A simple Reddit API wrapper for Javascript.
This is a JavaScript library specifically made for arctic Reddit client. It aims to make interacting with the API easier, as well as making the fetched data easier to work with. Since this library was specifically made for a single purpose, a lot of features are missing for it to be used as a general-use library (use snoowrap instead).
How is it different from other wrappers?
Well, first here's an example:
const corsica = new Corsica()
const { data, error } ='un038h').get({ sort: 'new' })
It's pretty simple and bare, but it returns something useful rather than Reddit API's mess:
author: {
name: "-TheRightTree-",
id: "36rpckx9",
id: "ebdsce",
submission_flair: {
has: true,
text_color: "dark",
text: "Feedback",
background_color: "",
title: "Happy Fox! - I would've Never Thought I could ever Draw this a Few Months ago",
score: 1866,
vote: 0,
saved: false,
nsfw: false,
spoiler: false,
subreddit: {
name: "learnart",
id: "2s6fc",
created: 1576494428,
upvote_ratio: 0.99,
content: {
type: "image",
media: [{
url: "",
height: 3840,
width: 3840,
Now you can actually tell if the media is an image, a video, or an emebed media.
You can also do simple actions like upvoting and saving posts:
const { data, error } ='un038h').upvote(1)
const { data, error } ='un038h').save()
npm i corsica-reddit
Coming soon
Well, thank you for considering! I have 0 experience in open-source and managing packages, so any help will be appreciated!