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Standard library

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Package description

What is core-js?

The core-js npm package is a modular standard library for JavaScript, which includes polyfills for ECMAScript features. It provides reliable polyfills to ensure that code behaves consistently across different environments, including older browsers.

What are core-js's main functionalities?

Polyfilling ECMAScript features

This feature allows developers to use the latest ECMAScript features while ensuring backward compatibility with older environments that do not support these features natively.

// Now you can use ES6 features like Promise in environments that do not support them natively.

Polyfilling Web Standards

Core-js can also polyfill web standards, allowing developers to use modern web APIs in environments that have not implemented them.

// This includes polyfills for web standards like DOM collections (e.g., NodeList), timers, and more.

Polyfilling Proposals

Developers can experiment with proposed ECMAScript features before they are finalized and adopted into the standard, ensuring forward compatibility.

// This will include polyfills for ECMAScript proposals that are not yet part of the standard.

Other packages similar to core-js




Alternative standard library for javascript. Includes polyfills for ECMAScript 5, ECMAScript 6: Set, Map, WeakSet, WeakMap, Promise, Symbol, iterators; setImmediate, static array methods, console cap. Additional functionality: Dict, extended partial application, extended object api, Date formatting and other sugar.


npm i core-js



<script src='core.min.js'></script>




global -> object                                                      node
  .create(proto | null, descs?) -> object                             es5
  .getPrototypeOf(object) -> proto | null                             es5 sham
  .setPrototypeOf(object, proto | null) -> &0                         es6 sham
  .defineProperty(object, key, desc) -> &0                            es5 sham
  .defineProperties(object, descs) -> &0                              es5 sham
  .getOwnPropertyNames(object) -> array                               es5 sham
  .getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, key) -> desc                      es5
  .keys(object) -> array                                              es5
  .values(object) -> array                                            es7
  .entries(object) -> array                                           es7
  .assign(target, ...src) -> &0                                       es6
  .is(a, b) -> bool                                                   es6
  .isPrototype(proto, object) -> bool                                 core
  .getOwnPropertyKeys(object) -> array                                core
  .getPropertyDescriptor(object, key) -> desc                         core
  .getOwnPropertyDescriptors(object) -> descs                         core
  .make(proto | null, props?) -> object                               core
  .define(object, props) -> &0                                        core
  .isObject(var) -> bool                                              core
  .classof(var) -> string                                             core
  .tie(object, key, ...args | _) -> fn(...args)                       core
  ::[_](key, ...args | _) -> fn(...args)                              core
  ::bind(object, ...args | _) -> fn(...args)                          es5
  ::part(...args | _) -> fn(...args)                                  core
  ::by(object | _, ...args | _) -> fn(...args)                        core
  ::only(numberArguments, that /* = @ */) -> fn(...args)              core
  ::methodize() -> fn(that, ...args)                                  core
  ::invoke(args, that) -> var                                         core
  ::construct(args) -> object                                         core
  ::timeout(time, ...args) -> deferred                                core
  ::interval(time, ...args) -> deferred                               core
  ::immediate(...args) -> deferred                                    core
  .isArray(var) -> bool                                               es5
  .from(iterable | array-like, fn(val, key, @)?, that) -> array       es6
  .of(...args) -> array                                               es6
  .{...Array::}                                                       js1.6
  ::slice(start?, end?) -> array                                      es5
  ::join(string = ',') -> string                                      es5
  ::indexOf(var, from?) -> int                                        es5
  ::lastIndexOf(var, from?) -> int                                    es5
  ::every(fn(val, key, @), that) -> bool                              es5
  ::some(fn(val, key, @), that) -> bool                               es5
  ::forEach(fn(val, key, @), that) -> void                            es5
  ::map(fn(val, key, @), that) -> array                               es5
  ::filter(fn(val, key, @), that) -> array                            es5
  ::reduce(fn(memo, val, key, @), memo?) -> var                       es5
  ::reduceRight(fn(memo, val, key, @), memo?) -> var                  es5
  ::fill(var, start?, end?) -> @                                      es5
  ::find(fn(val, key, @), that) -> var                                es6
  ::findIndex(fn(val, key, @), that) -> int                           es6
  ::values() -> iterator                                              es6
  ::keys() -> iterator                                                es6
  ::entries() -> iterator (entries)                                   es6
  ::@@iterator() -> iterator                                          es6
  ::get(index) -> var                                                 core
  ::set(index, value) -> @                                            core
  ::delete(index) -> bool                                             core
  ::contains(var, from?) -> bool                                      es7
  ::clone() -> var                                                    core
  ::turn(fn(memo, val, key, @), memo = []) -> memo                    core
[new] Dict(itarable (entries) | object ?) -> dict                     core
  .isDict(var) -> bool                                                core
  .has(object, key) -> bool                                           core
  .get(object, key) -> val                                            core
  .set(object, key, value) -> &0                                      core
  .forEach(object, fn(val, key, @), that) -> void                     core
  .map(object, fn(val, key, @), that) -> new @                        core
  .filter(object, fn(val, key, @), that) -> new @                     core
  .some(object, fn(val, key, @), that) -> bool                        core
  .every(object, fn(val, key, @), that) -> bool                       core
  .find(object, fn(val, key, @), that) -> val                         core
  .findKey(object, fn(val, key, @), that) -> key                      core
  .keyOf(object, var) -> key                                          core
  .contains(object, var) -> bool                                      core
  .reduce(object, fn(memo, val, key, @), memo?) -> var                core
  .turn(object, fn(memo, val, key, @), memo = new @) -> memo          core
  .clone(foo) -> var                                                  core
new Set(iterable?) -> set                                             es6
  ::add(key) -> @                                                     es6
  ::clear() -> void                                                   es6
