What is core-js-compat?
The core-js-compat package provides compatibility data for core-js, which is a modular standard library for JavaScript, including polyfills for ECMAScript up to the latest standards. It is useful for developers who need to know which features are available in core-js for a specific version of a browser or Node.js.
What are core-js-compat's main functionalities?
Compatibility Data Retrieval
Retrieve a list of features supported by core-js for a specific environment, such as Chrome 70.
const { list } = require('core-js-compat')({ targets: 'chrome 70' });
Custom Build Generation
Generate a list of core-js modules required to support a specific target, such as Internet Explorer 11, with a specific version of core-js.
const { getModulesListForTargetVersion } = require('core-js-compat');
const modulesList = getModulesListForTargetVersion({ targets: { ie: 11 }, version: '3.6' });
Other packages similar to core-js-compat
Babel-polyfill is a package that includes Babel transforms and a polyfill that includes a custom regenerator runtime and core-js. It is similar to core-js-compat in that it provides polyfills for ECMAScript features, but it is less modular and is deprecated in favor of directly including core-js and regenerator-runtime.
The es6-shim package provides polyfills for ECMAScript 6 (also known as ECMAScript 2015) features. It is similar to core-js-compat in providing polyfills, but it is focused only on ES6 features and does not provide the modular approach or the compatibility data that core-js-compat offers.
The polyfill-service package by Financial Times provides a service that returns a set of polyfills based on the user-agent string of the browser making the request. It is similar to core-js-compat in that it aims to provide polyfills for compatibility, but it does so as a service rather than a package to include in your project.
package contains data about the necessity of core-js
modules and API for getting a list of required core-js modules by browserslist query.
const {
} = require('core-js-compat')({
targets: '> 2.5%',
filter: 'es.',
If you want to add new / update data about modules required for target engines, follow this instruction.