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cordova-res - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.3 to 0.1.0




@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import * as et from 'elementtree';
import et from 'elementtree';
import { GeneratedImage, Platform } from './platform';
export declare function run(images: ReadonlyArray<GeneratedImage>, doc: et.ElementTree): void;
export declare function run(configPath: string, images: ReadonlyArray<GeneratedImage>, doc: et.ElementTree): void;
export declare function groupImages(images: ReadonlyArray<GeneratedImage>): Map<Platform, GeneratedImage[]>;

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ export declare function read(path: string): Promise<et.ElementTree>;

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
const utils_fs_1 = require("@ionic/utils-fs");
const Debug = require("debug");
const et = require("elementtree");
const debug = Debug('cordova-res:config');
function run(images, doc) {
const debug_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("debug"));
const elementtree_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("elementtree"));
const path_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("path"));
const debug = debug_1.default('cordova-res:config');
function run(configPath, images, doc) {
const root = doc.getroot();

@@ -15,15 +17,18 @@ const orientation = getPreference(doc, 'Orientation') || 'default';

debug('Creating node for %o', platform);
platformElement = et.SubElement(root, 'platform', { name: platform });
platformElement = elementtree_1.default.SubElement(root, 'platform', { name: platform });
const filteredImages = platformImages.filter(img => orientation === 'default' || typeof img.orientation === 'undefined' || img.orientation === orientation);
for (const image of filteredImages) {
// We use forward slashes, (not path.join) here to provide cross-platform
// We force the use of forward slashes here to provide cross-platform
// compatibility for paths.
let imgElement = platformElement.find(`${image.nodeName}[@src='${image.dest}']`);
const dest = path_1.default.relative(path_1.default.dirname(configPath), image.dest).replace(/\\/g, '/');
let imgElement = platformElement.find(`${image.nodeName}[@src='${dest}']`);
if (!imgElement) {
imgElement = platformElement.find(`${image.nodeName}[@src='${image.dest.split('/').join('\\')}']`);
// We didn't find the element using forward slashes, so let's try to
// find it with backslashes.
imgElement = platformElement.find(`${image.nodeName}[@src='${dest.replace(/\//g, '\\')}']`);
if (!imgElement) {
debug('Creating %O node for %o', image.nodeName, image.dest);
imgElement = et.SubElement(platformElement, image.nodeName);
debug('Creating %O node for %o', image.nodeName, dest);
imgElement = elementtree_1.default.SubElement(platformElement, image.nodeName);

@@ -33,3 +38,3 @@ for (const attr of image.nodeAttributes) {

if (attr === "src" /* SRC */) {
v = image.dest;
v = dest;

@@ -59,3 +64,3 @@ if (v) {

const contents = await utils_fs_1.readFile(path, 'utf8');
const doc = et.parse(contents);
const doc = elementtree_1.default.parse(contents);
return doc;

@@ -62,0 +67,0 @@ }

@@ -16,2 +16,3 @@ "use strict";

--splash-source <path> ... Use specified file for splash source image
--resources <path> ....... Use specified directory as resources directory

@@ -18,0 +19,0 @@ -h, --help ............... Print help for the platform, then quit

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
const utils_fs_1 = require("@ionic/utils-fs");
const Debug = require("debug");
const sharp = require("sharp");
const debug = Debug('cordova-res:image');
const debug_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("debug"));
const sharp_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("sharp"));
const debug = debug_1.default('cordova-res:image');

@@ -32,3 +33,3 @@ * Check an array of source files, returning the first viable image.

async function transformImage(image, src) {
return sharp(src)
return sharp_1.default(src)
.resize(image.width, image.height)

@@ -35,0 +36,0 @@ .toBuffer();

