CouchDB Worker
A worker module that manages state.
npm install couchdb-worker
Create a new Worker
Basically you define an object with two functions: check and process:
var Worker = require("couchdb-worker");
new Worker({
name: 'foo',
server: "",
processor: {
check: function(doc) {
return true
process: function(doc, done) {
// do something with the doc
done(null, {
foo: 'bar'
}, 'mydb');
The check function is called to decide whether this doc should be processed generally.
For example you might only be interested in docs of a certain field.
This function is the same as a filter function.
The processing takes place in the process function.
This function takes two arguments: the doc and a callback function, done,
which takes an error and the ouput of the processing when the job has been done.
This output will be merged with the doc (if error is null
) and saved.
Note that the doc could have been changed after the job has been started
so that the doc variable could differ from the doc when it gets saved.
The processor above inserts the property foo with the value bar into every document.
Also take a look at examples/.
Create a new Worker for all databases
Use a Worker.pool if you want to spawn workers for each database:
var Worker = require("couchdb-worker");
new Worker.pool({
name: 'foo',
server: "",
processor: {
check: function(doc) {
return true
process: function(doc, done) {
// do something with the doc
done(null, {
foo: 'bar'
Per Database Configuration
Configuration is done in a worker configuration document inside the target database.
The worker looks at all databases and only process if there exists such a configuration file.
A Worker Configuration File might look like this:
"_id": "worker-config/myworker",
"_rev": "1-a653b27246b01cf9204fa9f5dee7cc64",
"my_worker_setting": "100%"
You can update the config live so that all future processings will take the new configuration.
Worker Status Document
The worker stores a status document inside the target database.
The worker stores its last update seq here and can resume at the point it has started the last processing.
"_id": "worker-status/myworker",
"_rev": "543-1922b5623d07453a753ab6ab2c634d04",
"last_seq": 34176,
"docs_processed": 145
Document Status Object
The worker updates a status object inside the document.
This makes it supereasy to monitor worker status as well as
it keeps a lock when many workers listen to the same database.
The status object of the worker could look like this:
"worker_status": {
"worker-name": {
"status": "completed"
The status field can be triggered, completed or error.
The worker status is scoped by the worker name in order to have many workers
processing the same document.
Running the Worker
To start, this needs either the following environment variables set:
npm start
or pass them to the commandline:
HOODIE_SERVER= npm start
Testing is done with Mocha. Run the tests with
npm test
License & Copyright
(c) null2 GmbH, 2012
License: The MIT License