Connection Scan Algorithm for JavaScript
The Connection Scan Algorithm (CSA) for Javascript takes a stream of "connections" and transforms it into a stream of solutions to get from a certain stop to a certain stop. The algorithm will find the earliest arrival times first, and will return alternatives as long as the stream runs.
Use it
You can install the library using npm:
npm install csa
And include it in your nodejs application
var csa = require('csa');
var planner = new csa.BasicCSA({departureStop: "...", arrivalStop: "...",departureTime:new Date()});
planner.on("result", function (result) {
console.log("Path found:",result);
planner.on("data", function (connection) {
Multiple connection streams
Instead of using one stream of connections, you can combine multiple streams as input by using MergeStream
var connectionsStreams = [
[ 'stream1', connectionsReadStream1 ],
[ 'stream2', connectionsReadStream2 ],
var connectionsReadStream = new csa.MergeStream(connectionsStreams, query.departureTime);
You can add streams by setting an eventlistener on the MergeStream instance.
To remove a stream, just end the stream itself.
connectionsReadStream.on("data", function (connection) {
connectionsReadStream.addConnectionsStream('newStream', newConnectionsReadStream);
Protip: you can use browserify on this repo to use CSA in the browser