(src).then(function(fileEntry){
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
/* copy a file */
function copy(src,dest) {
return ensure(dirname(dest))
.then(function(dir) {
return file(src).then(function(fileEntry){
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
/* delete a file */
function remove(path,mustExist) {
var method = mustExist? file:exists;
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
if(fileEntry !== false) {
} else {
/* delete a directory */
function removeDir(path) {
return dir(path).then(function(dirEntry){
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
/* list contents of a directory */
function list(path,mode) {
mode = mode || '';
var recursive = mode.indexOf('r') > -1;
var getAsEntries = mode.indexOf('e') > -1;
var onlyFiles = mode.indexOf('f') > -1;
var onlyDirs = mode.indexOf('d') > -1;
if(onlyFiles && onlyDirs) {
onlyFiles = false;
onlyDirs = false;
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
return dir(path).then(function(dirEntry){
var dirReader = dirEntry.createReader();
dirReader.readEntries(function(entries) {
var promises = [Promise.resolve(entries)];
if(recursive) {
.filter(function(entry){return entry.isDirectory; })
var entries = [];
entries = entries.concat.apply(entries,values);
if(onlyFiles) entries = entries.filter(function(entry) { return entry.isFile; });
if(onlyDirs) entries = entries.filter(function(entry) { return entry.isDirectory; });
if(!getAsEntries) entries = { return entry.fullPath; });
}, reject);
// Whenever we want to start a transfer, we call popTransferQueue
function popTransferQueue(){
// while we are not at max concurrency
while(transferQueue.length > 0 && inprogress < options.concurrency){
// increment activity counter
// fetch filetranfer, method-type (isDownload) and arguments
var args = transferQueue.pop();
var ft = args.shift();
var isDownload = args.shift();
var serverUrl = args.shift();
var localPath = args.shift();
var win = args.shift();
var fail = args.shift();
var trustAllHosts = args.shift();
var transferOptions = args.shift();
if(ft._aborted) {
} else if(isDownload){,serverUrl,localPath,win,fail,trustAllHosts,transferOptions);
if(ft.onprogress) ft.onprogress(new ProgressEvent());
} else {,localPath,serverUrl,win,fail,transferOptions,trustAllHosts);
// if we are at max concurrency, popTransferQueue() will be called whenever
// the transfer is ready and there is space avaialable.
// Promise callback to check if there are any more queued transfers
function nextTransfer(result){
inprogress--; // decrement counter to free up one space to start transfers again!
popTransferQueue(); // check if there are any queued transfers
return result;
function filetransfer(isDownload,serverUrl,localPath,transferOptions,onprogress){
if(typeof transferOptions === 'function') {
onprogress = transferOptions;
transferOptions = {};
serverUrl = encodeURI(serverUrl);
if(isCordova) localPath = toInternalURLSync(localPath);
transferOptions = transferOptions || {};
if(!transferOptions.retry || !transferOptions.retry.length) {
transferOptions.retry = options.retry;
transferOptions.retry = transferOptions.retry.concat();
var ft = new FileTransfer();
if(typeof onprogress === 'function') ft.onprogress = onprogress;
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
var attempt = function(err){
if(transferOptions.retry.length === 0) {
} else {
transferQueue.unshift([ft,isDownload,serverUrl,localPath,resolve,attempt,transferOptions.trustAllHosts || false,transferOptions]);
var timeout = transferOptions.retry.shift();
if(timeout > 0) {
} else {
promise.progress = function(onprogress){
ft.onprogress = onprogress;
return promise;
promise.abort = function(){
ft._aborted = true;
return promise;
return promise;
function download(url,dest,options,onprogress){
return filetransfer(true,url,dest,options,onprogress);
function upload(source,dest,options,onprogress){
return filetransfer(false,dest,source,options,onprogress);
return {
fs: fs,
file: file,
filename: filename,
dir: dir,
dirname: dirname,
read: read,
readJSON: readJSON,
write: write,
move: move,
copy: copy,
remove: remove,
removeDir: removeDir,
list: list,
ensure: ensure,
exists: exists,
download: download,
upload: upload,
toInternalURLSync: toInternalURLSync,
deviceready: deviceready,
options: options,
Promise: Promise
/***/ },
/* 4 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/**@license MIT-promiscuous-©Ruben Verborgh*/
(function (func, obj) {
// Type checking utility function
function is(type, item) { return (typeof item)[0] == type; }
// Creates a promise, calling callback(resolve, reject), ignoring other parameters.
function Promise(callback, handler) {
// The `handler` variable points to the function that will
// 1) handle a .then(resolved, rejected) call
// 2) handle a resolve or reject call (if the first argument === `is`)
// Before 2), `handler` holds a queue of callbacks.
// After 2), `handler` is a finalized .then handler.
handler = function pendingHandler(resolved, rejected, value, queue, then, i) {
queue = pendingHandler.q;
// Case 1) handle a .then(resolved, rejected) call
if (resolved != is) {
return Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
queue.push({ p: this, r: resolve, j: reject, 1: resolved, 0: rejected });
// Case 2) handle a resolve or reject call
// (`resolved` === `is` acts as a sentinel)
// The actual function signature is
// .re[ject|solve](<is>, success, value)
// Check if the value is a promise and try to obtain its `then` method
if (value && (is(func, value) | is(obj, value))) {
try { then = value.then; }
catch (reason) { rejected = 0; value = reason; }