  ::delete(key) -> bool                                               es6
  ::forEach(fn(el, el, @), that) -> void                              es6
  ::has(key) -> bool                                                  es6
  ::size -> uint                                                      es6
  ::values() -> iterator                                              es6
  ::keys() -> iterator                                                es6
  ::entries() -> iterator (entries)                                   es6
  ::@@iterator() -> iterator                                          es6
new Map(iterable (entries) ?) -> map                                  es6
  ::clear() -> void                                                   es6
  ::delete(key) -> bool                                               es6
  ::forEach(fn(val, key, @), that) -> void                            es6
  ::get(key) -> val                                                   es6
  ::has(key) -> bool                                                  es6
  ::set(key, val) -> @                                                es6
  ::size -> uint                                                      es6
  ::values() -> iterator                                              es6
  ::keys() -> iterator                                                es6
  ::entries() -> iterator (entries)                                   es6
  ::@@iterator() -> iterator (entries)                                es6
new WeakSet(iterable?) -> weakset                                     es6
  ::add(key) -> @                                                     es6
  ::clear() -> void                                                   es6
  ::delete(key) -> bool                                               es6
  ::has(key) -> bool                                                  es6
new WeakMap(iterable (entries) ?) -> weakmap                          es6 sham
  ::clear() -> void                                                   es6 sham
  ::delete(key) -> bool                                               es6
  ::get(key) -> val                                                   es6
  ::has(key) -> bool                                                  es6
  ::set(key, val) -> @                                                es6
  ::trim() -> str                                                     es5
  ::contains(str, from?) -> bool                                      es6
  ::startsWith(str, from?) -> bool                                    es6
  ::endsWith(str, from?) -> bool                                      es6
  ::repeat(num) -> str                                                es6
  ::@@iterator() -> iterator                                          es6 sham
  ::escapeHTML() -> str                                               core
  ::unescapeHTML() -> str                                             core
  .escape(str) -> str                                                 es7
  .EPSILON -> num                                                     es6
  .isFinite(num) -> bool                                              es6
  .isInteger(num) -> bool                                             es6
  .isNaN(num) -> bool                                                 es6
  .isSafeInteger(num) -> bool                                         es6
  .MAX_SAFE_INTEGER -> int                                            es6
  .MIN_SAFE_INTEGER -> int                                            es6
  .parseFloat(str) -> num                                             es6
  .parseInt(str) -> int                                               es6
  .toInteger(num) -> int                                              core
  ::times(fn(i, i, @), that) -> array                                 core
  ::random(lim = 0) -> num                                            core
  ::{...Math}                                                         core
  .acosh(num) -> num                                                  es6
  .asinh(num) -> num                                                  es6
  .atanh(num) -> num                                                  es6
  .cbrt(num) -> num                                                   es6
  .clz32(num) -> uint                                                 es6
  .cosh(num) -> num                                                   es6
  .expm1(num) -> num                                                  es6
  .hypot(...args) -> num                                              es6
  .imul(num, num) -> int                                              es6
  .log1p(num) -> num                                                  es6
  .log10(num) -> num                                                  es6
  .log2(num) -> num                                                   es6
  .sign(num) -> 1 | -1 | 0 | -0 | NaN                                 es6
  .sinh(num) -> num                                                   es6
  .tanh(num) -> num                                                   es6
  .trunc(num) -> num                                                  es6
  .randomInt(lim1, lim2 = 0) -> int                                   core
  .now() -> int                                                       es5
  .addLocale(key, object) -> @                                        core
  .locale(key?) -> key                                                core
  ::format(str, key?) -> str                                          core
  ::formatUTC(str, key?) -> str                                       core
Symbol(description?) -> symbol                                        es6 sham
  .for(key) -> symbol                                                 es6
  .keyFor(symbol) -> key                                              es6
  .iterator -> symbol                                                 es6 sham
  .toStringTag -> symbol                                              es6
  .pure() -> symbol || string                                         core
  .set(object, key, val) -> &0                                        core
new Promise(resolver(resolve(var), reject(var))) -> promise           es6
  ::then(resolved(var), rejected(var)) -> promise                     es6
  ::catch(rejected(var)) -> promise                                   es6
  .resolve(var || promise) -> promise                                 es6
  .reject(var) -> promise                                             es6
  .all(iterable) -> promise                                           es6
  .race(iterable) -> promise                                          es6
setTimeout(fn(...args), time, ...args) -> id                          w3c / whatwg
setInterval(fn(...args), time, ...args) -> id                         w3c / whatwg
setImmediate(fn(...args), ...args) -> id                              w3c / whatwg
clearImmediate(id) -> void                                            w3c / whatwg
console(...args) -> void                                              core
  .{...console API}                                                   console api
  .enable() -> void                                                   core
  .disable() -> void                                                  core
$for(iterable, entries).of(fn(value, key?), that) -> void             core
  .isIterable(var) -> bool                                            core
  .getIterator(iterable) -> iterator                                  core
core                                                                  core
  .{}                                                        core
_ -> object                                                           core / undescore


Last updated on 12 Sep 2014

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