Advanced tools
Version 1.0.2
When using the fusion renderer, this is how it works now:
Stacks in Cornerstone Tools correspond to layers in Cornerstone Core. If you have ten stacks in your toolData and you are using the fusion renderer, you have ten layers.
If no image is being displayed in the stack at any given time, the layer has image = undefined.
The active layer cannot be changed to a layer with an undefined image. setActiveLayer will switch to the base layer in this case.
When image is changed and current active layer has image=undefined, the active layer is set to the base layer.
Update cornerstone-core dependency since stack fusion renderer now requires APIs added in Cornerstone Core 1.1.0 (cornerstone.setLayerImage)
Added stackPrefetch configuration option for maximum amount of images to fetch (thanks @maistho)
This option was added to allow developers using very large stack (i.e. > 1000 images) to limit the prefetching behaviour. The default value is Infinity, so no changes are necessary for normal use.
Version 1.0.1
The previous behaviour led to scrolling more than 1 image per pixel if there were more images than the height of the element in pixels, which wasn't a good user experience.
New behaviour is to scroll at most 1 image per 2 pixels, and at least 1 image per 1/8 of the element height. (thanks @Maistho)
Version 1.0.0
The solution for this is to inject your Cornerstone / jQuery / Hammers instance into Cornerstone Tools as follows:
cornerstoneTools.external.$ = $;
cornerstoneTools.external.Hammer = Hammer;
cornerstoneTools.external.cornerstone = cornerstone;
An example commit doing this in the OHIF Viewer Meteor application is here:
We apologize for any headaches that the breaking change 0.10.0 may have caused for those using module systems.
Version 0.10.0 (deprecated due to breaking change)
in IEChangelog
Version 0.9.1