// If the value is a promise, take over its state
if (is(func, then)) {
function valueHandler(resolved) {
return function (value) { then && (then = 0, pendingHandler(is, resolved, value)); };
try {, valueHandler(1), rejected = valueHandler(0)); }
catch (reason) { rejected(reason); }
// The value is not a promise; handle resolve/reject
else {
// Replace this handler with a finalized resolved/rejected handler
handler = function (Resolved, Rejected) {
// If the Resolved or Rejected parameter is not a function,
// return the original promise (now stored in the `callback` variable)
if (!is(func, (Resolved = rejected ? Resolved : Rejected)))
return callback;
// Otherwise, return a finalized promise, transforming the value with the function
return Promise(function (resolve, reject) { finalize(this, resolve, reject, value, Resolved); });
// Resolve/reject pending callbacks
i = 0;
while (i < queue.length) {
then = queue[i++];
// If no callback, just resolve/reject the promise
if (!is(func, resolved = then[rejected]))
(rejected ? then.r : then.j)(value);
// Otherwise, resolve/reject the promise with the result of the callback
finalize(then.p, then.r, then.j, value, resolved);
// The queue of pending callbacks; garbage-collected when handler is resolved/rejected
handler.q = [];
// Create and return the promise (reusing the callback variable) = { then: function (resolved, rejected) { return handler(resolved, rejected); },
catch: function (rejected) { return handler(0, rejected); } },
function (value) { handler(is, 1, value); },
function (reason) { handler(is, 0, reason); });
return callback;
// Finalizes the promise by resolving/rejecting it with the transformed value
function finalize(promise, resolve, reject, value, transform) {
setImmediate(function () {
try {
// Transform the value through and check whether it's a promise
value = transform(value);
transform = value && (is(obj, value) | is(func, value)) && value.then;
// Return the result if it's not a promise
if (!is(func, transform))
// If it's a promise, make sure it's not circular
else if (value == promise)
// Take over the promise's state
else, resolve, reject);
catch (error) { reject(error); }
// Export the main module
module.exports = Promise;
// Creates a resolved promise
Promise.resolve = ResolvedPromise;
function ResolvedPromise(value) { return Promise(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
// Creates a rejected promise
Promise.reject = function (reason) { return Promise(function (resolve, reject) { reject(reason); }); };
// Transforms an array of promises into a promise for an array
Promise.all = function (promises) {
return Promise(function (resolve, reject, count, values) {
// Array of collected values
values = [];
// Resolve immediately if there are no promises
count = promises.length || resolve(values);
// Transform all elements (`map` is shorter than `forEach`) (promise, index) {
// Store the value and resolve if it was the last
function (value) {
values[index] = value;
--count || resolve(values);
// Reject if one element fails
})('f', 'o');
/***/ },
/* 5 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var hash = __webpack_require__(6);
var Promise = null;
var isCordova = typeof cordova !== 'undefined';
if(!isCordova) {
window.ProgressEvent = function ProgressEvent(){}
/* Cordova File Cache x */
function FileCache(options){
// cordova-promise-fs
this._fs = options.fs;
if(!this._fs) {
throw new Error('Missing required option "fs". Add an instance of cordova-promise-fs.');
// Use Promises from fs.
Promise = this._fs.Promise;
// 'mirror' mirrors files structure from "serverRoot" to "localRoot"
// 'hash' creates a 1-deep filestructure, where the filenames are hashed server urls (with extension)
this._mirrorMode = options.mode !== 'hash';
this._retry = options.retry || [500,1500,8000];
this._cacheBuster = !!options.cacheBuster;
// normalize path
this._localRoot = options.localRoot || 'data';
if(this._localRoot[this._localRoot.length -1] !== '/') this._localRoot += '/';
if(this._localRoot[0] !== '/') this._localRoot = '/' + this._localRoot;
this._serverRoot = options.serverRoot || '';
if(!!this._serverRoot && this._serverRoot[this._serverRoot.length-1] !== '/') this._serverRoot += '/';
if(this._serverRoot === './') this._serverRoot = '';
// set internal variables
this._downloading = []; // download promises
this._added = []; // added files
this._cached = {}; // cached files
// list existing cache contents
this.ready = this.list();
* Helper to cache all 'internalURL' and 'URL' for quick synchronous access
* to the cached files.
FileCache.prototype.list = function list(){
var self = this;
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
self._cached = {};
entries ={
self._cached[entry.fullPath] = {
toInternalURL: isCordova? entry.toInternalURL(): entry.toURL(),
toURL: entry.toURL(),
return entry.fullPath;
FileCache.prototype.add = function add(urls){
if(!urls) urls = [];
if(typeof urls === 'string') urls = [urls];
var self = this;
url = self.toServerURL(url);
if(self._added.indexOf(url) === -1) {
return self.isDirty();
FileCache.prototype.remove = function remove(urls,returnPromises){
if(!urls) urls = [];
var promises = [];
if(typeof urls === 'string') urls = [urls];
var self = this;
var index = self._added.indexOf(self.toServerURL(url));
if(index >= 0) self._added.splice(index,1);
var path = self.toPath(url);
delete self._cached[path];
return returnPromises? Promise.all(promises): self.isDirty();
FileCache.prototype.getDownloadQueue = function(){
var self = this;
var queue = self._added.filter(function(url){