@@ -0,3 +1,46 @@

/// <reference types="node" />
import { Platform, RunPlatformOptions } from './platform';
export declare function run(): Promise<void>;
export declare function generateRunOptions(platform: Platform, args: ReadonlyArray<string>): RunPlatformOptions;
declare function CordovaRes({ directory, resourcesDirectory, logstream, platforms, }?: CordovaRes.Options): Promise<void>;
declare namespace CordovaRes {
type PlatformOptions = {
[P in Platform]?: Readonly<RunPlatformOptions>;
const run: typeof CordovaRes;
* Options for `cordova-res`.
* Each key may be excluded to use a provided default.
interface Options {
* Operating directory. Usually the root of the project.
* `cordova-res` operates in the root of a standard Cordova project setup.
* The specified directory should contain `config.xml` and a resources
* folder, configured via `resourcesDirectory`.
readonly directory?: string;
* Directory name or absolute path to resources directory.
* The resources directory contains the source images and generated images
* of a Cordova project's resources.
readonly resourcesDirectory?: string;
* Specify an alternative output mechanism.
* A NullStream may be used to silence output entirely.
readonly logstream?: NodeJS.WritableStream;
* Resource generation configuration by platform.
* Each key/value represents the options for a supported platform. If
* provided, resources are generated in an explicit, opt-in manner.
readonly platforms?: Readonly<PlatformOptions>;
function runCommandLine(args: ReadonlyArray<string>): Promise<void>;
export = CordovaRes;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Debug = require("debug");
const path = require("path");
const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
const debug_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("debug"));
const path_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("path"));
const cli_1 = require("./cli");
const config_1 = require("./config");
const platform_1 = require("./platform");
const resources_1 = require("./resources");
const cli_1 = require("./utils/cli");
const debug = Debug('cordova-res');
async function run() {
const args = process.argv.slice(2);
if (args.includes('--version')) {
const pkg = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require(path.resolve(__dirname, '../package.json')));
process.stdout.write(pkg.version + '\n');
if (args[0] === 'help' || args.includes('--help') || args.includes('-h')) {
const help = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('./help'));
const configPath = 'config.xml';
const platformArg = args[0] ? args[0].toString() : undefined;
const typeOption = cli_1.getOptionValue(args, '--type');
try {
const platforms = platform_1.validatePlatforms(platformArg && !platformArg.startsWith('-') ? [platformArg] : platform_1.PLATFORMS);
const types = resources_1.validateResourceTypes(typeOption ? [typeOption] : resources_1.RESOURCE_TYPES);
const config = await;
const images = [];
for (const platform of platforms) {
const platformImages = await, types, generateRunOptions(platform, args));
process.stdout.write(`Generated ${platformImages.length} images for ${platform}\n`);
const debug = debug_1.default('cordova-res');
async function CordovaRes({ directory = process.cwd(), resourcesDirectory = resources_1.DEFAULT_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY, logstream = process.stdout, platforms = {
["android" /* ANDROID */]: cli_1.generateRunOptions("android" /* ANDROID */, resourcesDirectory, []),
["ios" /* IOS */]: cli_1.generateRunOptions("ios" /* IOS */, resourcesDirectory, []),
}, } = {}) {
const configPath = path_1.default.resolve(directory, 'config.xml');
const resourcesPath = path_1.default.isAbsolute(resourcesDirectory) ? resourcesDirectory : path_1.default.resolve(directory, resourcesDirectory);
debug('Paths: (config: %O) (resources: %O)', configPath, resourcesPath);
const config = await;
const images = [];
for (const platform of platform_1.PLATFORMS) {
const platformOptions = platforms[platform];
if (platformOptions) {
const platformImages = await, resourcesPath, platformOptions);
logstream.write(`Generated ${platformImages.length} images for ${platform}\n`);
}, config);
await config_1.write(configPath, config);
process.stdout.write(`Wrote to config.xml\n`);
catch (e) {
debug('Caught fatal error: %O', e);
process.exitCode = 1;
process.stdout.write(e.stack ? e.stack : e.toString());
}, images, config);
await config_1.write(configPath, config);
logstream.write(`Wrote to config.xml\n`);
} = run;
function generateRunOptions(platform, args) {
const iconSourceOption = cli_1.getOptionValue(args, '--icon-source');
const splashSourceOption = cli_1.getOptionValue(args, '--splash-source');
const iconOptions = {};
const splashOptions = {};
if (iconSourceOption) {
iconOptions.sources = [iconSourceOption];
(function (CordovaRes) { = CordovaRes;
async function runCommandLine(args) {
if (args.includes('--version')) {
const pkg = await Promise.resolve().then(() => tslib_1.__importStar(require(path_1.default.resolve(__dirname, '../package.json'))));
process.stdout.write(pkg.version + '\n');
if (args[0] === 'help' || args.includes('--help') || args.includes('-h')) {
const help = await Promise.resolve().then(() => tslib_1.__importStar(require('./help')));
try {
const options = cli_1.parseOptions(args);
catch (e) {
debug('Caught fatal error: %O', e);
process.exitCode = 1;
process.stderr.write(e.stack ? e.stack : e.toString());
if (splashSourceOption) {
splashOptions.sources = [splashSourceOption];
return {
["icon" /* ICON */]: Object.assign({ sources: [`resources/${platform}/icon.png`, 'resources/icon.png'] }, iconOptions),
["splash" /* SPLASH */]: Object.assign({ sources: [`resources/${platform}/splash.png`, 'resources/splash.png'] }, splashOptions),
exports.generateRunOptions = generateRunOptions;
CordovaRes.runCommandLine = runCommandLine;
})(CordovaRes || (CordovaRes = {}));
module.exports = CordovaRes;

