Translate english to cron expressions
Install cron-translate
npm install --save cron-translate
const cronTranslate = require('cron-translate');
let cron = cronTranslate.toCron('every minute');
allows to use some fields and operators to compose the expressions that are translatable to cron expressions
The allowed fields are second
, minute
, hour
, day
, month
, week day
, or the plurals seconds
, minutes
, hours
, days
, months
, week days
- every operator may be used in three ways:
every <field>
: sets the field value to *
. e.g: every day
;every <value> <field>
: sets the field value to */<value>
. e.g: every 10 minutes
;every <field> <value>
: sets the field value to <value>
. e.g: every hour 2
- on operator may be use as the
every <field> value
on <field> <value>
: sets the field value to <value>
. e.g: on hour 2
- from to operator is used to create ranges.
from <field> <value1> to <value2>
: It sets the field value <value1>-<value2>
. e.g: from minute 2 to 10
The allowed values are:
- Numbers: for all fields.
- Names: for months and week days, full names and abreviations are allowed. e.g:
and mon
are the same.
Every usage
every second
is converted to * * * * * *
;every minute
is converted to 0 * * * * *
;every hour
is converted to 0 0 * * * *
;every sunday
is converted to 0 0 0 * * sunday
;every january
is converted to 0 0 0 * january *
;every 2 minutes
is converted to 0 */2 * * * *
;every day 10
is converted to 0 0 0 10 * *
On usage
on minute 2
is converted to 0 2 * * * *
;on sat
is converted to 0 0 0 * * sat
From to usage
from minute 2 to 30
is converted to 0 2-30 * * * *
Combining expressions
The expressions may be combined to create complex cron expresions:
every 10 minutes from hour 2 to 8
is converted to 0 */10 2-8 * * *
;every monday on hour 2 from minute 10 to 20
is converted to 0 10-20 2 * * monday