return !self.isCached(url);
return queue;
FileCache.prototype.getAdded = function() {
return this._added;
FileCache.prototype.isDirty = function isDirty(){
return this.getDownloadQueue().length > 0;
}; = function download(onprogress){
var fs = this._fs;
var self = this;
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
// make sure cache directory exists and that
// we have retrieved the latest cache contents
// to avoid downloading files we already have!
return self.list();
// no dowloads needed, resolve
if(!self.isDirty()) {
// keep track of number of downloads!
var queue = self.getDownloadQueue();
var started = [];
var index = self._downloading.length;
var done = self._downloading.length;
var total = self._downloading.length + queue.length;
// download every file in the queue (which is the diff from _added with _cached)
var path = self.toPath(url);
// augment progress event with index/total stats
var onSingleDownloadProgress;
if(typeof onprogress === 'function') {
onSingleDownloadProgress = function(ev){
ev.queueIndex = index;
ev.queueSize = total;
ev.url = url;
ev.path = path;
ev.percentage = index / total;
if(ev.loaded > 0 && > 0 && index !== total){
ev.percentage += (ev.loaded / / total;
if(started.indexOf(url) < 0) {
// callback
var onDone = function(){
// when we're done
if(done === total) {
// reset downloads
self._downloading = [];
// check if we got everything
// final progress event!
if(onSingleDownloadProgress) onSingleDownloadProgress(new ProgressEvent());
// Yes, we're not dirty anymore!
if(!self.isDirty()) {
// Aye, some files got left behind!
} else {
var downloadUrl = url;
if(self._cacheBuster) downloadUrl += "?";
var download =,path,{retry:self._retry},onSingleDownloadProgress);
FileCache.prototype.abort = function abort(){
this._downloading = [];
FileCache.prototype.isCached = function isCached(url){
url = this.toPath(url);
return !!this._cached[url];
FileCache.prototype.clear = function clear(){
this._cached = {};
return this._fs.removeDir(this._localRoot);
* Helpers to output to various formats
FileCache.prototype.toInternalURL = function toInternalURL(url){
path = this.toPath(url);
if(this._cached[path]) return this._cached[path].toInternalURL;
return this._fs.toInternalURLSync(path);
FileCache.prototype.get = function get(url){
path = this.toPath(url);
if(this._cached[path]) return this._cached[path].toInternalURL;
return this.toServerURL(url);
FileCache.prototype.toDataURL = function toDataURL(url){
return this._fs.toDataURL(this.toPath(url));
FileCache.prototype.toURL = function toURL(url){
path = this.toPath(url);
return this._cached[path]? this._cached[path].toURL: url;
FileCache.prototype.toServerURL = function toServerURL(path){
if(path[0] === '/') path = path.substr(1);
return path.indexOf('://') < 0? this._serverRoot + path: path;
* Helper to transform remote URL to a local path (for cordova-promise-fs)
FileCache.prototype.toPath = function toPath(url){
if(this._mirrorMode) {
url = url || '';
len = this._serverRoot.length;
if(url.substr(0,len) !== this._serverRoot) {
if(url[0] === '/') url = url.substr(1);
return this._localRoot + url;
} else {
return this._localRoot + url.substr(len);
} else {
return this._localRoot + hash(url) + url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('.'));
module.exports = FileCache;
/***/ },
/* 6 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
* JS Implementation of MurmurHash3 (r136) (as of May 20, 2011)
* @author <a href="">Gary Court</a>
* @see
* @author <a href="">Austin Appleby</a>
* @see
* @param {string} key ASCII only
* @param {number} seed Positive integer only
* @return {number} 32-bit positive integer hash
function murmurhash3_32_gc(key, seed) {
var remainder, bytes, h1, h1b, c1, c1b, c2, c2b, k1, i;
remainder = key.length & 3; // key.length % 4
bytes = key.length - remainder;
h1 = seed;
c1 = 0xcc9e2d51;
c2 = 0x1b873593;
i = 0;
while (i < bytes) {
k1 =
((key.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff)) |
((key.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 8) |
((key.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 16) |
((key.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 24);
k1 = ((((k1 & 0xffff) * c1) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c1) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff;
k1 = (k1 << 15) | (k1 >>> 17);
k1 = ((((k1 & 0xffff) * c2) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c2) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff;
h1 ^= k1;
h1 = (h1 << 13) | (h1 >>> 19);
h1b = ((((h1 & 0xffff) * 5) + ((((h1 >>> 16) * 5) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff;
h1 = (((h1b & 0xffff) + 0x6b64) + ((((h1b >>> 16) + 0xe654) & 0xffff) << 16));
k1 = 0;
switch (remainder) {
case 3: k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(i + 2) & 0xff) << 16;
case 2: k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 0xff) << 8;
case 1: k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff);
k1 = (((k1 & 0xffff) * c1) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c1) & 0xffff) << 16)) & 0xffffffff;
k1 = (k1 << 15) | (k1 >>> 17);
k1 = (((k1 & 0xffff) * c2) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c2) & 0xffff) << 16)) & 0xffffffff;
h1 ^= k1;
h1 ^= key.length;
h1 ^= h1 >>> 16;
h1 = (((h1 & 0xffff) * 0x85ebca6b) + ((((h1 >>> 16) * 0x85ebca6b) & 0xffff) << 16)) & 0xffffffff;
h1 ^= h1 >>> 13;
h1 = ((((h1 & 0xffff) * 0xc2b2ae35) + ((((h1 >>> 16) * 0xc2b2ae35) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff;
h1 ^= h1 >>> 16;
return h1 >>> 0;
module.exports = murmurhash3_32_gc;
/***/ }
/******/ ])