@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ import { ResourceKey, ResourceType, ResourcesImageConfig } from './resources';

export interface RunPlatformOptions {
[ResourceType.ICON]: RunPlatformResourceTypeOptions;
[ResourceType.SPLASH]: RunPlatformResourceTypeOptions;
[ResourceType.ICON]?: RunPlatformResourceTypeOptions;
[ResourceType.SPLASH]?: RunPlatformResourceTypeOptions;

@@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ export interface GeneratedImage extends ResourcesImageConfig {

export declare function run(platform: Platform, types: ReadonlyArray<ResourceType>, options: Readonly<RunPlatformOptions>): Promise<GeneratedImage[]>;
export declare function runType(platform: Platform, type: ResourceType, options: Readonly<RunPlatformOptions>): Promise<GeneratedImage[]>;
export declare function run(platform: Platform, resourcesPath: string, options: Readonly<RunPlatformOptions>): Promise<GeneratedImage[]>;
export declare function runType(platform: Platform, type: ResourceType, resourcesPath: string, options: Readonly<RunPlatformResourceTypeOptions>): Promise<GeneratedImage[]>;
export declare function validatePlatforms(platforms: ReadonlyArray<string>): Platform[];
export declare function isSupportedPlatform(platform: any): platform is Platform;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
const utils_fs_1 = require("@ionic/utils-fs");
const Debug = require("debug");
const pathlib = require("path");
const debug_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("debug"));
const path_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("path"));
const image_1 = require("./image");
const resources_1 = require("./resources");
const debug = Debug('cordova-res:platform');
const debug = debug_1.default('cordova-res:platform');
exports.PLATFORMS = ["android" /* ANDROID */, "ios" /* IOS */];
async function run(platform, types, options) {
async function run(platform, resourcesPath, options) {
debug('Running %s platform with options: %O', platform, options);
const results = await Promise.all( (type) => runType(platform, type, options)));
return [].concat(...results);
const results = [];
return results.concat(...await Promise.all( (type) => {
const typeOptions = options[type];
if (typeOptions) {
return runType(platform, type, resourcesPath, typeOptions);
return [];
} = run;
async function runType(platform, type, options) {
async function runType(platform, type, resourcesPath, options) {
debug('Building %s resources for %s platform', type, platform);
const [src, srcbuf] = await image_1.resolveSourceImage(options[type].sources);
const [src, srcbuf] = await image_1.resolveSourceImage(options.sources);
debug('Using %O for %s source image for %s', src, type, platform);
const config = resources_1.RESOURCES[platform][type];
const dir = pathlib.join('resources', platform, type);
const dir = path_1.default.resolve(resourcesPath, platform, type);
await utils_fs_1.ensureDir(dir);
const images = await Promise.all( (image) => {
const dest = pathlib.join(dir,;
const dest = path_1.default.join(dir,;
await image_1.generateImage(image, srcbuf, dest);

@@ -26,0 +33,0 @@ return Object.assign({ src,

import { Platform } from './platform';
export declare const DEFAULT_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY = "resources";
export declare const enum ResourceType {

@@ -3,0 +4,0 @@ ICON = "icon",

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.DEFAULT_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY = 'resources';
exports.RESOURCE_TYPES = ["icon" /* ICON */, "splash" /* SPLASH */];

@@ -4,0 +5,0 @@ function validateResourceTypes(types) {

"name": "cordova-res",
"version": "0.0.3",
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "This tool will crop and resize PNG source images into appropriate sizes for modern iOS and Android devices.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "homepage": "",

@@ -17,2 +17,8 @@ # Resource Generator

## Install
$ npm install -g cordova-res
## Usage

@@ -25,1 +31,33 @@

### Programmatic API
`cordova-res` can be used programmatically.
#### CommonJS Example
const run = require('cordova-res');
await run();
#### TypeScript Example
`run()` takes an options object described by the interface `Options`. If options are provided, resources are generated in an explicit, opt-in manner. In the following example, only Android icons and iOS splash screens are generated.
import { Options, run } from 'cordova-res';
const options: Options = {
directory: '/path/to/project',
resourcesDirectory: 'resources',
logstream: process.stdout, // Any WritableStream
platforms: {
android: { icon: { sources: ['resources/icon.png'] } },
ios: { splash: { sources: ['resources/splash.png'] } },
await run(options);

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