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

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(function(){window.pegasus=function t(e,o){o=new XMLHttpRequest;"GET",e);e=[];o.onreadystatechange=o.then=function(t,n,s){if([t,n];if(o.readyState==4){s=e[0|o.status/400];if(s)s(o.status===200||o.status===0?JSON.parse(o.responseText):o)}};o.send();return o};function t(t,e,o){if(!t.load){console.error("Manifest has nothing to load (manifest.load is empty).",t);return}var n,s=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],a=t.load.concat();function r(){var e=a.shift();if(!e)return;if(e[0]==="/")e=e.substr(1);e=t.root+e;if(e.substr(-3)===".js"){n=document.createElement("script");n.type="text/javascript";n.src=e;n.onload=r}else{n=document.createElement("link");n.rel="stylesheet";n.href=e;n.type="text/css";setTimeout(r,0)}s.appendChild(n)}t.root=t.root||"./";if(t.root.length>0&&t.root[t.root.length-1]!=="/")t.root+="/";if(!e)localStorage.setItem("manifest",JSON.stringify(t));if(t.root.substr(0,7)==="cdvfile"){document.addEventListener("deviceready",r,false)}else{r()}window.Manifest=t;if(e){setTimeout(function(){if(!window.BOOTSTRAP_OK){localStorage.removeItem("manifest");location.reload()}},o)}}window.Manifest={};var e=JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("manifest"));var o=document.querySelector("script[manifest]");if(!e){var n=(o?o.getAttribute("manifest"):null)||"manifest.json";pegasus(n).then(t,function(t){console.error("Could not download "+n+": "+t.status)})}else{t(e,true,o.getAttribute("timeout")||1e4)}})();

@@ -76,2 +76,3 @@ var CordovaAppLoader =

// initialize a file cache
if(options.mode) options.mode = 'mirror';
this.cache = new CordovaFileCache(options);

@@ -418,6 +419,10 @@

if(this._cached[path]) return this._cached[path].toInternalURL;
return this.toServerURL(path);
return this._fs.toInternalURLSync(path);
FileCache.prototype.get = FileCache.prototype.toInternalURL;
FileCache.prototype.get = function get(url){
path = this.toPath(url);
if(this._cached[path]) return this._cached[path].toInternalURL;
return this.toServerURL(url);

@@ -430,3 +435,3 @@ FileCache.prototype.toDataURL = function toDataURL(url){

path = this.toPath(url);
return this._cached[path]? this._cached[path].toURL: this.toServerURL(url);
return this._cached[path]? this._cached[path].toURL: url;

@@ -433,0 +438,0 @@

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